03-11-2022 09:38 AM
Anyone else having this problem? My sales completely died at the end of the weekend and haven’t picked up at all. My views are much lower and I’m getting no response on my offers which is unusual anyone know what’s up?
05-18-2022 04:41 PM
I think it is mostly the poor decisions made by ebay like changing the format of the categories. A disaster! They should go back ASAP to the old style of categories that was working very well.
05-18-2022 06:54 PM
@laurabeardsley wrote:I guess this proves how pathetic Ebay views really are. I sell on another site as well and views are much better. Ebay needs to be revised.
Not likely. What it should show you is what most of us know to be happening right now. The grocery prices and gas prices are likely taking most or all of the extra money people have to spend right now. They are just trying to survive.
05-18-2022 07:02 PM
Like what? Be specific. What did Ebay change this month that caused this issue?
I've never experienced sending an email in Ebay that doesn't make it through to the intended party. If you are trying to email your buyer directly using the email address that Ebay created for the transaction for the buyer, of course that won't work outside of Ebay. It was never intended to and BTW, this has been the case for a few years now, certainly nothing new.
Feedback has NOTHING to do with your status as a seller or your performance stats. Views nor feedback has anything to do with how Ebay evals a seller.
Much of what you say I'm not following. But how can anyone take your money if you aren't making any sales?
Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service.
If when you use the link below you can only get to the Automated Assistant, type AGENT in the box and hit enter. You will then get more options.
For the Payment Team
05-18-2022 11:36 PM
Those 20ft x 8ftx 8ft compacted clothing containers with the majority of them being tags on are hitting like a title wave.
05-19-2022 03:57 AM
You do have to wait it out in order to make a profit. You cannot start lowering your prices too much because you then cannot continue to buy inventory to replace those sold items and still make a profit. If you reduce prices too much you are going to go out of business in this current inflationary time. Costs to acquire items to sell are also up for many.
05-19-2022 04:00 AM
In the news yesterday the Dow Jones took a steep dive and it is attributed to consumers cutting back. Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot, Dollar tree, Target and many others having steep declines in sales.
05-19-2022 10:54 AM
The ole magic back has to do with getting these insane prices on gas, food, housings, utilities DOWN.
05-19-2022 11:38 AM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:You do have to wait it out in order to make a profit. You cannot start lowering your prices too much because you then cannot continue to buy inventory to replace those sold items and still make a profit. If you reduce prices too much you are going to go out of business in this current inflationary time. Costs to acquire items to sell are also up for many.
I didn't say to make yourself profit free. Your points are great, but I would hope sellers with experienced would realize this on their own. However doing a Markdown sale can be very helpful during slow times like this.
05-25-2022 06:13 PM
Yes, although I just got back from a long time of not selling. I noticed I can't even use the promoted option until 60 days. I think the key is being consistent, good luck.
05-25-2022 06:17 PM
Nothing in 2 Week Help Us
05-25-2022 07:06 PM
@marybell214 wrote:Nothing in 2 Week Help Us
While maybe not what you are use to or what you expect, according to your sold items you did sell a dozen items or so in the past two weeks.
I do understand that for some of us, me included, sales are slow right now.
05-25-2022 07:22 PM
Part couple days yeah
05-25-2022 07:39 PM
I drop off my orders to post office everyday.
And yes, the economy is really bad now.
Compare to the volume I saw before Co-vid19, the volume at the back of post office cubic has fallen into one thrid of the volume before.
And I see lots of old friends quit already, many new faces show up then disappeared after 3 months.
This inflation won't go away, it's here to stay.
People will get used to it after a few months, then economy will pick up again.
05-25-2022 07:46 PM
Sales are as slow as ever.
And when I have to deal with idiot buyers who make ridiculously low "best offers",
it's even more irritating.
05-27-2022 06:12 PM - edited 05-27-2022 06:15 PM
Same here I sell internationally and not a volume seller, no more international buyers and my sales and views drop off from cliff sharply in May 2022 again, very obvious in terrible page views, ig: A rare & hot item list for 2 week but just have 3 page view only(1 view even may be is me coz I had use another device to look at it….), all traffic datas changed to red red red after eBay change the page view count!!! My store seems invisible again and my impression is "sales will drop/die when eBay made a wrong change!!" Dead sales happens especially after the categories and page view count change coz most of my items have no/low views! Hope it will back to “normal” soon~~~~