03-24-2020 05:31 AM
This could be dangerous for the store owner's that watch their listing numbers as to not run over the limit with GTC.
I was happy to begin with, somewhat still am, but got to thinking that in one month if I don't watch my numbers I could end up with a huge listing fee bill.
03-24-2020 07:35 PM - edited 03-24-2020 07:36 PM
Anything listed in March will probably not qualify for one of the 50K free listings. I don't think it includes relistings, automatic or not. Might be good to understand the limitations a few days before April 24th and not take that chance.
03-24-2020 07:42 PM - edited 03-24-2020 07:43 PM
@upgradedendmills wrote:Anything listed in March will probably not qualify for one of the 50K free listings. I don't think it includes relistings, automatic or not. Might be good to understand the limitations a few days before April 24th and not take that chance.
They ARE counting, and have been counting since yesterday. The new ones I am putting up and the roll over GTC listings are coming off that count which is why I'm up to 64 / 49,936.
Me, my daughter, and my hubby have put up 25 NEW listings in the last 24 hours, the rest are the GTC's renewing.
All you have to do is watch your Active listings number << link to see when you go over your store level.
I get 1K FP and 1K Auctions for my store
In May I will go through and pull all the ones I started in April down (there is no way I'm going to hit my 1k limit before the end of March) what ever day it was that I went over my 1K number.
If I went over my 1K limit on April 15th then May the 12th (just for leaway's sake) I will pull all the listings I put up on April the 15th.
If I get real paranoid that I might miss a few, I'll just go (using the example above) on May the 12th, and pull every single listing that started from April the 15th through the rest of April. Problem solved.
Just go by the start dates.... this isn't hard and y'all are making it harder than it has to be...
03-24-2020 07:56 PM
I could easily be wrong here, I am going on past promos that did not include relistings, only new ones. There is a disclaimer in the very first statement of the 50K promo details that states "items listed prior to a seller activating the promotion will not be eligible for the promotional rate" I would much rather be 100% clear on it now than to take a chance with being billed later. Thanks.
03-24-2020 07:58 PM
03-24-2020 08:03 PM
Thanks, bar. Your guess is as good as mine, or maybe better. Not trying to excite anyone or cause any problem. I simply watch where I put my feet down and rarely have to scrape off my shoes.
03-24-2020 08:07 PM
03-24-2020 08:09 PM
03-24-2020 08:48 PM
Anything listing March 22 backwards isn't counting for March's 50K. Anything that was listed after you accepted the promo is... be it a GTC rolling over or a new listing being created. On April 1 any listings GTC or new ones you create will start counting towards April's 50k listings.
Has it really been that long since they did the big promo's like this?
Checked my emails... guess it has 5 years or so since the last one that had commas and zeros in the titles...
03-24-2020 09:01 PM
So Far I have not seen this promo. I pay so much in fees, I would hope to be one to get it. Still waiting.
03-24-2020 09:38 PM - edited 03-24-2020 09:39 PM
@chubbycatcollectibles wrote:So Far I have not seen this promo. I pay so much in fees, I would hope to be one to get it. Still waiting.
There's the link.... you MUST have a store.
Check seller hub in your promotional offers area.
Do you have it set up to get emails from eBay?
03-24-2020 10:08 PM
I too, am a small Seller but, unfortunately for me, eBay is my main source of income. Sales have been awful for the past 2 years & are tanking right now. I have received the 50,000 free Fixed Price listing offer but I don't even use the 1000 I get every month in my Store subscription. Allotting free Auctions or allowing us to choose between the two would have been more helpful for smaller Sellers. Suspending Store Fees during this time of unprecedented economic crisis or allowing people to downgrade or get out of contracts would also have been incredibly helpful. Deferring Store Fees until a later time is just kicking the can down the road. As this is my only income (and not making enough to file for taxes) I am not eligible for the stimulus checks (if they are ever issued) so a balloon payment to eBay in a month of 2 would be devastating.
C'mon eBay - give us some real relief
03-25-2020 02:55 AM
call me ungrateful but promotions only work for me if they can also be auctions. I have 1000 "free" listings from my store that I never use up and now with this promotion my listings debit from the promotion and not from my store allottment.
The point is moot because as stated by another member my inventory sources are gone and once I list stuff still hanging around here (relatively low-interest) I will have nothing fresh to list.
03-25-2020 04:14 AM
I am glad I wasn't the only one thinking this when I saw the 50,000 free listings I have an anchor store and I am pretty much at a trickle I have no way possible to pay my 299.99 for this month when it goes to pull it out of my checking it is going to wipe my account and then leave me negative to get hit with fees from the bank on top of it. I don't need the free listings if you don't have 50,000 items laying around how is that going to help you anyways. I hope they rethink this whole idea they have going on. Etsy has delayed their billing if you need it just got that yesterday from them even though mine on there just pulls the fees out automatically for me. I hope everyone survives this horrible situation going on. Pray that they don't forget about us in Government like they have in times past but are perfectly fine with hitting us with taxes.
03-25-2020 05:42 AM
Pays to keep up with announcements.......... ebay has announced deferred payment if you ask for it.......
I just checked and don't see a WED update yet about the details, but should be there sometime today........
03-25-2020 07:52 AM
Well the announcement is there now. Me, well it does not help at all and would rather just keep up the best I can. I am sure it will help some of you but I pay daily and would rather just keep that going and not owe anything at the end of my month. STAY SAFE!!!!!