07-12-2021 10:43 AM
eBay's sports trading card deadline for the item specific "Graded" arrived today.
Sellers with variation listings could not modify their item specifics until they resolved conflicts with the variation name "Card Attributes". Now sellers can not bulk update the "Card Attribute" conflict until they add the "Graded" item specific (most will state "No" as the graded item specific) .
Time to move to Plan B.
For those sellers who still have listings with hundreds of variations to update, but who missed the opportunity to use the bulk variation scanner provided here, and who now can't bulk update at all, the next solution is to include the full set of item specifics in the bulk revision of variations. We can not simply add the missing attribute. Unfortunately, the whole set of Item Specifics must be restated in a bulk revision. I'm working on some sort of solution.
I've got two tools to work with.
The Variation Scanner will pull in the variation data.
The Item Specifics Scanner will pull in the item specifics.
The task will be to merge the two spreadsheets and restate the old item specifics with eBay's new headings and values.
09-04-2021 08:07 AM
Rockstar, I appreciate the assistance. I tried to go in and add the non sports cards category 183050 but I couldn't start a new report. Any chance you could be a Rockstar one more time and run me a report for the non sports card singles category. I would be forever grateful. This has been a monumental and time consuming task.
09-04-2021 03:19 PM
I changed the category to 183050 by opening the "Site Categories" drop down list at the top of the scan tool and clicking "Get Items" to fetch a new list from eBay.
Are you receiving errors regarding the Variation names for that category 183050 ?
I see only two listings that use the variation named "Card Number".
However, all of them have an invalid condition number 0, which shows as a hyphen in the listing. You may need to change all of them to 3000, which shows as "Used" in the listing.
Right now, I'll address a scan of only the two that use the name "Card Number".
>> This << is the preloaded scan for those two non-sports trading cards.
When the report section loads, you can change the name of your attribute to anything you want. I used "Number". Then click the "Build Report" button and download to your computer.
After saving to your computer, upload the report to Seller Hub Reports.
09-05-2021 12:35 PM
I have a good number of items that need to be corrected. Many of them are under the category of Entertainment Memorabilia. I had to use that category due to previous changes Ebay had made. Now, I can't change them to non-sports cards because Ebay will no longer accept the Card number specific. I can't make any of the newly required changes because I can't revise the listings in any way due to the card number not being allowable.
09-05-2021 03:38 PM
I see that you have a number of items in collectibles that belong in non-sports-cards-singles.
The non-sports-cards-singles category (183050) has two required item specifics: Graded and Franchise.
Whereas the sports-cards-singles category (261328) requires Graded and Sport.
There are 140 variation listings with "Card Number".
We can leave those items in their wrong categories and simply change the variation name from "Card Number" to "Number". Then you would individually revise all of those listings to change them to the correct category and complete the item specifics that belong in those categories.
We can include only three categories per scan. So there will be two scans that will change only the "Card Number" name.
>> This Link << will scan these categories:
104672 (Entertain Mem > Music Mem > Rock & Pop > Artists A > Other Rock & Pop Artists A)
465 (Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop > Fan Ap & Souv > Other Fan Apparel & Souvenirs)
53591 (Entertain Mem > Movie Mem > Merch & Promo > Postcards & Collector Cards)
>> This link << will scan these categories:
2885 (Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop> Fan Ap & Souv > Soccer-Other)
24410 (Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop > Fan Ap & Souv > Baseball-MLB)
82286 (Entertain Memo > Television Mem > Merch & Promo > Postcards & Collector Cards)
In both scans, I have changed the item condition to "used" (3000), because I assume you plan to move them into the trading-cards-singles where "used" is the only allowed condition.
As an aside, I see that you have variations with labels like "Card Number/Title" and "Card Number/Name" and "Title/Card Number". Those should work with eBay, but if they don't, please let me know. The tool will ignore "Card Number/Title" (where the phrase is at the beginning), but will capture and change "Title/Card Number" (where the phrase is at the end), although I think either would be ok without change.
09-06-2021 02:25 PM
That sounds great. What do I need to do now?
I so appreciate your help with this. It was just overwhelming.
09-06-2021 04:57 PM
Run the two scans in my prior post .
>> Scan 1 <<
>> Scan 2 <<
When each scan ends, click the "Build Report" button. Then click the "Download Report" button immediately below the first report to save to your computer.
Go to the Seller Hub reports Upload area and submit each of those reports to eBay to revise your listings.
09-07-2021 02:13 PM
I did what you told me but don't see where they have been revised. How long does it take to see them.
09-07-2021 04:18 PM
@tackyt65 wrote:I did what you told me but don't see where they have been revised. How long does it take to see them.
Revisions occur within minutes. It looks like the first revision file updated all but one listing, while the second upload did not appear to revise any.
If your second upload was a success, yet nothing changed, then the file was acceptable, but the data was not.
The problem may be as simple as picking up the wrong file from your desktop to send to eBay, or it may be the result of saving the wrong "download" from the tool.
Try this conversion again. Download to your desktop, pay attention to its filename, and then upload to Seller Hub.
>> This link << did not succeed. Try again.
If that fails to change listings within a few minutes, then go back to the uploads page and find the latest report on that page (should be the topmost report).
Scroll over to the right, where there will be a"results" file that you can download. Save that report and open with Notepad or text reader. It should tell if other problems were encountered. There might be other mandates in those files that prevented updating your listings.
09-08-2021 05:20 AM
I will try again. I am also trying to work the list of those that failed. What, if anything do I need to do with those that show a warning (which appears to be a large number of the listings)?
09-08-2021 09:25 AM
@tackyt65 wrote:What, if anything do I need to do with those that show a warning (which appears to be a large number of the listings)?
It depends on the warning and whether the warning prevented the revision. Some warnings are issues that eBay will resolve on your behalf. Others may need your attention. If the warnings are all the same, then some sort of bulk edit may resolve them. What kinds of warnings are you receiving?
09-18-2021 02:18 PM
Help. I need to know step by step how to change Entertainment Memorabilia to Non Sports Singles. Is it possible that you can help me with that.
09-18-2021 02:26 PM
If it is not possible to change the category from Entertainment Memorabilia to Not Sports cards single at least change the card number to number so that I can change the category myself. Please assist if you can.
09-20-2021 01:02 AM
Sorry for the delay in responding. Our community's power was shut down again this weekend.
We can solve the problem by changing both the category and variation name, or by changing only the variation name so that you can manually change the category. I'll have to look at the two categories to see if there are Item Specific mandates that must be made at the same time. It's late tonight. I'll try to take a look tomorrow.
09-20-2021 12:53 PM
I also have 3 that I couldn't change from Entertainment Memorabilia to Non sports trading card and change from card number to number so I can revise. I did a bunch of them yesterday but these 3 just wouldn't work. I hope there are no too many more. I guess I need a listing of all the Entertainment Memorabilia to change the category to Non Sports trading cards and make sure there are no "card numbers" only numbers. I truly appreciate the assistance. I would love to know how to start a new report as well as delete the report when I have completed. Is there a way to run a report of all of the items I have yet to add the required information?
01-23-2022 04:06 PM
Hello @shipscript , hope all is well... Was able to update about 2/3 of my listings. I pretty much only have listings with Variations that need to be updated. Have you or anyone else you may know made progress with any easier less consuming ways to update these listings.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing back from you... Michael
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