Hello @shipscript , hope all is well... Was able to update about 2/3 of
my listings. I pretty much only have listings with Variations that need
to be updated. Have you or anyone else you may know made progress with
any easier less consuming ways to u...
I thank you, you are definitely more savvy with this then I am. Not sure
what you are doing to be honest. Going to take a deep breath and hope
Ebay gets this straightened out. I spoke with someone from Ebay
yesterday and they didn't even give me a he...
So now I have 1300+ listings that were converted to Card Number from
Card Attributes that no longer work and 165 listings that had an Error
when converting that now work fine. You can't make this stuff up.
Thank you. This definitely helped me alot. I only wish I knew about this
sooner... LOL . Safely converted roughly 1400 listings... Still have 165
listings that are not converting. Hopefully @shipscript can help me with
them, so thankful I found this ...