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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

Has anyone found a way to switch back to the old listing tool? My biggest problem with the current one is I can't seem to find a way to go from creating one listing right into creating another. The previous tool had a create new option that just took you right back to the product search page, this new format you have to click sell again, click create new listing and then search. I'd much prefer the old tool. Is there a way to switch back?



Message 1 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I also "experimented" with the new listing tool a while back. After a few listings I was so frustrated I immediately switched back. Unfortunately now there is no more switching back for me. I sure would like to see all the feedback ebay has gotten from sellers that have used this...I wonder if they even take any of that into consideration.  I don't use my phone or tablet to list items so I cannot honestly say how the new format is to use with those devices.. I can honestly say on a desktop it is absolutely awful

Message 16 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

No, once you are switched over the "3 little dots" no longer have a way back to the current listing tool.  No one has found a way back once eBay changes your account to switch over permanently.


Many sellers have raised concerns over the click, click, click, pop-up, pop-up, pop-up implementation in the new tool which makes it radically slower and more cumbersome on a desktop or tablet.  They appear to have decided that ALL listings will be created on a smart phone app and desktop / laptop are no more.  Or if you do use them.... tough. Better to have a usable smartphone app than to have a productive desktop app is what we are being told between the lines.  Sure would like to see the stats that lead to that decision.


Myself and many others have written in-depth critiques and suggestions of the new tool in forums, in the weekly chat, at to eBay for Business on Facebook, and in the supplied feedback forms.  We keep getting told that the listing tool team will be shown our feedback and get back to us.


Well, there is zero information coming back from them!  It is like a brick wall.  After thinking it through here is my conclusions on why:  eBay is using a new software tool that is specifically designed to create smartphone apps, NOT for mouse / keyboard devices. This tool just does not have the ability to present listings in a unified way so you can see all the item specifics or shipping details, etc. in one place and directly see (for reference) type in or copy and paste from another field.  Smartphones just can't do that easily.  So the software they have chosen is LOCKED IN to the interface we see now.  All broken up into little chunks for tiny screens with cumbersome keyboards.


I sure with they would just fess up and tell us WHY they are NOT doing any of changes we have requested?  And if they can't, WHY don't they have a desktop version of the new listing tool? It is not rocket science, just some fairly easy changes to make direct entry and copy-paste of multiple fields possible on one screen.  But if their chosen technology does not support that, then there you go!

Message 17 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

the person/ people that created this new tool have obviously never listed on eBay before, I HATE HATE HATE this new listing format, it is beyond pathetic! FIX IT EBAY!

Message 18 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I was one of the early 'tryers' so I can't switch back now. UGH. it used to be quicker for me to sell similar, take photos, and finish the draft on the laptop. Now it's quicker to list on my phone app, which is ridiculous. 


Who was the genius who thought we'd all like to click on each parameter, get a new window for that, find our thing, click done, then repeat? Who thought it would be so clever to hide the handling fee option? 


Almost every new thing ebay does is guaranteed to not be good news for us sellers.


Oh, if it helps...hit enter after you input your price/whatever and then escape for 'done.'

Message 19 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

Yep - I love jumping my hand from the keyboard to the mouse every 3 seconds to move to my next field....... this only works on a phone because the screen is 6" big and its a touch screen and your thumb does all the flicking- this does not work on a desktop- just adds aggravation, adds time, adds frustration, etc 

Message 20 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I'm in the same boat - eBay switched me over a couple of weeks ago.   The new listing tool roughly doubles the amount of time it takes for me to list an item (I list exclusively on a desktop). 


Was hoping there was some workaround to get the old tool back, but I guess not.  

Message 21 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

It is a bloody awful tool, so much wasted space & invitations to pay them even  more money.  It still says you can switch back but there is no obvious way to do it.   Like the abandonment of so many categories, this is just another waste of time & money.   Someone decided eBay wanted to operate like Amazon.  Quite why is beyond me.

Message 22 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

Just another rant from a longtime seller: After one day using the new tool, I called to try to switch back to the old tool, and they told me they couldn't change it back, but they would send my request to their tech team ~ I have never heard back from ebay anytime they say they will do that. I am so grateful that I didn't click "Try new listing tool" on my other storefront ~ When I use the old tool to list, I remember instantly how much faster and easier it was! The new tool definitely takes me twice as long.
Ebay gives sellers busy work ~ is it because the more time we invest, the more likely we will let our hard-made listings go round and round, giving them our nickels and dimes?
As one commenter says, it looks like they are aiming their new design at people listing with smartphones. Ebay repels longtime sellers even as they try to attract new, inexperienced sellers. I use a desktop to list, NOT a smartphone ~ as most professional or full time sellers have for ages?! I've bought from new sellers who can't even figure out how to send an invoice because they are on a smartphone ~ it's hard to imagine a professional spending hours on a little phone screen, but I'm sure some do. From a desktop,  as others say ~ I can't stand how the new listing tool has dozens of pop-ups to click on ~ multiple clicks to accomplish anything at all. If I click "Sell similar" on my own listing, which used to save us time, it takes me MORE time to change each auto-filled item specific than it does to just start a listing from scratch. The numerous, ever-changing, ridiculous item specifics seem like intentional busy-work ~ ebay regularly DELETES my item specifics, to demand I fill out new ones, like whether it is a "brooch" or a "pin" ~ WOW! Since the great category re-organization, dolls are lumped with miniature animal figurines...? so I'm supposed to fill out item specifics about animals and dolls in the same listing. Just staring at the page puts me to sleep like an IRS form.
I have long suspected that the CEOs at the top want to suck out as much income as they can as they ruin this company. The designers have been actively engaged in repelling U.S. sellers for more than a decade. Seeing 15 years of constant, inept changes, it begins to look intentional... people getting paid to make it worse or add more complicated layers as they try to make it "simpler?" And such an environment of distrust! must trickle down from the top. My friend who designed biotech websites suggested that the root of their website may be so layered with old pages and menus because of using microsoft programs... though I'm not sure how that works. It seems like they are unable to fix their layers of old and new efforts. I realize it's hard to change such a megalithic website, but the changes are absolutely maddening to sellers... and ebay knows that very well by now!
Message 23 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I have been considering getting sixbit so I do not have to deal with it, I always liked turbolister anyway and would really like to be able to go back and grab old listings because I tend to sell many of the same items

Message 24 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back


>Has anyone found a way to switch back to the old listing tool?


You can try this,

The links to various selling pages are on the left side under "Selling". I open each page (Sold, Active, Scheduled, etc.) in a new tab and just navigate between tabs. Works for me. Try it. You might like it.

BTW, I haven't used an eBay listing page in years. I just bring up a closed or current listing and use "Sell similar", editing the item to match the parameters of the new listing. No fiddling with constantly-changing eBay listing pages. The listing also gets a new item number and the "New listing" tag when posted. HTH.

Message 25 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back



Not a permanent fix but I’ve saved the bulk sell listing URL (business listing tool) and also the what I would call normal one.

Create listing with your current tool and once you get onto the listing page use this Url and enter the item ID.

This one is the business tool. I know its a faff but there seems to be no going back at the moment. Also if you are from US remove for .com


Hope this helps.

Message 26 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I was just permanently switched this week apparently.  The multiple clicks for everything is ridiculous because it slows you down so much. The additional popup window to go into a specific listing is gone. Apparently ebay changed several of my items "package type" to "envelope" and it's undercharging calculated shipping costs. There is no way to bulk edit this. I spent 45-60 minutes chatting with an agent to figure it out and couldn't. Going into each individual listing is just not plausible to do.


Also, I was trying to export my active listings to Excel, in hopes to find the ones with incorrect "package type" without looking at each one and that appears to be gone as well. Let's keep changing things that aren't broke or things that literally nobody asked to be changed.

Message 27 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

Can you paste the link you get when you go to sell?

Message 28 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

I have been using the new listing tool for months and it is buggy. I just spent 5 hours revising items domestic and international shipping. During that process it suggested I look at my shipping preferences, or something like that, where I assumed I could see and edit my previously entered shipping preferences, return policies etc. There was an option there to disable any unused settings and I cleared that out and now none of my 423 listings have shipping or payment options or return policies. People can still place orders, dont know how they can do that since there is not shipping or payment policy on any of my listings? So I Called eBay and they had no idea what is wrong and I guess I will call them again in 24 hours. 

Message 29 of 52
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Old Listing Tool - Is there a way to go back

Today is the first day I had to use the New "dummied" down listing page designed for inexperienced smart phone users and no one else.  Argggggg..... I am so **bleep**.  I have had multiple stores for my retail store for decades now and for the last 6 months have closed down almost all of them.  i have moved to other selling platforms.  I feel like it is insane that they do not see that they are ruining Ebay.    I am trying to find a way to switch back to the classic listing tool.  i guess I will call them which is a waste of time.  Seems it would have been smarter to allow phone users to use the new listing tool and the rest of us to use the classic version.  it should be an option.

Message 30 of 52
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