01-21-2022 05:56 AM
Just tried the new listing tool. Like the idea of adding video (although will likely rarely use it) and the remove background feature, but the layout and functionality is not user friendly. It looks pretty, but lets be honest, I just want raw data entry not some fancy looking GUI interface that I have to click through to edit (shipping), weights/dimesnions (not automatically pop up have to click through), the +/- feature for promoted listing % that would show you what the fee would be.
eBay...live by the old adage...if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Not thing wrong with the old format. they new one takes longer to get a listing done.
Anyone else find the new format frustrating?
03-06-2022 07:45 PM
Never mind, figured it out.
04-22-2022 01:59 PM
Yes, just tried the new listing. Asked myself why did they change it? I do not like the pop-up to list details and could not find how to save template. Older version was much better - user friendly.
04-23-2022 06:24 PM
This tool is nowhere near the functionality of the business tool. It is not even a shadow of it. It isaphone on a desktop. Period. Video function only worked once for me in the last 6 months. I just gave up on it after the frustration. The background removable tool make for hilariously childish listing pictures that devalue your listing....... Makes a unique high quality item look like a stock photo of a knock off Chinese fake item. Too many clicks too many popups too long to list etc etc. We want to see everything at once and said what we need to fill in. Not have to guess which hidden door is behind
04-23-2022 06:26 PM
Cheapest easiest fix for the team to focus on is make the classic tool a permanent option. Won't cost a thing and it's what everyone is asking for. Fine I fixed the problem eBay. No charge, I'll just be happy to keep listing more product and bringing more customers to the platform....
04-24-2022 08:39 PM
I couldn't have said it any better, especially the "too many clicks, too many popups, too long to list etc." Yes, the new listing tool takes more time to list your items. Also, listed six new items today. Somehow, it was "stuck" on "allow offers." Had to go back in the popup menus for each item and change it.
Good analogy on the "hidden door." If I wanted a hidden door in my life, I'd watch "Let's Make a Deal."
04-24-2022 08:43 PM
Right on, sister! Yes, make the classic a permanent option. Wonder if they will?
04-24-2022 08:46 PM
I guess I'm the only one who likes it. By the way, I LOVE the new way to leave mass feedback. That was a great idea.
04-25-2022 04:15 AM
Since you love it, I am curious why? Do you use your phone to list? Do you switch between your phone and a computer? I have found that I have no real problem with the listing tool on my phone, it works as expected.... Less functionality but ok in a pinch..... But on a desktop it is a horribly frustrating and time consuming waste of my efforts. I think the biggest problem we all have is that if you use a desktop, then it is not a workable tool. We just want the classic back so we can work efficiently. It The New tool is more than a chore, it is awful to use on a computer.
I am interested to her what you like about it and why though.
04-25-2022 12:35 PM
Can you tell me how you figured out how to add multiple shipping options. I can't figure it out.
Thanks for your help
04-25-2022 06:03 PM
I just did it but now i cant find it again!.... it is buried in one of the sub menus of one of the popup boxes somewhere..... Hoping that they listen to us and bring back teh Classic at least until this mess is somewhat usable
Ebay there is no excuse for treating your customers this way and hindering our ability to list here.
04-25-2022 06:10 PM
@hermies_heirlooms wrote:Just tried the new listing tool. Like the idea of adding video (although will likely rarely use it) and the remove background feature, but the layout and functionality is not user friendly. It looks pretty, but lets be honest, I just want raw data entry not some fancy looking GUI interface that I have to click through to edit (shipping), weights/dimesnions (not automatically pop up have to click through), the +/- feature for promoted listing % that would show you what the fee would be.
eBay...live by the old adage...if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Not thing wrong with the old format. they new one takes longer to get a listing done.
Anyone else find the new format frustrating?
@hermies_heirlooms So does a lot of programming here ... I don't care about looks, I want functionality and time savings ... very few "improvements" on programming have met those requirements ...
04-25-2022 07:41 PM
I agree- I do not care about looks either- I just want it to work. Crazy thing is- I dont want them to even improve the classic- it worked great and had all the information you need at a glance to quickly and efficiently list a unique item. No wasteful popups and boxes to click in and out of that hide the actual body of work.If the background removal tool and the video is not available- who cares, the background tool makes your picture look like a stock image from a shady seller and does not inspire buyer confidence and video tool probably will not improve conversion enough to warrant the time involved. These are just "Advancements" to distract shareholders when the real reporting shows month over month decline in sales and GMV. What do you think is going to happen to the GMV when full time listers cant list efficiently for the foreseeable future???? This is a question that the higher-ups should be asking before they let the design team makes catastrophic changes like this without consulting the customer base.
05-02-2022 06:05 AM
please keep sending up feedback guys. i have a feeling that ebay filters and ignores feedback from the same username. I would understand because its important to get unique feedback but this tool is universally bad for everyone that lists on a computer instead of a phone. we need to band together to help them know that computers are still the most practically way to list for full time listers
05-07-2022 01:24 PM
Talked to a few more ebay agents this week about the listing tool and the good news is- they have been getting strong feedback and complaints all week about it. Pretty much universally about the phone app feel and popups and extra clicks and time it takes to list now. keep sending feedback everyone- they need to hear it!
05-19-2022 11:43 AM
Frustrating would be a gd understatement, I now have absokutely zero clarity on my shipping costs bc the feature bundles my shipping choices into some opaque group of what I’ve done on y prior listings,
I want the ability to choose shipping for EACH listing based on cost cited then and there, Otherwise I have to go back into each listing and revise multiple times.
You’d really think they’d have people working on these updates that have actually sold on eBay before they pull this on us.
Really asking myself why not just move on at this point. Was just starting to like it here too.
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