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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was about to jump off a cliff when on Monday 22nd 2021 they removed the "CLASSIC VIEW" link from my seller page. After going out into deep water , I made a discovery that I want to share with people like me. In the new seller hub, the seller hub "OVERVIEW" is the default page. 2 selections over is the "LISTINGS" link.....if you hover over it, it will branch out a window with all of the options. Select "ACTIVE" !!!! Suddenly, everything will come into view.... all of your listings will appear with all of the check boxes and options to "END" or "RE-LIST" in Bulk !!!  Alternatively, when you "opt OUT" of the seller hub, you are sent to a page with NO CHECK BOXES of functionality as with the new seller hub. NO IDEA why they give you an "opt out" to send you somewhere with limited function.... makes NO SENSE and causes confusion.  I hope I helped someone !!!

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Thanks we were about ti quit selling on ebay because  of the changes


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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

"Active" is not the "Classic" view most people were using and mad about. I have found no way tp go back to the actual "Classic" seller page.

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-


This is where you lose those of us not in the doom-and-gloom crew.  From my view, so many are so invested in a lifestyle of negativity and defeatism that they don’t want any reasonable solutions, nor do they want to see the net benefits of anything new.


Good luck to you.

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I know,... I was just trying to find something that made some sense after getting nowhere with an agent. I needed an option to relist in mass and end in mass..... this link gave me that option. I would take Classic View back in a second. Too many buried, branched functions, just like everything else new.

Message 5 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Glad you're still with us. I've used Seller Hub for forever and love it, too. 

Message 6 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@powell-memorabilia wrote:


This is where you lose those of us not in the doom-and-gloom crew.  From my view, so many are so invested in a lifestyle of negativity and defeatism that they don’t want any reasonable solutions, nor do they want to see the net benefits of anything new.


Good luck to you.

Hey look, the eBay cheerleader / shill is back!


This has nothing to do with negativity and defeatism but everything to do with having to have multiple pages open at the same time for less functionality than Classic View. It has everything to do with a HUGE and UNAVOIDABLE increase in clicking and scrolling to perform the same tasks / functions as Classic View provided. It has everything to do with not having a SINGLE, CUSTOMIZABLE at-a-glance page with all of a seller's pertinent information displayed in a manner that is easy to read.


The problem with you is that you NEVER provide specifics. You just speak in general terms demeaning and denigrating sellers' issues with the new system. You aren't even a seller. Just go away unless you have something useful to contribute.

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I agree.  This has nothing to do with not accepting change and living with it.  Remember that the classic page was refined and perfected over a long period of time.  Everything I needed was right on that page;  my active listings, sold listings, etc.  Pictures and fonts were great.  I do not consider it progress to have to click on many areas to achieve what I had before.     Sadly, all of the things we loved about the classic page are still there.  I wish Ebay would simply restore that page and at least offer it as an option to those of us who miss it so.  

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Thank you. 
I have replied to some of the Pollyannas with specifics with no reply.

Maybe for him/ her, it’s working. 

I just don’t get it, if I have a problem, say I broke my leg. What is the purpose of someone calling to tell me I didn’t try hard enough not to get run over or fall & that their leg is fine? Over & over!!


In today’s society, being “negative”, that is not eternally happy is not viewed  kindly. 
This is dismissive in a generally accepted way of another persons reality. 
There’s little empathy for those who have things not going well. It’s all about the individual. We are each supposed to be in control & we are NOT! 

And it’s denying others struggle. 
Some should quit chiming in with how great they are doing with all. Good for them, they don’t have an issue. I for one am struggling. And sad too. Thinking how some of eBay, I actually liked. 

And, the poster is probably using a posting ID. That is, he has another account so he can post anonymously. 
There’s nothing wrong with that.

There can be undesired consequences with posting. 

Message 9 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-


I do enjoy the “shill” label.  I’m still waiting for someone to grace me with “spy.”

I understand that some have huge discomfort with three to six extra clicks per day.  Yes, the cosmetics of the hub are different than the classic view, to boot, and that is stressful for some. But, I know you can do this - anyone that can manage an eBay account can learn the simple paths in the seller hub, or bookmark what is useful to them.

Message 10 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@powell-memorabilia wrote:


I do enjoy the “shill” label.  I’m still waiting for someone to grace me with “spy.”

I understand that some have huge discomfort with three to six extra clicks per day.  Yes, the cosmetics of the hub are different than the classic view, to boot, and that is stressful for some. But, I know you can do this - anyone that can manage an eBay account can learn the simple paths in the seller hub, or bookmark what is useful to them.

Try 3 to 6 extra clicks per task. I perform tens to hundreds of tasks per day. Now multiply my extra time and annoyance by all of the sellers out there (you know, the "doom-and-gloom crew") who had Classic View set up perfectly for their needs and now have to use an inferior and less efficient system. Or is that just "negativity" and "defeatism"?


But hey, at least you now admit that the Seller Hub is less efficient than Classic View. Anything else you'd like to admit?

Message 11 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

My thoughts exactly,.... why not leave the page layout alone and alter what you need it to do from an IT perspective for your needs as a company..... leave the seller navigation alone. They ALWAYS do this in products like cameras and bury things in software sub-menu's that used to be on the main screen. It's still there, why not just leave it alone.

Message 12 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I have been annoyed at shipping items too..... more clicks to get things accomplished that took a single click before. It seems like every time you click , a new page has to pop up and open, ..... then more adds pop up on that page..... COINCIDENCE ??!!! ..... I think not.

Message 13 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Isn't that how ebay determines the usefulness of something - by how many clicks it gets, or takes to get there?

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 14 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Pretty soon, it's going to take 20 minutes to ship an item with all of the clicks. But that will mean we're winning !!!... when we finally ship the item.

Message 15 of 127
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