03-19-2021 05:41 PM
Ebay changed the view recently. How do I change it back to classic view?
Thank you,
04-28-2021 08:13 AM
eBay replaced classic view "All Selling" today or yesterday (this link: https://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbayBeta&CurrentPage=MyeBayNextAllSelling )
Shame on you, eBay!
04-28-2021 08:28 AM
Astoundingly poor design. Guess what I want to see first? My item's pricing, bids and edit options. Bring back Steve Jobs in this world who understood that never should there be more than 3 clicks. As a result of this highly inefficient user interface, eBay will lose revenue. The classic view option is badly needed here or a developer who actually sells on eBay to sort out this mess.
04-28-2021 09:05 AM
Yesterday my classic view was still there. This morning my classic view was still there. And then all of a sudden, I'm slammed into this horrid new selling view with no warning. Guess I had a good run.....10 years in one view and was warned eventually my beloved view would be gone. I get that it's supposed to be customizable - but if we could actually customize this new view to even somewhat closely mimic the classic view, I don't think everyone would be as upset. Instead, this new view requires me to click around in several different places to find information that I used to be able to see all on one page. Please - bring back classic - or else change this new format to look more like classic. PLEASE.
04-28-2021 09:20 AM
hence paypal have dumped Ebay...
and too lose them? lolol Ebay are INSANE..
also check out the new 'buyer / seller' dispute charges.
so if a buyer opens a dispute with the buyer involving Ebay,,
the seller gets charged for that?
Taken from their listing fees help page,
"Dispute Fee
When you are found responsible for a chargeback or other disputed amount as per eBay's policies, we charge a £16.80 dispute charge for each dispute"
yeah thats fair, cya ebay, much better and safer selling platforms out there
besides, theyre gonna loose over two thirds if not all of their helpdesk anyway
seeing the state indias in at the moment, Corvid safety regs? my **bleep**.
04-28-2021 09:36 AM
plus all the other charges? i think id rather have my classic view and paypal protection back.
lowering their overall percentage rate dont mean chuff if you add all the other new charges
aswell, your actually paying more in the long run.. this is one disgruntled Ebay. lol
and now they want us to put in our bank details directly?
with complete authorisation to withdraw funds whenever they want to?
i can see a lot of people opening disputes against ebays disputing,,,
which they wont see in your favour either, so youll be charged for
disputing a dispute? lol
scam if you ask me.
wait until British Trading Standards Law kicks in as ebay trade under EU Regs,.... well we sort
of LEFT. .. Ebay.Co.Uk,,, stands for Company in the UK doesnt it?
well it should be monitored by the same laws then huh? or go back to being just a .COM
seriously, itll make it safer rather then keep buying fake rubbish dangerous goods from
sellers pretending to be in the uk when they are in china.
04-28-2021 06:16 PM
If you can find a way to switch back to classic view... please, please let me know!
Unfortunately, the Classic view now seems to be a thing of the past... and these latest updates to the seller's page are just dreadful, utterly dreadful... all the useful features are no longer there, it's an absolute nightmare to navigate and along with the new payment changes that are being forced upon us, I can see a lot of sellers ditching eBay in the not too distant future! I really think eBay has lost the plot with this one... I've been selling on eBay for a few years, but I'm seriously considering ending my account myself... they've ruined it for me now!
Hello Amazon...
04-28-2021 06:26 PM
God Bess You Cinanty. You just saved me hours of trying to find this. Without this classic view I literally feel like I'm blind.
04-28-2021 06:49 PM
I asked them about it and they basically said "we hope you'll get used to it". This reminds me a lot of Hulu a few years back, they redesigned their UI from a concise and practical way to see everything to a horrible "new experience" that everyone hates. But they won't consider switching it back or at least re-thinking their design. I hope EBay doesn't do this, the old view was concise and I could see absolutely everything I needed to see on one screen. Definitely a huge step backwards...
04-28-2021 06:51 PM - edited 04-28-2021 06:52 PM
Sadly all links to Classic will be locked out by months end, and no, eBay apparently have no intention of bringing it back.
04-28-2021 07:02 PM
Ok, I have had enough of this "Seller's Hub" myself. YES the page was 20 years old in design, that's probably why it was 20 years old, it works, it's simple, and it gives you all the information we need.
The "3 click rule" still applies. If we can't find the information we need, why do you think we have the time to search through a pile of pages looking for one piece of information, then have to look through more pages to get back to what we were doing.
What's with all this clicking? Is eBay so spoiled and rich they can pay for all the extra bandwidth? Who's going to pay for the waste when eBay runs out of funds to support this **bleep**?
The format of the pages in any of the new. "Magical" pages is pointless. As I have already mentioned, this is wasting my time, clicking to find one piece of information, and even though I use a 32 inch tv set to display my computer, I have to squint to see the text. What is with all the white space? Is that how the web is displayed these days? When I enlarge the text, the information is moved off the screen. Now I have to scroll all over the page to get to the information I need.
Geez eBay! At least copy the design that worked for most of the existence of this company.
04-28-2021 08:12 PM
this new hub is a complete and utter disaster, totally confusing making you scroll and click a million times to view something we had in classic view on a single page. ebay please fire your UI designer, unreal
04-29-2021 08:09 AM
Well, this new view is terrible. I'm here to trying to make money cause I'm poor, and now it's getting harder to use Ebay and see what I need to see. Who is this new view for? What's the rolling money counter thing at the top about that loads every time you log in? Is that supposed to make me feel like I'm getting rich or something. Anybody know any ebay alts? Seems like it's time to jump ship.
04-29-2021 11:10 AM
Horrendous is all i can say , a navigational nightmare , to complicated , frustrating , time consuming
Should have at least been given an OPTION to choose this new view or revert back to classic view
I do not feel comfortable managing my business with this new view
I feel like i am not in control of my business anymore
It is a complete unorganised time consuming mess
I have tried it for a few days , i have closed my shop now as i cannot work quickly and this is when mistakes are made
Benn closed already for 5 months for lockdowns , another kick in the teeth for me with this unworkable new better than ever new view
04-29-2021 03:40 PM
04-29-2021 08:38 PM
I just got this forced upon me today, and my god is it gross. You can opt out of the seller hub thing but even the old/classic seller page has been changed and tells me nothing about any of the items I have listed. This is absolutely horrific.
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