05-11-2021 04:44 PM - edited 05-24-2022 04:54 PM
Good news File Exchange Sellers! As part of eBay’s commitment to make our products more intuitive and accessible, File Exchange has migrated into Seller Hub in the Reports Tab!
File Exchange users can try the new Reports tab now! Go here to try the new Tab and here for more information.
Common Questions & Answers |
Questions |
Answers |
What is the Seller Hub Reports tool and what does it allow you to do? |
The Seller Hub Reports tab allows you to run common business operations in bulk. We offer actions for listing management, marketing, and order fulfillment. You can create, revise, relist, and end listings. You can also download orders for recording keeping or upload tracking for fulfillment purposes. If you are an advanced seller, you can also integrate programmatically with the same file feeds, through the Feeds API, using eBay O-Auth. |
What is a flat file? |
Flat files are used to store and exchange product listing information in Excel or CSV format. A flat file includes a table with one record per line delimited by commas to separate the fields. |
What can I do with a Report?
Our reports allow you to import listings/sales data into your own bookkeeping applications or give you the opportunity to exercise manual status/performance audits. Note reports are not meant to be uploaded and they do not contain data about returns or refunds. Learn how to download your various Reports from our Downloadable reports guide. |
What report types are available for Orders Reports? |
We offer all the order reports that you have access to from the Seller Hub Orders tab, in file form. For details, please check out our comprehensive guide here. |
Can I schedule my Order Reports? |
You can schedule your order reports for hourly, daily, weekly or monthly downloads. Learn more about scheduling your order downloads by viewing our Downloadable reports guide. |
What fields are included in the Listings Report? |
The Listings report will include key pieces of information about your listings including your item number, eBay category and UPC/EAN/ISBN. This data can be used for auditing purposes. Learn more at the Downloadable reports guide. |
How far back can Seller Hub Reports download data? |
Seller Hub Reports can download data for the last 90 days. To obtain data beyond this timeframe, sellers would need to request their eBay data by clicking here. |
How long do I have access to uploaded\downloaded files in Seller Hub Reports? |
Your uploaded files can be accessed in Seller Hub Reports for 90 days starting from the original upload date. Downloads are available for 30 days. |
What is a template and how can I use it to create a listing? |
A template is a file with predefined column headers that is meant to be re-uploaded for listing or fulfillment related business activities. The following templates can be downloaded: Add order tracking and shipping info Create new listings Create new drafts Relist unsold listings Learn more about downloading your templates by reviewing the Uploadables guide. |
What format do I need to save my files in? |
All files should be saved as CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv) or XLSX prior to upload. |
What format do I need to save my files in when using a MAC? |
The available file types can differ depending on the version of Excel, and OSX being used, but one of Windows CSV, CSV for Windows, or CSV (MS-DOS) should be available. |
I'm not able to upload a .CSV file on Seller Hub Reports using MacOS, is there a workaround? |
This could be because the file is not saved in Windows .CSV format. When you create a .CSV file on a Mac, you have to select the Windows CSV format rather than just the CSV format when saving the file. |
How do I add photos into a CSV file? |
Use the PicURL field to add images to your listing. Photos need to be provided in the file template via links to the web-hosted images in the file template. There are many photo hosting services available and most are compatible. The photo URL needs to start with the hypertext https:// and end with a file extension like .jpg or .png. eBay recommends using an image that is at a minimum of 500 pixels on the longest side. Use an image that is at least 800 pixels on the longest side if you want the image to zoom on the listing page. An image of 1200 pixels on the longest side is optimal. Pictures can be self-hosted, hosted by a third party, or hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS). |
How do I find both eBay and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories category IDs? |
You can find all category ID numbers needed for Seller Hub reports here. (Download the new category structure after October 2021; category IDs may vary depending on the locales that you’re selling in) |
Where are eBay Motors Parts & accessories catalogs and Master Vehicle List found? |
Master Vehicle Lists and catalogs for eBay Motors can be found here. |
Can I move my listings from one eBay account to another? |
While Seller Hub Reports doesn't currently have the capabilities to move listings from one eBay account to another, as a work around, sellers can use a 3rd party program such as SixBit to make this happen (https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/) |
How do I add various formatting into my listing descriptions? |
HTML can be used to format item descriptions (change color, font, start new paragraph, etc.). HTML is optional, but if it is not used, item descriptions would be a single block of unformatted text. A free online HTML editor, or an eBay draft listing, can be used to generate the code. For those unfamiliar with HTML, it is recommended to keep things simple to avoid compatibility issues (paragraphs, bullet points, etc.). HTML should not contain hard line breaks (carriage returns). |
How do I revise prices and quantities? |
To simplify the revision process, you can download a template file that contains existing listing information, which you can then update with only minimal changes before uploading back to the site. For information on how to accomplish this, please visit our Uploadable templates guide. |
How do I format the ItemID, tracking number and\or other fields to the correct number display before I save my .CSV? |
Excel tends to display long numbers in scientific notation. Before you save your file, you should format the cells containing eBay item numbers, UPCs, ISBNs, EANs, or other long numbers. Right-click at the top of the column. Choose "Number" for category and set the number of decimal places to 0. For tracking numbers that are very long, you may need to format the cells as text. Right-click at the top of the column and choose "Text" for category. |
What is the word “Variation” used for in a template? |
Also called multi-SKU, it identifies multiple variants of the same single product (such as colors or sizes). Variation helps to define products in addition to item specifics. |
I am in the process of listing a product, which option should I choose, the StartPrice or the BuyItNowPrice? What is the difference? |
When you list on Seller Hub Reports, you have a choice between two listing formats: Auction-style or Fixed Price. The StartPrice option is used for both Auction-style and Fixed Price listings. BuyItNowPrice is used only for an Auction with a Buy It Now price. |
Are the field values in Seller Hub Reports case sensitive? |
Values defined by eBay are generally case sensitive. For example, values for Format would need to be entered as FixedPrice (with capital "F" and "P") and Auction (with capital "A"). Variation details are defined by seller. The variation details on a listing should be consistent. For example, if there is a color defined as "Blue" (with a capital "B") on the parent row, it should be entered that way on child rows. |
How do I offer multiple item buyer discounts for shipping? |
You can create flat shipping rules, offering a discount to buyers who buy items from more than one of your listings. You can also create promotional shipping rules offering special discounts to buyers who spend over a certain amount, or buy multiple items (promotional shipping rules take priority over flat shipping rules if both apply to a listing). For detailed steps to create these shipping rules and discounts, visit http://pages.ebay.com/help/pay/shipping-discounts.html If your listing has multiple quantities, you can also set a shipping discount on your file for buyers who want to buy more than one quantity from the same listing. See field: ShippingService-n:AdditionalCost |
What is the difference between warning and error messages in the Load Results Report? |
A warning message calls your attention to something that may or may not be of minor importance and will not prevent you from successfully uploading a file feed template.
An error message, however, is to call your attention to something that has prevented you from successfully uploading items and the error absolutely needs to be corrected before you can successfully upload items. Common Error Lookup can be found here. |
How do I track my inventory? |
You can track your inventory by downloading a Listings Report. Please visit our Downloadable reports guide to learn about a Listings report. |
How do I update tracking information on a listing? |
You’ll want to use the Revise Shipping Template to update tracking information on each order with your tracking number and shipping carrier. Buyers can then start tracking their order. Learn more about updating your tracking information by viewing our Uploadable templates guide. |
I uploaded a file template, and it shows me that the upload was completed successfully. Why can’t I see any upload results? |
You may have missed the "download results" pop-up at the bottom of your screen. You can find the download results by following these steps:
What are the upload and download limits for a file? | For upload limits, we have an upper limit set to ensure all sellers have the best experience and to protect our systems from abuse. Our daily limit is set to be high on purpose and subject to change, however most sellers won’t reach the limit. For download limits, the available limit is 2 million rows. |
Can I post Feedback in bulk on a file? |
Yes, the easiest way to do that would be when you update your tracking information from the “Add order tracking and shipping info” template. See complete instructions in the Learning Resources Uploadable templates guide. |
Where can I find out more about Seller Hub Reports? |
Look for the “Learning Resources” link on Seller Hub Reports page where you can learn about the uploadable templates and downloadable reports as well as the “Create new listings” guide. Or, to download a PDF file of each guide: Click here for Reports Overview |
05-12-2021 01:47 AM
Is this the greatest thing since sliced bread. Excellent table and post.
One lrecord or line per item sounds like heaven.
And the record includes description text!? I hope I hope.
And I don't have to understand API to create the listing download?
How helpful that would be. Thanks!
05-14-2021 11:27 AM
Hi @iamonourside,
Thanks for posting, I'm happy to see the enthusiasm about the new tool.
Regrettably, Description text is not something that will be included in our download options in Seller Hub Reports.
You do not need any understanding of the API to create a listing download, it's as easy as a few clicks! The steps for this are included in the "What can I do with a Report?" section of the FAQ's above, the only difference is that under "Source" you would select "Listings" and follow the prompts from there.
05-16-2021 12:28 PM
Will the templates that we currently use for adding new listings still work in the seller hub?
How do you download templates for the purpose of filling them in to add new listings in the seller hub?
05-17-2021 12:36 PM
If you are currently using the File Exchange web tools to download templates, the same templates can be downloaded through the Hub. Similarly, your uploads to File Exchange would be handled much the same way in the Hub as they were with File Exchange web tools.
Right now, the full listing-creation templates do not yet appear to be integrated into the Hub. I currently see only a revision option. I assume we will see the full features appear over the next couple of months, and then the File Exchange web page will be retired. Until the features fully appear in the Hub, the File Exchange web page is still usable.
To get a File Exchange template from the Hub, go to the Uploads area where there will be both an upload and download option for your templates.
Seller Hub - File Exchange
The templates provided by the Hub may have slightly different headings (spaces and capitalization) and versioning that the templates acquired from the File Exchange web page, but it is my understanding that the older File Exchange versions will be accepted and translated. Older exports from Turbo Lister are not likely to work unless manually revised first.
05-19-2021 10:28 AM
I just now downloaded "listings" > "active" from Seller Hub. The CSV quotes are not correctly wrapping titles that include commas or quotes. See my download report:
rows: 29, 36, 71, 72
05-19-2021 11:03 AM
When will the template for creating listings in bulk be ready? I'm hoping it's before the June 15th date that you'll be discontinuing File Exchange. This is a critical tool for our business. Also... can you add description text as a field that can be downloaded/updated? I can certainly see how that would be useful and would be more in line with the bulk editing tools on other sites like Bonanza.
05-19-2021 12:23 PM
It looks like I do not have the ability to use the new tool yet. I cannot see the "Basic Template" on my list. Will you be contacting me, as a current file exchange user, before June 15th to assist me in making the conversion? Just a suggestion, but before you announced a firm date to no longer support file exchange, you should have ensured that the new tool was fully functional and ready for use. It's not. Would you consider extending the deadline beyond June 15th if not all sellers can be brought over? Also, I used to be able to contact members of the advanced team that handled file exchange by phone if I had problems. That is no longer possible. How does cutting off the phone contact with the seller make sense a time when you are giving us a firm cut off date of June 15th, AND the new tool is not functioning. Just a humble, nervous seller. Joe
05-19-2021 12:29 PM
Should we get in a bind, the advanced apps team is available by email at turbodata@ebay.com
05-21-2021 10:46 AM
Hi @shipscript,
Thanks for reaching out.
We've had other reports of this issue, and are currently working to address it. I appreciate you bringing this instance to our attention, and the patience while we work through it.
05-21-2021 11:27 AM
Hi @egarth1,
Thanks for posting.
We do not currently have a date for the new create listings templates, it is currently a work-in-progress. However, the Seller Hub Reports section can accept and process File Exchange files, so at this time you can upload your existing files/templates there if needed.
The Description column will not be included on any downloads, and there are currently no plans to do so. However, I can see how this would be helpful to your business, and am happy to put that feedback forward. I would also recommend using the "Comments" link in the top right-hand corner of the Reports tab so our team can review any other feedback you may have.
05-21-2021 11:39 AM
Hi @josephkeenanjr,
Thanks for posting.
As mentioned in another reply, there is not currently an option for basic templates or new listings, but we are currently working on it. As a contingency, current File Exchange files/templates are accepted through Seller Hub Reports. As @shipscript noted, you can contact us at turbodata@ebay.com with any transition help you may need.
We do not currently have plans to extend beyond the June 15th date, but I can push that forward to be considered should it come to that.
We understand how important the tool is for your business, appreciate the feedback, and are working to ensure that everything is in order as-soon-as-possible.
05-24-2021 08:53 PM
@shipscript wrote:I just now downloaded "listings" > "active" from Seller Hub. The CSV quotes are not correctly wrapping titles that include commas or quotes...
When it will be fixed???
05-24-2021 10:01 PM
The file is correctly formatted when downloaded from File Exchange
05-25-2021 03:57 AM
Couple more days and they will shut down File Exchange.
I wouldn't be surprised, if they won't fix this error before.
We will move to non-working Seller Hub Reports.
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