03-20-2022 12:49 AM - edited 03-20-2022 12:52 AM
I was looking at my tx log in SH & saw this:
Adjustment ID: big long number Seller Protection: Returns Label Subsidy Jan 24 - Feb 23 Completed | $6.00 |
It's a credit of $6, definitely a credit. No indication of what it's for or what date, other than the range of a full month. Anyone seen this before? I have not voided any labels lately.
It says 'Seller Protection', so I wonder if they're reimbursing me for one of my fake SNAD's postage labels, but I'm not sure how it would have gotten to anyone to know to reimburse me. I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?
05-17-2022 07:02 PM
I just got a $6.00 credit and I know what what was for.. buyers remorse.
What I don't understand is why Ebay is SO cryptic about it?
It would go a LONNGG way if I had been notified and was redeemed, as the return was VERY frustrating for me and it happened months ago!
Also, I paid 9.66 in return shipping that I SHOULD not have had to pay!
Oh well,
Such is corporate Ebay
05-17-2022 09:14 PM
@downunder-61 wrote:I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?
This is most likely what happened, if you reported a buyer for abusing the INAD to force you to pay return shipping, once eBbay looked at the offenders history it must have shown this to be a habit of theirs.
And unusual and strange as it sounds, even as I type this, maybe eBay are actually doing something proactive about these buyers when sellers report them.
THAT would be amazing! And a welcomed change for ALL Sellers!
05-17-2022 11:10 PM
@katzrul15 wrote:
@downunder-61 wrote:I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?
This is most likely what happened, if you reported a buyer for abusing the INAD to force you to pay return shipping, once eBbay looked at the offenders history it must have shown this to be a habit of theirs.
And unusual and strange as it sounds, even as I type this, maybe eBay are actually doing something proactive about these buyers when sellers report them.
THAT would be amazing! And a welcomed change for ALL Sellers!
It is my understanding that if Ebay has enough information they will react on buyers being reported. But they aren't going to do anything with just one report, that would not be fair and they don't do that to sellers either.
But if they start getting the evidence that shows a pattern of abuse, then they have something to react to.
What this means is we all need to stop saying that reporting a buyer has no effect or than Cancelling for non payment has no effect. Neither is true. But to do something Ebay needs the information. To get the information, sellers NEED TO REPORT BUYERS that are MISBEHAVING. Give Ebay the chance to collect the data and use it. But they can't have data unless we give it to them.
05-18-2022 03:50 AM
Ya it is the 1% chance perk they give you if your a top rated seller. I’ve gotten one in the last 4 years. And I have gotten at least 150 returns during that time, but only 1 of these.
05-18-2022 11:01 AM
@gregory2112 wrote:I just got a $6.00 credit and I know what what was for.. buyers remorse.
What I don't understand is why Ebay is SO cryptic about it?
It would go a LONNGG way if I had been notified and was redeemed, as the return was VERY frustrating for me and it happened months ago!
Also, I paid 9.66 in return shipping that I SHOULD not have had to pay!
Oh well,
Such is corporate Ebay
See post # 2 on this thread. It contains the answer.
10-22-2022 01:59 AM
We all accept returns when the buyer claims the item was not as described...
You don't accept "I decided I didn't want it" returns.
10-22-2022 11:05 AM
@recycle_pc wrote:We all accept returns when the buyer claims the item was not as described...
You don't accept "I decided I didn't want it" returns.
We are all suppose to process a claim filed as a SNAD, you are absolutely correct. No matter what the seller's return policy is, we all must process these. We can decide not to take the return and just refund the money. That is always an option.
"You don't accept "I decided I didn't want it" returns." The ONLY sellers that can deny a properly filed Buyer's Remorse claim is a seller that has a No Return policy. Sellers that offer 30-60 day returns with buyer pays shipping require the buyer to pay return shipping, but the seller still has to process the claim. And for sellers that have 30-60 day returns with seller pays shipping, the seller has to pay for the return shipping on the claim.
03-10-2023 05:00 AM
I also received the $6 and wondered why which brought me to this post. My comment is related to reporting abusive buyers. I am feeling lately like I am in FB Marketplace with all the negativity I'm getting from buyers. I had to report two in one week and I'll do it again if the situation is needed. I love that ebay can read the messages between buyer/seller as proof of abuse. I had one buyer threaten to call the cops on me and said he has people watching me. He even said I was committing fraud for filing a damage claim on a broken UPS shipment - like I'm just supposed to eat the loss?!
03-10-2023 11:10 AM
This is an extremely old thread.
The $6 you received was a TRS benefit due to the problems you had on a transaction. Check the policy for details.
04-19-2023 04:49 PM
i just got one to for $4.85
04-19-2023 06:25 PM