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Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

I was looking at my tx log in SH & saw this:  


Adjustment ID: big long number

Seller Protection: Returns Label Subsidy Jan 24 - Feb 23




It's a credit of $6, definitely a credit.  No indication of what it's for or what date, other than the range of a full month.   Anyone seen this before?  I have not voided any labels lately.    


It says 'Seller Protection', so I wonder if they're reimbursing me for one of my fake SNAD's postage labels, but I'm not sure how it would have gotten to anyone to know to reimburse me.  I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 9.52.37 PM.png


Weird that you didn't know about this considering it's part of the documentation.

Message 2 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

I am no returns, that does not apply to me.  It's only s'posed to be for TRS with 30 day returns or more. 


ETA: Also didn't post until 3/18, so it may be 2 months old LOL, how am I s'posed to know what item it's in relation to.   Even weirder, how do they know it's a false SNAD?  Is the buyer reporting system somehow interfaced with this one?  I find that hard to believe.  I also don't think anyone reads the actual case, but maybe they did.  


@mam98031  this is the weird entry I referenced in the other thread. 

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

I am no returns, that does not apply to me.  It's only s'posed to be for TRS with 30 day returns or more. 

You asked if anyone had seen it and I knew right away what it was for. If you think it was given in error that is a different story but you made it sound like you had never heard of it.

Message 4 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

I am not aware of it b/c it doesn't apply to me, since I don't accept returns.  But I appreciate your input as that does seem to be what it is!   I wonder how they knew it was a fake SNAD?  I can't believe the reporting system interfaces with this.   


It should be tied to a tx, so I know where to credit it.  Anyway, gift horse & all that.  I'll take it.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

I am not aware of it b/c it doesn't apply to me, since I don't accept returns.  But I appreciate your input as that does seem to be what it is!   I wonder how they knew it was a fake SNAD?  I can't believe the reporting system interfaces with this.   


It should be tied to a tx, so I know where to credit it.  Anyway, gift horse & all that.  I'll take it.  

Maybe not, but it's possibly tied to an investigation/reports. I have seen far more action than that over the years. This is why it's important to report, document and request investigations of abusive buyers. Over the years, eBay has almost always had my back. The narrative pushed here lately has been 'there is nothing you can do' and there is 'no point' in reporting bad buyers. Convincing people it is a waste of time. This narrative is a detriment to honest buyers and sellers because it is not true.


Whatever about $6, but hopefully you understand what I am saying.


I don't want to get into the weeds about who is pushing that, but seller protections used to be good before sellers were talked out of reporting buyers and standing up to scammers. It only takes a few reports. But if nobody does it they just keep getting away with it.


If it turns out it was something else and my information about the reports/subsidy is wrong please update when you find out.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

 I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?  


This is most likely what happened, if you reported a buyer for abusing the INAD to force you to pay return shipping, once eBbay looked at the offenders history it must have shown this to be a habit of theirs.


And unusual and strange as it sounds, even as I type this, maybe eBay are actually doing something proactive about these buyers when sellers report them.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 7 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

@downunder-61 wrote:

 I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?  


This is most likely what happened, if you reported a buyer for abusing the INAD to force you to pay return shipping, once eBbay looked at the offenders history it must have shown this to be a habit of theirs.


And unusual and strange as it sounds, even as I type this, maybe eBay are actually doing something proactive about these buyers when sellers report them.

Well I look forward to you encouraging sellers to report buyers who admit to a remorse return and then turn around and attempt an illegitimate INAD or worse. Next, call CS and ask that an investigation be opened into the buyer in case they have already been at it with other sellers.


I just want to see the right advice given to people. Report abusive buyers. Every time.

Message 8 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:

I am not aware of it b/c it doesn't apply to me, since I don't accept returns.  But I appreciate your input as that does seem to be what it is!   I wonder how they knew it was a fake SNAD?  I can't believe the reporting system interfaces with this.   


It should be tied to a tx, so I know where to credit it.  Anyway, gift horse & all that.  I'll take it.  


(I mean, I reported the buyers, but I doubt anyone went in & credited me from that, right?)

(I am not aware of it b/c it doesn't apply to me, since I don't accept returns.)


Seller protections 



Message 9 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

As noted by others, reporting the buyer is how you get the credit....IF ebay's investigation of your report concludes a credit is warranted. You are TRS, but you do not appear to meet the 30 day return requirement, so I would guess:


1. ebay made a mistake


2. ebay has changed its policy to include any TRS, not just those with 30 day return policies. If so, I'm not aware of any announcement of that change, nor has ebay changed its Help Pages to reflect such a change. But this would not  be the first time ebay has changed a policy without announcement and without changing its Help pages until much later.


You could ask about this at Weekly Chat or "call" one of the Community Team to look at this if you wish.



Message 10 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

I just got a 10.60 credit and I'm usually no returns.  I had TWO transactions that I reported the buyers abusing the "it didn't work" excuse because when I got both items back they worked perfectly so reported them for potential buyers remorse and possible fake claim thinking IF they did it to me perhaps they did it to others.  Went quite awhile and never heard back from eBay so figured it was a lost cause and surprise received the 10.60 credit with payment/payout sent.

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

Yes, that is that credit they started a couple years ago.  You must have reported that buyer for misbehaving in the return process.  Good to know it works.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 12 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

@disneychristmas wrote:

I just got a 10.60 credit and I'm usually no returns.  I had TWO transactions that I reported the buyers abusing the "it didn't work" excuse because when I got both items back they worked perfectly so reported them for potential buyers remorse and possible fake claim thinking IF they did it to me perhaps they did it to others.  Went quite awhile and never heard back from eBay so figured it was a lost cause and surprise received the 10.60 credit with payment/payout sent.

That sounds like Ebay.  They often take a lot of time to research anything.  It is a credit of up to $6.  So if shipping was less on one or both of the sales that would explain the difference.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 13 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

Isn't it nice to know that, even though pretty late, Ebay also recognized that.  When the thread is on this subject or a similar one, I encourage sellers to report buyers that are misbehaving during the return process or even in communications.  It is nice to see the process works.


I guess we need to keep notes when we report a buyer so that if this credit shows up one day we know what it was for.  But it sure would be nice if Ebay gave more information on the credit.  Ebay has it, why not share it so the seller can identify the credit.





mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 26
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Re: Has anyone seen this? Seller Protection Returns Label Subsidy?

Thank you everyone for your help!  I DO always report the buyers, but I have not won a case in the last several years, just before the pandemic was the last time I won one.  


I realized late last night what must have happened...I did a 60 day trial of taking 30 day returns & I'll bet this SNAD happened during that trial.   I can't know for sure b/c EBay doesn't tie it to any transaction or give me a date & they applied it 30-60 days after the fact, but based on all the replies, I'm pretty sure that's what happened.   


Also, I had 2 SNAD's around the same time & at least one of them the buyer had done it before, I could tell by her FB, so I suspect this was for that transaction.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

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