03-09-2022 08:32 AM
I sold a juicer to someone for $285. The unit was working when I shipped the item. The buyer claimed it wasn't working when they used it. They claim the motor was dead. They requested a return label and refund. I contacted Ebay on what to do, I agreed to accept the return to protect my Ebay rating. Ebay said they will review when I receive the return. I received the return, and noticed that the buyer burned the motor out as they were use/wear/burn marks on the base where the motor is. I compared pictures from my post to the sent back unit. They obviously used it incorrectly and burned out the motor. I contacted Ebay, and the rep told me this case qualifies for a full credit back to my account, as well as the buyers account. Ebay gave the money back to the buyer, then closed the case. I contacted them to ask where my payment is. They said would look into it. They responded with a rejection for appeal. They clearly lied as I never got paid like they said to me over the phone. I escalated again yesterday and rejected again. They don't care what they told me the first time on the phone. They are not to be trusted. I'm furious, as there is nothing I can do. I'm ready to close my account because they pulled a bait and switch on me. Horrible...
03-09-2022 08:51 AM
03-09-2022 08:58 AM
I contacted Ebay, and the rep told me this case qualifies for a full credit back to my account, as well as the buyers account.
For what it's worth... you are correct in that this ^^^ is bad information. And, yes, it is problematic that C/S told you this.
If the buyer returned the item using a Not as Described reason, you've made a refund. There will be no credit.
03-09-2022 09:05 AM
03-09-2022 09:23 AM
I accepted the return based off Ebay telling me they would support my case that is was working when i shipped the unit. When I received the return Ebay again supported me and told me it qualified for credit to myself and the buyer. They infact verbally told me on the phone call I would get paid and it was being processed. Ebay is being deceptive with customers, and it's a shame that they have stooped this low. They cannot be trusted.
03-09-2022 09:59 AM
Sounds like the cs agent(s)you spoke to were misinformed.When buyer filed not as received case that put it in buyer protection.If you had not accepted return eBay would have done it for you.EBay does not accept pics of condition as they can be altered or faked.
03-09-2022 10:13 AM
they can not be trusted is a very accurate statement
ebay like to give buyers a glimmer of hope and then dash it with baloney
the CSR team will always tell a seller that he was wronged and that ebay will take care of it
its in the training manual of false promises
ebay will always take care of things for the buyer. just like they did this time
getting a CSR to feel sorry for you does not mean they are on your side.it only sounds like they are
03-09-2022 10:20 AM
I will try to fix the motor in the unit then resell it if I can. It's not worth the emotional angst dealing with false promises/actions and lies from Ebay.
03-09-2022 11:01 AM
@pdheady wrote:Ebay said they will review when I receive the return.
I contacted Ebay, and the rep told me this case qualifies for a full credit back to my account, as well as the buyers account.
I contacted them to ask where my payment is. They said would look into it. They responded with a rejection for appeal.
They clearly lied as I never got paid like they said to me over the phone. I escalated again yesterday and rejected again. They don't care what they told me the first time on the phone.
You have to beware exactly how eBay wrote the script, and not hear what you want to hear. eBay said over and over they will review/look into it, and that you qualify for a credit. But that's not the same as giving you a credit.
In the end,
- eBay said they will take care of you,
- and as said, they took care of you ... four times.
03-09-2022 07:18 PM
Ebay said they were infact going to credit me.
03-09-2022 08:53 PM
Your listing states that this unit has a Manufacturer Warranty of 15 Years. Why not just contact the manufacturer and send it back for a new replacement unit?