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Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

Hi everyone, 

Please join us for our weekly Community chat this afternoon at 1 pm Pacific on Wednesday 9/13. We do not have a set topic for the week, so feel free to ask us what is on your mind!

Message 1 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

@mam98031 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@dtexley3 wrote:

So apparently there's a new validation process running that's notifying people that they have CONTACT information (address or phone numbers) in their listings. It's obviously being rolled out in stages and we get a new wave of CONFUSED and/or angry sellers that can't figure out why because they don't have addresses or phone numbers present. Calling CS results (as usual) in several varying answers, all wrong and all not helpful.


The issue is that the validation process is seeing ANY link http:// or https:// and is flagging it. But the MESSAGE in the email is WRONG and people are spending hours trying to figure out the issue. This has been reported now for several days, why hasn't the validation process been stopped until the code is fixed?


The lucky people that are able to figure out it's the URL's are still unhappy/confused because the majority of the URLs are for eBay APPROVED partners, such as InkFrog and Auctiva. The only way to get rid of the message is to remove their compliant allowed content. The unlucky people are throwing up their hands and in some cases throwing in the towel and choosing to leave the site.

We have 26 days to Oct 1st and this is obviously NOT properly implemented. Is there some way we can get this halted until eBay can properly address the issues?


If I pushed code this bad to our companies public facing website, I'd be shown the door.


Thank you.


Hi @dtexley3 - This is feedback we've heard as well and we've been partnering with the team to see what can be done to have it updated. Sellers can only have eBay approved links in their descriptions and if they're asking buyers to contact them, I'd also recommend including a clarifying statement of "by eBay Messages" as well. We'll share you comments on this post too and hopefully they'll be taken into consideration for updates.

This was discussed last week and it just isn't as simple as this.  If you send that email that many of us received to, the message that comes back from the spoofer team is that the email is a spoof.  But it isn't a spoof.  Ebay is using a 3rd party to send out these emails apparently and the bot used to go out and capture this information is NOT functioning correctly.  Well let me restate that.  It is probably functioning correctly to its programming, but the programming is wrong.


For example, I'm getting these notification when I do NOT have ANY contact info in ANY of my listings.  But in many of them I have a link that sends buyers to my Ebay store.  The Bot is seeing an Ebay link as an outside link which is should not be doing.


With that said, I'm am in the process of editing those out of my listings because the Mobile Friendly Checker does not like them.  Until they are removed, I can't make my listings Mobile Friendly.  Not only that Mobile Friendly doesn't like anything that was copy and pasted into a listing from Excel nor does it like bullet points if I copied anything from Microsoft word.

My questions concerns seemed to have gotten lost in the scuffle here, so please review the above posting.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 46 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

To save me lots of wasted time clicking around could you please enlighten me as to where a record of how much of my quarterly $30.00 free promoted listings credit has been used up?


I notice my old campaigns now show zeros and they are campaigns where I sold things but the fees seem to go poof rather quickly.  I don't want to start a new one if I am close to using all my credit.


Did I need to keep track myself with pen/paper?  It is also rather difficult to see when these fees are credited back.  I have found some of them but not all and my memory fades over time.


Message 47 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

@vrykalak wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@lookng2015 wrote:

As far as being able to "customise" the Seller Hub pages, you should be aware that eBay has a HISTORY of suddenly defaulting customised pages (by the seller) to what  eBay thinks it should be.


For example, this is an ongoing issue with the bulk editor. No matter how many times you customise it to the columns YOU want to see, time after time you go to the page only to be confronted with eBay's "defaults" yet again.


Can you assure us that if we put the time and effort into customising the Hub to be what we want, eBay will not suddenly reset it to the defaults again?

It is not our intention to change any of the customizations you make to Seller Hub - we've heard from many sellers that once they customized their display that Seller Hub became a great asset to them. Barring any unforseen issues, these changes should stay the same. I do recommend you use the "Comments?" link in the upper right corner of the Seller Hub to get this feedback directly in the hands of our Seller Hub team.

Is there any way a seller can SAVE the customized page, on their own computers or to cloud storage, so it can be restored if eBay decides to change it back to the default?

Saving this offline at the moment is not an available option but I think it is a great suggestion to share via the "Comments?" link in Seller Hub. As mentioned in this thread, the Seller Hub team actively reviews these submissions as they develop and enhance the Seller Hub.

Message 48 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Returns Console


Regarding the return process - we've jumped through all the hoops necessary to comply with handling returns. But after we have approved a buyers request for them to send the item back, their returns will say open indefinately or until they mark it as shipped and it is actually returned.  What we keep having about 50 % of the time is buyers open the case, we approve the return and they never ship it back - the only way to resolve this is by calling customer support to get it cleared out after 5 or 7 days.  

Can sellers get a button in the returns console that allows us to report the item not returned after so many days  so we do not have to call and get the cases closed out ?  

I tried a new way but it doesn't seem to be working yet, I reported the buyer for other reasons - maybe its just slowly going through the system but why must we have to call to get these easy things cleared up.

Message 49 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

I wanted to extend a big THANK YOU to whatever team is responsible for changing the emails for items sold received by sellers.  A long time ago the emails were changed.  They had lots and lots of dead space and offered LESS information than the previous form yet the form went from 1 page to 3.  In the last month the old format is back.  More info and all on one page.  THANK YOU!!!!!

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 50 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:
Any idea when Markdown Manager within Sales Event will finally be rolled out to everyone???? I've been waiting and waiting....

Hi @my-cottage-books-and-antiques - We don't have an exact date just yet but I know it's being rolled out to sellers now in phases. I know it's a waiting game but definitely keep an eye out!

Message 51 of 62
latest reply

Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

thank you so much
Message 52 of 62
latest reply

Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

@Anonymous wrote:

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@bigmotormania wrote:



I have a shipment going to Miami and USPS has it currently being held in California on a delay and it's flagged as a "processing exception" which I assume to mean it won't be processed until the delay is lifted.


This is obviously understandable, and I have no issue with it, and I am aware that eBay is extending protections for seller's who have been affected by the hurricanes, though I am assuming this applies to sellers in the effected areas.


Because it's flagged as a weather delay, will I be effected for late shipping if it goes past the deliver by date because of the weather delay? It appears as if it might be going to a reshipper based on the address.


I may be asking an obvious question but I honestly don't know, and the post I saw earlier didn't appear to differentiate between sellers in the effected areas and sellers shipping to the effected areas, which has the potential to mean one or the other.




Also, can I please have my old unsolds page back. 

Hi @bigmotormania - There's definitely no harm in asking about your protections and we're happy to help! Since the item is being held due to a weather delay, you should be protected as well. If you happen to receive a defect or a late shipment, I would recommend contacting customer service. They'll be able to review the order, tracking, and your buyer's location to ensure this won't impact your Seller Performance.

What you may find if you get a defect for this, and contact them, is that no defect will be removed unless it actually causes you to drop in your standards as a seller.  They may not just remove it because you did not deserve it. It has to be causing an issue with your account before it will be removed.

Hi @buyselljack2016 - While this may be the case in some situations with the validated tracking metric, our options are different when it comes to defects, late shipments, and natural disasters. I would still encourage all affected to contact customer service about these if protection isn't automatically provided.

Great advice, but you still need to get it through to the CSR when calling. The March blizzard in NY was an example of what should have been automatic protection.  Did not happen:)

Message 53 of 62
latest reply

Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

@mam98031 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@dtexley3 wrote:

So apparently there's a new validation process running that's notifying people that they have CONTACT information (address or phone numbers) in their listings. It's obviously being rolled out in stages and we get a new wave of CONFUSED and/or angry sellers that can't figure out why because they don't have addresses or phone numbers present. Calling CS results (as usual) in several varying answers, all wrong and all not helpful.


The issue is that the validation process is seeing ANY link http:// or https:// and is flagging it. But the MESSAGE in the email is WRONG and people are spending hours trying to figure out the issue. This has been reported now for several days, why hasn't the validation process been stopped until the code is fixed?


The lucky people that are able to figure out it's the URL's are still unhappy/confused because the majority of the URLs are for eBay APPROVED partners, such as InkFrog and Auctiva. The only way to get rid of the message is to remove their compliant allowed content. The unlucky people are throwing up their hands and in some cases throwing in the towel and choosing to leave the site.

We have 26 days to Oct 1st and this is obviously NOT properly implemented. Is there some way we can get this halted until eBay can properly address the issues?


If I pushed code this bad to our companies public facing website, I'd be shown the door.


Thank you.


Hi @dtexley3 - This is feedback we've heard as well and we've been partnering with the team to see what can be done to have it updated. Sellers can only have eBay approved links in their descriptions and if they're asking buyers to contact them, I'd also recommend including a clarifying statement of "by eBay Messages" as well. We'll share you comments on this post too and hopefully they'll be taken into consideration for updates.

This was discussed last week and it just isn't as simple as this.  If you send that email that many of us received to, the message that comes back from the spoofer team is that the email is a spoof.  But it isn't a spoof.  Ebay is using a 3rd party to send out these emails apparently and the bot used to go out and capture this information is NOT functioning correctly.  Well let me restate that.  It is probably functioning correctly to its programming, but the programming is wrong.


For example, I'm getting these notification when I do NOT have ANY contact info in ANY of my listings.  But in many of them I have a link that sends buyers to my Ebay store.  The Bot is seeing an Ebay link as an outside link which is should not be doing.


With that said, I'm am in the process of editing those out of my listings because the Mobile Friendly Checker does not like them.  Until they are removed, I can't make my listings Mobile Friendly.  Not only that Mobile Friendly doesn't like anything that was copy and pasted into a listing from Excel nor does it like bullet points if I copied anything from Microsoft word.

My questions concerns seemed to have gotten lost in the scuffle here, so please review the above posting.

eBay links should not trigger an issue and I've gotte this reported over to the appropriate teams for review. Some of the contact information emails that were sent out recently were sent in error, so checking your listings would be the best course of action. Definitely know it can be frustrating to get a notification and not find anything to line up with it, as this takes time and energy on your part and can raise some concerns on if you missed something. 


As for the Spoof issue, it is possible that Spoof emails were sent at the same time as some of our recent communications and I will be sure to work with our Spoof team on this topic to make sure our filters are reviewing submissions properly. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

Message 54 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

@fern*wood wrote:

To save me lots of wasted time clicking around could you please enlighten me as to where a record of how much of my quarterly $30.00 free promoted listings credit has been used up?


I notice my old campaigns now show zeros and they are campaigns where I sold things but the fees seem to go poof rather quickly.  I don't want to start a new one if I am close to using all my credit.


Did I need to keep track myself with pen/paper?  It is also rather difficult to see when these fees are credited back.  I have found some of them but not all and my memory fades over time.


Hi @fern*wood - These credits are only shown on your invoice and we don't currently have a counter of sorts to help you keep track. It is something you would have to do manually based on the credits outlined on your invoice.

Message 55 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

@odditiesandantiquities1 wrote:
thank you so much

You are very welcome, ANYTIME !!

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 56 of 62
latest reply

Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@bigmotormania wrote:



I have a shipment going to Miami and USPS has it currently being held in California on a delay and it's flagged as a "processing exception" which I assume to mean it won't be processed until the delay is lifted.


This is obviously understandable, and I have no issue with it, and I am aware that eBay is extending protections for seller's who have been affected by the hurricanes, though I am assuming this applies to sellers in the effected areas.


Because it's flagged as a weather delay, will I be effected for late shipping if it goes past the deliver by date because of the weather delay? It appears as if it might be going to a reshipper based on the address.


I may be asking an obvious question but I honestly don't know, and the post I saw earlier didn't appear to differentiate between sellers in the effected areas and sellers shipping to the effected areas, which has the potential to mean one or the other.




Also, can I please have my old unsolds page back. 

Hi @bigmotormania - There's definitely no harm in asking about your protections and we're happy to help! Since the item is being held due to a weather delay, you should be protected as well. If you happen to receive a defect or a late shipment, I would recommend contacting customer service. They'll be able to review the order, tracking, and your buyer's location to ensure this won't impact your Seller Performance.

What you may find if you get a defect for this, and contact them, is that no defect will be removed unless it actually causes you to drop in your standards as a seller.  They may not just remove it because you did not deserve it. It has to be causing an issue with your account before it will be removed.

Hi @buyselljack2016 - While this may be the case in some situations with the validated tracking metric, our options are different when it comes to defects, late shipments, and natural disasters. I would still encourage all affected to contact customer service about these if protection isn't automatically provided.

Great advice, but you still need to get it through to the CSR when calling. The March blizzard in NY was an example of what should have been automatic protection.  Did not happen:)

We strive to automate as much as we can but there will be times when a phone call is needed to have things taken care of. Apologies for any trouble and hopefully we'll be able to automate more of these protections in the future.

Message 57 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

@mendelsons wrote:

Returns Console


Regarding the return process - we've jumped through all the hoops necessary to comply with handling returns. But after we have approved a buyers request for them to send the item back, their returns will say open indefinately or until they mark it as shipped and it is actually returned.  What we keep having about 50 % of the time is buyers open the case, we approve the return and they never ship it back - the only way to resolve this is by calling customer support to get it cleared out after 5 or 7 days.  

Can sellers get a button in the returns console that allows us to report the item not returned after so many days  so we do not have to call and get the cases closed out ?  

I tried a new way but it doesn't seem to be working yet, I reported the buyer for other reasons - maybe its just slowly going through the system but why must we have to call to get these easy things cleared up.

Hey @mendelsons, happy to help with this. If the buyer does ship back the item within 5 full business days of you accepting the return, you would not need to call into customer service to have this resolved. You you be able to simply escalate the case and we will close it in your favor when there is no indicaton that the buyer has shipped back the return. This option will be available to you after the return deadline the buyer is provided has passed. Additionally, the case will close on it's own 30 days after the return is accepted without any additional action being needed on your part.

Message 58 of 62
latest reply

Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

@Anonymous wrote:

@fern*wood wrote:

To save me lots of wasted time clicking around could you please enlighten me as to where a record of how much of my quarterly $30.00 free promoted listings credit has been used up?


I notice my old campaigns now show zeros and they are campaigns where I sold things but the fees seem to go poof rather quickly.  I don't want to start a new one if I am close to using all my credit.


Did I need to keep track myself with pen/paper?  It is also rather difficult to see when these fees are credited back.  I have found some of them but not all and my memory fades over time.


Hi @fern*wood - These credits are only shown on your invoice and we don't currently have a counter of sorts to help you keep track. It is something you would have to do manually based on the credits outlined on your invoice.

How can you give that answer and then 2 posts below say "We strive to automate as much as we can"?


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 59 of 62
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Re: Community Chat, Sept 13th @ 1pm PT - General Topics

Not applicable

Thanks so much for joining us this week! The thread is now locked. We'll stick around and answer any questions we haven't gotten to yet. Have a great day! grin

Message 60 of 62
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