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Community Chat, December 2 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Hi everyone! Thanks for joining us for the Weekly Chat with eBay Staff. We don't have a specific topic this week, so feel free to share any general buying or selling questions you may have.


The chat thread will remain open until 2 PM PT at which point we'll close it from additional responses. After that time, we'll continue to work on responding to any queries that might still be unanswered.


To post your question, click Reply in the lower right corner of this post, type your question, and hit submit between 1-2 PM Pacific Time. The format of our chat mirrors the format of our Community Discussion Boards, where each post will appear in the thread chronologically. The Community Team will review each question as it comes in, and will quote the original question in our reply. This quote and the reply will appear later in the thread, so just keep scrolling down to see our answers.


Missed the chat? Send your questions to the podcast by calling  888-723-4630 or email us at and maybe your questions will make it on the air! Or listen to past episodes while you wait for next Wednesday!

Community Team
Message 1 of 64
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Re: Community Chat, December 2 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@coffeebean832 wrote:

I have a package that's showing funky tracking scans- not just on eBay but also on USPS. While in transit to the UK it's showing simultaneous scans at the international export facility and in the UK- and also Greensboro, NC. I'm confident the package is in the UK and will be with the buyer soon.


My question is- if the package is scanned as delivered in the UK but these Greensboro scans keep popping up simultaneously- will that have any negative side effects as far as metrics or if an INR is filed?


It's a weird situation so I'd like to be prepared in case something happens. Thanks.

Hi @coffeebean832 - nothing like having a teleporting package, that's some distance! You should be fine from an INR perspective and most metrics are concerned. 


There is a slight possibility that your 'tracking uploaded on time and validated' metric could be impacted if any of the Greensboro updates are 'acceptance' scans. If you see a few acceptance scans come through will you tag me to a thread so I can review further? Thanks!

Message 61 of 64
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Re: Community Chat, December 2 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@cookiecookie55 wrote:


Last year I asked about the immediate views that listings get.  Well, it's over a year later and it's still happening.   Do you have any updates to share now? Original message below.


Thank you,





Could you please explain the instant views that some items get as soon as they are listed?  Some of my items have received as many as 1,000 views the moment that they are listed, while others receive 1 or 5 or 10 or none.

1. What entity/robot is viewing the listings?

2. Can the instant views be turned off?   It's hard to know if an item is of real interest (until it is bought)  when you can't determine how many views it has received.

3. Are the instant views a glitch or is this intentional?  If a glitch, is there a timeframe for a fix?


Thank you,


Hi @cookiecookie55, this is a known issue. Our tech team is working to resolve this but I do not have a timeframe on when the fix is expected. 


@cookiecookie55 if you can tag tyler@ebay brittanie@ebay and I in a thread and provide some item numbers this recently occurred on then we can take a closer look. Thanks!

Community Team
Message 62 of 64
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Re: Community Chat, December 2 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@coffeebean832 wrote:

RE: orders awaiting feedback


There's some kind of glitch where orders I left feedback for are "stuck" in Seller Hub- using the filter shipped and awaiting feedback. Also on the Overview page reflected in the Orders box under shipped and awaiting feedback.


How do I get these unstuck? They were delivered more than 60 days ago so the feedback window is closed- but that didn't make them drop off.

@coffeebean832  - That definitely doesn't sound right. I sent you an e-mail so I can get more information on this, to get it into the right hands for a fix.

Community Team

Message 63 of 64
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Re: Community Chat, December 2 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Along those lines.


My estimated delivery times have been so far out that I went for 15 days with no sales.   Down 61%.

nyk  down.jpg

Now had a couple of sales.  Thing now is that eBay is displaying on or before Dec 7 to Zone 8.    2 day handling that I know does not apply as I historically ship faster, but still setting me up for buyer unhappiness.  I had 3 day handling, but that caused estimates to be over 2 weeks.  Adding another day pushed it out another week.  Now adding 1 day to the handling only pushes estimate out 1 DAY.



5 day zone 8.jpg



@buyselljack2016 - From what you're saying it sounds like something might be off with your working days. Depending on what you have selected it can extend your handling times (because you're setting what are "business days" for yourself). You can check this in Site Preferences under Shipping Preferences (it's called working days/cut off times for same day handling in that menu). If you update your working days, keep in mind it can take 24 hours to update your estimated delivery times. Hopefully that helps, but let us know!

Community Team

Message 64 of 64
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