10-10-2018 12:53 PM
I used to click on an item and it would highlight and stay that way. I could go back the next day and still see that I viewed the item. Now it seems that after I exit ebay those go away and appear like the not viewed items. How can I get that back? I am using Chrome. I check my cookie setting and they should be correct. Other sites react correctly and mark the viewed items or threads. So it looks like it is just a Ebay setting issue. Any Help?
10-28-2018 07:43 AM
Phew! I thought that I was the only one experienceing this issue.
Glad that I found this thread...
Yup - this issue seems to have started happening at the beginning of October, and it is mighty annoying!
I'm not going to modify DoNotTrackMe (aka Blur), as I'm quite happy to remain relatively anonymous to anonymous tracking algorithms!
Looking forward to a fix, either from eBay or A.N. Other source... 🙂
11-02-2018 11:55 AM
One interesting issue with this 'new technology':
Emails sent by eBay 'Latest from your Saved Sellers' contain absolutely NO pictures.
This would be - obviously - because any links in those emails have now been rendered obsolete whenever a new item is added, not just by the Seller, but by anybody to that set of 'grouped items'.
e.g. Seller 'X' has added some items, which would appear in a 'Marillion' search.
A list of Seller X's new items appear in my inbox, some days later.
Meanwhile, other sellers have added items to 'Marillion'.
Thus rendering the hyperlinks to Seller X's items - both pictures AND titles - to become 'broken'.
That's rather shafted 'Saved Sellers' being able to advertise their products in a 'Mail Out'.
However, the links to 'See All Items' for each Saved Seller is at least working - for the moment.
11-05-2018 01:01 PM
11-05-2018 10:00 PM
I phoned customer services, who were very attentive and undertook to escalate the issue; nothing more heard. I referred it on an eBay web form and got an immediate acknowledgement; nothing more heard. I hoped for a response from eBay on this thread; nothing more heard.
My dealings with eBay over the years relating to live business issues have been positive. General enquiries like this, though, appear to get little or no attention and their customer services in this respect are poor indeed. That's evidenced by the increasing difficulty in raising such issues - no way to email, no more web chat, nothing on the website, even the web form I used recently seems to have disappeared. It now comes down telephone, which means follow-up is difficult, or this forum, which they can ignore at will. That says it all about their attitude to customers.
11-09-2018 07:52 AM
An inelegant work around to this problem.
It appears that the "rk:" insertion occurs only on URLs
appearing on the the first page of search results
no matter what the "items per page" is set to.
So, if you set items per page to 25,
the 26th item (#1 on page 2) loses the "rk:"
and it and all subsequent item URLs become static and
show the visited link color no matter how many new items
are added at the front end.
If you set your "ipg:" value to 25 and click on the first result ON PAGE 2
the visited link color sticks the next time you run the search.
Yes, it does involve moving though more pages
but the item count will be the same
and it is a work around.
11-09-2018 10:33 AM
Cool hack!
But... but... why is this 'hack' required in the first instance?
Answers on a postcard to the usual address...
11-09-2018 10:35 AM
11-09-2018 10:58 AM
This 'Hack' still doesn't help the 'News from your Saved Sellers' issue that I outlined earlier.
I've just received 'that' email and I went to view the 'Sellers' items' - only to find that previously-viewed items were no longer 'purple'....
This is a 'First World' issue - agreed.
But it's an issue nonetheless.
11-09-2018 02:25 PM
11-11-2018 10:39 AM
OK watrwest how do I
If you set your "ipg:" value to 25 and click on the first result ON PAGE 2
the visited link color sticks the next time you run the search.
11-11-2018 11:57 AM
All I know is FireFox so I will have to walk through that,
with any luck Chrome or Safari may be similar.
All this is most efficient for searches
where the total results are more than 2000.
Below that it's not worth the effort.
Assuming you have your searches bookmarked and saved in your browser:
Go to your bookmark file and find your first search or category browse.
In the case below it is a category browse but this will work for a search as well.
If your URL was generated by ebay it will look different
than my hacked URL above.
In any case, Click into the Location Box and move through it
looking for the " &_ipg= " arguement
and change the ipg value to 25
(It may be easier to Copy & Paste the URL into a text editor
make the ipg change then copy & paste
the new search URL back into the Location Box)
I have discovered that you don't actually have to do the page 2 trick.
Just open the first item on page 1 of the results list in a new tab.
Go to the URL box at the top of your browser ....
In this case:
Move to the end of the URL
and delete the " :rk:1:p f: 0" at the end
(note the leading colon).
Still in the URL line hit enter to reload with the shortened URL.
Your browser history will now contain both the original dynamic URL
and the new static URL
The static will show the visited color for the life of the item sale.
I hope all this helps.
11-11-2018 12:00 PM
I don't know what's going on the the smiley face in the item URL above.
It is supposed to be a colon and a lower case p.
11-11-2018 12:58 PM
I don't know what's going on the the smiley face in the item URL above.
It is supposed to be a colon and a lower case p.
I believe for each user there is an option in the community settings: preferences: display regarding emoticons and smiley faces -- the default is render various combinations of colons and other letters or symbols as smiley faces, but you can set it to "none" to preserve the original text.
Your previous post shows up as intended for me, but for folks using the default setting, they will see a smiley with a tongue sticking out.
11-12-2018 01:49 AM
A helpful suggestion from @watrwest but a tedious way to deal with something that should be just click away, and always has been until recently. As already mentioned, I've phoned and messaged eBay directly and have come to zilch. I hoped for the issue to be picked up here but eBay seem to be resolutely playing dumb on it. Why can't they just say either that it's a glitch they're dealing with or that it's deliberate and we have to put up with it?
11-12-2018 07:57 PM