Selling on eBay is a minefield of bugs and issues that cause oceans of time to be lost, and all I'm trying to do is use the basic text editors and fields provided on a platform that has had 20+ years to get it right...?
1. When you do a "sell similar" and try to remove the photos, and then you click to go into another field, or sometimes do nothing at all, it will bring back the photos you removed...? In what world does "Remove" mean "Add?!" (apparently at eBay).
2. Even worse, the same random refresh phenomena will also COMPLETELY ERASE THE DESCRIPTION YOU WORKED SO CAREFULLY TO CRAFT. This happens all the time, making it a huge issue and bug. In fact I find the page for creating a listing will frequently, and for no reason, pause and refresh (does eBay know how to use AJAX properly?!) And how does eBay not know this is happening? It's a text editor, they are a tech company, it's not that difficult to fix.
3. What are all these weird detail fields the seem to auto-populate incorrectly when I DO NOT WANT TO USE THEM AT ALL, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. They have cost me so much time just trying to track them down and remove their ridiculous values. My **bleep** items don't have "Character," a "Theme," or whatever the hell "Accents" are...SIMPLE IS BETTER.
4. Perhaps the most annoying offense of all is the fact that it ASKS ME EVERY TIME TO TURN ON THE STUPID EASY PRICING. This adds an extra, unwanted step every time I create or update a listing. It should have a "Don't show this message again" checkbox, or just take a hint and stop asking. It's like they are trying to make it as hard as possible to use their site.
5. I'm very surprised I was able to type this message and not have some kind of random refresh/auto-erase issue. I have a feeling the system might just populate the message eBay wants me to post (everything is fine, our interface is great, of course we know how to use AJAX), so will have to see what comes out on the other side...
I'm using Windows 10 and Chrome, so it should work.