04-17-2019 10:21 PM
Relisted 50 items. Less than a minute later they all had 1 to 10 views. Another bug in the life of eBay.
04-18-2019 04:00 AM
04-18-2019 08:47 AM
@Anonymous wrote:
Glad that you brought that up since I was thinking the same thing yesterday, tech glitch. Then I realized that it was the FIRST day after relisting with GTC and the 30 days had ended. So we are seeing all of last months views and watchers now and new ones will start being added to that total.
NOPE, NOPE, NOPE My first GTC relists won't happen until Friday 4/19. This was 49 items from my unsolds that *I* relisted. When I went to active listings they all immediately had view counts.
04-18-2019 09:54 PM - edited 04-18-2019 09:55 PM
This absolutely needs to be addressed. I just listed a brand new item, and within seconds it had 10 views. Normally I would be excited about this. But also normally there would be at least one watcher with that kind of traffic. I feel ebay recently changed the format, and now we are getting artificial view counts in our listings. Like, I understand if youre gonna have your employees check our stuff to see if its all within the guidelines, but dont be artificially propping up our view count to make it seem like we are getting actual buying customers looking at our item. Pretty sure this falls under the umbrella of manipulation and Im definitely not happy about it.
04-19-2019 09:01 AM
Ebay is viewing your items hurry up quickly drop your price and make a sale. Now while I am just joking it does make you wonder that when they send those lower your price messages are they actually looking at the user information to see if it is a actual buyer or just their bots or reps checking listing details.
04-19-2019 05:07 PM
I just listed quite a few items and noticed they all had immediate views, as many as 19 in less than
a few seconds.
Bots?? What is the purpose? Makes no sense. Six hours later, no movement, no watchers, no more lookers. Dead standstill.
Smart techies, ideas please. Won't go very far because we sellers are moaning on deaf ears. Just looking for some sane sense to this nonsense numbers game.
Thanks, Willow
04-19-2019 08:27 PM
brian@ebay I kept track this time. When bulk relisting it's carrying over the number of views from the previous listing. This did not start until the last few days.
04-19-2019 08:34 PM
I also did a sell similar on an item with 16 views, but the brand new listing showed 6 views right away. So maybe the listing counts on the 4 relists that I tracked were coincidence.
04-19-2019 10:54 PM
Yes, the same thing is happening to me with relists and new listings (not gtc listings). For the first couple of listings I thought I was actually get genuine views so I listed more while the iron was hot. I've been around long enough to know the iron never stays hot for long, so sad. Anyway, in my opinion, the fake views are fraudulent. How many other sellers are thinking they're getting actual views and listing more than they normally would because they think their listings have been miraculously resurrected from their normal state within the black hole of no visibility? I don't believe this is a glitch. I sincerely believe it is a manipulative maneuver by eBay to get folks to think their listings are gaining interest so they'll list more and eBay will profit on the listing fees as the listings automatically relist in 30 days.
For years, I only get views and watchers on certain days of the month. The pattern is consistent month after month and sadly, it's only a couple of days of the month that eBay graces me with visibility for my listings. This week would normally be a 'no visibility' week for my items so I should have been suspicious after the first listing instantly had 12 views. For the last two days, I get between 6 and 12 views within seconds of listing an item but none of my other listings have any increased views or watchers. After the initial 6 to 12 instant views, there's been no more views for those listings.
I would like answers to explain this new phenomenon. Started yesterday morning for me.
04-20-2019 07:22 AM
Thanks KatieB.
Now I know I am not crazy or delusional. Same thing this morning. Up to 9 immediate views. Definitely not re-list additions from last cycle.
I agree with most of your thoughts. Still dead as a doornail, no activity.
Millions of supposed shoppers?
To what purpose this numbers facade? No glitch here, IMHO purposely falsified.
All of my GTC listings are affected.
04-20-2019 07:43 AM
04-20-2019 11:28 AM
04-20-2019 07:27 PM
Thank you for starting this thread - I think there is also another one going with crazy off the wall numbers being mentioned.
Reality is that this must be addressed right away - it will affect our metrics and then push our listings farther down instead of holding fair positions in search with accurate views - the gap will be too wide.
I didnt do a before and after actual count but on some of mine I think it is actually doubling the previous " view count" , if that was even accurate itself, after the first 30 day GTC- I couldnt understand why I had so many views on 2 bolts of fabric and no buyers, especially late on a Sat night of holiday weekend.
This is very very inconsiderate to sellers - deceptive, completely unhelpful, unprofessional and manipulating our status on Ebay - bug or not it needs to be fixed - has anyone escalated this again to Brian?
With Easter weekend I am sure the staff is light but someone needs to take the bull by the horns on Monday and get this fixed Immediately. It could reek havoc on Ebay and throw off all the numbers & mess up the search even more- a very unfortunate biproduct of the new GTC dictum revealing poor tech skills/design and lack of monitoring. This is why so many of us were trying to point out that this may not have been a wise decision, especially if it is adding a major error in the system. A better approach would be to test modifications to a platform on a closed dummy system / site, not the real one, before you launch active code that can be devastating if not done correctly. We can't afford to be test guinea pigs, have our listings & business damaged.
04-21-2019 08:40 AM
Not a uncommon happening according to sellers on the *sellers* discussion board. My magic number is 9 instant views.
Still wondering to what advantage to ebay.
Can have 500 views, but still no sales?
04-21-2019 10:10 AM
I am getting automatic/immediate false views on new listings, auction listings and sell similar listings.
This is a problem and it needs to be fixed.