03-26-2019 11:44 AM
So I've tried everything under the sun and it's costing me money and my precious time because I have to keep recounting and double cking what has already been listed. One E-bay seller said every time they sell something they have to hold there breath because they are not sure if they have the item. This has happened to me six times this month and I had to cancel six items. This last time I offered her a more expensive dress in replace the one that already sold. It always comes out of our pocket. E-bay is so concerned about getting and keeping customers then why can't they fix such a simple problem?
I can't list anything new if I have to keep going over my listing every minute waiting for an item to just appear out of nowhere. This is the end, there is something really wrong when they can't fix such a serious problem such as this, yet we are paying full price for everything when they are not giving us the service we are paying for.
03-29-2019 02:49 PM