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Shipping Label Printing

Been trying to print shipping labels for the past 10 minutes and keep getting internal errors ???

Message 1 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

I am not in managed payments. They send me a link to ebaylabels/register.  If I used my credit card that is just that much more paperwork to do at tax time plus having to pay interest on it if I am unable to payoff the credit card before the next billing cycle.

Message 31 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

at 1st I got a message that the page could not be found. After refreshing several times I got the purchase page. When I tries to purchase the label I got a error message with a exclamation point but no explanation about the error. I checked the shipping label page and PayPal there was no record of a label being bought. So I tried to click purchase again but the same thing happened.

I was able to purchase a label through PayPal but had to first fill out the correct shipping service and weight. After I bought the label through PayPal on eBays end the tracking number automatically updated and did not need to be manually added.

Message 32 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Hi everyone! We’re aware some customers are experiencing difficulty in utilizing certain site features (printing shipping labels, uploading images, and member to member messages). We’re working urgently to address this issue. 


For the time being, members experiencing issues printing labels can try the following work around:


Once  you've opened the “print a label” or “reprint” page, try editing the URL as follows: in the URL, replace "new_label" with "back_to_classic". This will switch you over to the classic shipping labels.

 Then try printing/paying for postage again there.


We've seen this work for many users today, so please give it a try. Also, be sure to keep an eye on the System Status board to stay updated on when these issues are resolved. Thanks!

Community Team
Message 33 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

Same, I can’t print label and wasn’t able to upload pictures to my listing so I can’t list either. 

Message 34 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

Ebay – where is your redundancy plan – it’s been 3+ hours without being able to create postage labels?  Why am I paying fees for a system that is not up and running?  

Message 35 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

Hello … just printed a shipping label.  Eastern time 1:12 pm.  Hope everyone can soon also.  Hildi

Message 36 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

same problem. My paypal account was charged but no option to print the label. Would you add the tracking number to the order and make a label manually?

Message 37 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

Why would Ebay make us did for the answer to the problem when they know its happening?  Why didn't Ebay send an announcement or message to sellers, so we didn't have to spend so much time finding out there was a problem and trying to figure it out?  Sellers combined spent countless wasted hours before realizing what the problem was.

Message 38 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

@shoe_crazi wrote:

Yep, we're experiencing this too. After brute-forcing it for about 2-3 minutes we got a single label to print... but we have a good number of packages to ship. 


It'd be nice if this was fixed as soon as possible...!

When you brewt-forzed it, did you KICK it or did you use a crowbar?


Message 39 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

tried the solution and the label went through but still cannot print the lable


Message 40 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

I now have a shipping label bought and paid for but cannot print it or reprint it.

**bleep** it ebay stop fixing and upgrading things that work just fine, instead of making things better you are making things harder and more complicated for normal non tech people

Message 41 of 42
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Shipping Label Printing

It seems to be fixed now finally what a pain in the "bleep"

Dear Ebay we are not all Tech genuis' stop fixing and upgrading what isn't broke and works just fine for all of regular people who help build your giant company. You are starting to drive all us little people away in droves.

If you want to change things at least give us a choice if we want the upgrade. There is not one upgrade you have made in the past 2 years that I wanted or needed, you are just making my job that much harder. You need to call and talk to some of us to get our opinion.

I have been with ebay since 1998 and have seen a lot of people leave ebay and I am now thinking about it myself.

Thanks ebay but no thanks to all these "bleeping" changes. Can't you just leave well enough alone?

Message 42 of 42
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