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Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

On 5/7/19 my packing slips showed Price, Quantity, Subtotal, Shipping & Handling, Tax, and Total.  On 5/8/19 those items are missing from my packing slips, on multiple selling accounts.

Message 1 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

Same here
Message 2 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

same here, packing slips are now useless


I print from the order page and use that for the packing ship.


I trim off the message area and ship to infor.



Message 3 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

I just discovered I'm having the same problem.  Usually I print 2 copies, one for the customer and one for my records...I hope this gets fixed soon.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

This is the only document that shows the tax paid by the buyer. We include this in each order.
Why does eBay have to change something that didn't need to be changed?
Message 5 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

I called eBay about this. The call-taker said it was a glitch and he pass it on to the tech folks. He did NOT say when it would be fixed. 

Message 6 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info


Message 7 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

I use the packing list as a pick list as well.  It made processing orders take twice as long today.  I hope it is fixed for tomorrow's order processing.

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

Message 10 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

@eburtonlab  Thank you for that option!  The document that prints is titled INVOICE / PACKING SLIP with no apparent option to change the title.  Just my feeling - I don't want to possibly confuse my customers by sending them an INVOICE when they have already for their purchases.  Hopefully this is another glitch that Ebay will start to work on if enough of us point out the problem to them.

Message 11 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

The old packing slip in the classic label flow is doing it too.

I just printed 3 of them, but only one acted up. I was using FF3.6.24 (my goto eBay browser for most work), and thought maybe eBay had updated the packing slip page and it was no longer going to work in that old browser.

Copied and pasted the URL into FF31 and it displayed the prices just fine. Really started thinking FF3.6.24 was no longer going to work for that as a result.

Went back to FF3.6.24 and started playing with user agents. Spoofed it as FF59 and the packing slip worked fine. Tried FF49 and it went back to not displaying the prices. A half dozen more experiments and reloads convinced my it wasn't the user agent or the browser but it was eBay being flaky. Reload it works. Reload again it fails. etc.

As I see it it is an intermittent glitch - at least for the classic packing slip (I don't see the new one any more for some reason, even when using te new label flow).

Those having trouble should try reloading the page a few times (and force a cache bypass reload using CTRL-F5 when you do).
Message 12 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

Apparently it was an intentional change that was rolled back when they realized that the change wasn't implemented properly.

The behavior I was seeing was flakiness right in the middle of the rollback.

Supposedly for now the packing slips are restored to previous functionality, but the pricing info will be going away (I think). No idea what the packing slips will be replaced with.
Message 13 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

Missed out on this thread when it was new.  My internet was out for the better part of 3 days during that period. This utter stupidity just started happening to me today.


The elimination of the "selling price", "shipping and handling", "sales tax" (if any), and the "total"  is, ......................................





  wait for it, (have been waiting to apply this recently acquired adjective)(is it an adjective?) ...................... 






asshattery at it's finest.   Who are they trying to hide this information from? What purpose can it serve to hide it?  


I see the explanation posted by "tyler" in the other thread, but why not correct the "sales tax charged" error  rather than muddling  up a packing slip by removing other pertinent information?



Message 14 of 18
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Re: Packing slip not showing buyer's payment info

"This was an intentional change. The shipping labels packing slip will soon be retired and replaced"



If they are being replaced by a "packing slip" that does not have


the "selling price", "shipping and handling", "sales tax" (if any), and the "total" 


I think replacing some employees would better serve everyone.

Message 15 of 18
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