10-28-2014 09:37 AM
The link to print a formatted listing of a purchased item has disappeared. Is this a bug or a feature?
10-28-2014 05:04 PM
This only works in Chrome if you are in Incognito mode. A lot of other things don't work in Chrome either unless you are in Incognito mode.
10-28-2014 05:39 PM
The option to print is still there for auctions that are still live but not for auctions that have ended. This is annoying. Are there any work arounds this to get a nicely formatted listing to print?
10-28-2014 05:52 PM
And to follow up on my own posting, who do we complain to at ebay in the hopes that they will go back to letting us print the listings like we used to. I like to have a nice record of the auctions.
11-01-2014 06:06 AM
Hi - As I said this works in Chrome browser in Incognito mode only, but it does work. This is clearly a bug as Chrome shouldn't have to be in incognito mode for the Print option to appear.
11-01-2014 09:56 PM
I'm not sure if I understand what your asking but I printed a copy of my purchased item by right clicking the screen then choosing print. Is that what you are asking? Used to you were able to go to easy print which I did, then there was no way to print.
02-25-2015 09:53 AM
I just tried the workaround and that option is not available in Chrome either regular or incognito. I would like the option back as well. It seems that there is no way to contact eBay to request/whatever to have the option returned. I have wanted to contact them directly on several items and can not find a way. If anyone knows how I would like to know as well.
02-25-2015 10:13 AM
Hi - The Print option on a completed listing disappeared again overnight seemingly. It's not there in Chrome Incognito mode either. It was working until yesterday but now it has disappeared again. Where do we go to report bugs in Ebay software...
02-26-2015 03:23 AM
Let's hope it's a bug and not an "improvement".
02-26-2015 10:09 AM
Looks like Ebay disabled it on purpose.
Go to any listing and view the page source:
search for $rwidgets
On that line is where they enable and disable widgets like the print button ("printView":false), or the preview item button, or the old Category View that they ALSO removed.
I suspect they removed it because the print view would allow you to get back into the old category view where you could search all of ebay for specific items by item IDs.
It used to be a very useful feature that would get you good prices for buying and selling at various item conditions, but they apparently don't want their users making informed purchases because that means less revenue in the way of final value fees.
Classic Ebay.
02-26-2015 12:21 PM
Hi - Ah yes this was on purpose then (in re: $rwidgets options). I just called Ebay about this new 'feature' and the representative told me the print button now appears only when the auction is active and you're bidding on it. I told the rep. that that decision is just stupid as I never bid on anything with more than 5 seconds left anyway, why offer to print if you don't even know if you will win the item, and what about buy-it-nows. She told me to use Print Screen instead.
02-26-2015 12:34 PM
Have no clue why you were told that....it's not true. Don't see the print preview button link anywhere. Not on scheduled listings, active listings or sold listings.
02-26-2015 12:41 PM
02-27-2015 09:45 AM
It's too bad that ebay makes it so hard to communicate with them, but I think we should innudate them with emails and phone calls expressing our views of this stupid new poicy.
03-01-2015 03:40 PM
This has become a very big inconvience not being able to print my listing for my own internal records. I have kept records of everything I've listed and it is always been helpful to look back and see what made items sell successfully. To print my purchases is the same disappointment I was able to print my listings up to and during the month of February then the propmpt to "print" vanished. I spoke to a rep and the person said it was something to do with security. At that point I was convinced talking to someone in India wasn't going to help. What only took a few moments to print now takes me a few minutes.A lot of copy and paste and missing info. Some improvement. Good luck to everyone.