09-08-2020 11:58 PM
Notifications not working on ebay website, I keep getting a message saying that they are not available at the moment, then you are all caught up. I have had multiple items that have sold and have been paid for that are not showing in the notification tab.
09-09-2020 05:56 AM
We are having the same issue, if anyone has a solution to this please let us know. I assume this will be something that gets resolved by eBay shortly but it can't hurt to ask
09-09-2020 07:42 AM
This looks like a technical issue that eBay will need to resolve. The SSL certificate for the site serving notifications is expired.
Anyone know the best way to escalate this issue?
09-09-2020 11:37 AM
Same here. Hasn't worked in days.
11-28-2020 07:44 PM
Any solutions?
I want to get notified when I sell something or get a message.
11-29-2020 04:47 AM
You are in the UK, this is the US board.........might help to ask on the UK board.
That said, and for others, you might see if the browser needs up dating or another browser works....... clearing cache can also solve some problems. "The bell" can be unreliable here in the states.....I find a bookmark to the sold page works best for me. One click to see if anything sold.