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New Saved Searches page

I just got a load of the new saved searches page and I have to say ebay has outdone itself on this one - what a horrible design and complete mess!   It looks like a page for idiots.   Why do they feel the need to change things that are just fine the way they are?  I actually deleted all of my saved searches because I cannot stand looking at that mess.  Ebay is slowly losing me as a user - really been going downhill for the past several years now.

Message 1 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I found that if i open my watch list ....And open what I am watching it reveals the category I am searching in at least and then I can get  to what was one of my favorite  searches .......I hope they will realize that they complicated what was a simple access to My Favorites List ......And go back to what was simple

Message 31 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

And why does Ebay think we want the default to sorting the list be by date created? Why would we care when we created a search? Why can't the default be by name (alphabetical)? How hard would it be to reverse those two? Is it because alpahbetical makes more sense and that is not the Ebay way?

Message 32 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Hi : I suppose the coders who sit around all day have to do something to show Management they are keeping busy ......But ruining a perfectly good working system ,that I have used for 20 years ......Certainly does not impress me as productivity and just makes no sense........Except in your paycheck.....

Message 33 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I read the first 5 or 6 posts and then the last few and have to say I'm in the camp with almost everyone here.  I also echo that the camel's back is creaking and I'm not sure what, but something is going to take me over the edge soon, and dump this place.  I've investigated options in the past, and am now considering it very seriously.  I don't use Amazon much, but it does do things fairly well.


I've long pontificated that most of the "tech companies" have about twice as many engineers/coders as they need, and with half of them their product would be better.  I can't believe the group responsible did a minutes worth of surveying or UI study before they foisted this on us.  Aaaargghhh!

Message 34 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I have already started the process of leaving the eBay platform after the changes to the seller payment methods last year.


(At that time they changed the fee structure in their favor keeping the paypal commission saving for themselves. Since then I withdrew as a "selling" user not wanting to give up my bank details - I used to sell a lot and have moved elsewhere. I have noticed a lot less private sellers so wonder how many others have gone).


Back to the topic - this latest change to the saved searches is a swipe at "buyer" usability. Totally stupid illogical IU design and a further reason to leave as it shows contempt for their "buying" users now. I guess they will ignore these comments as others have mentioned, but when the eBay machine starts to fail they might just read back through these posts and realise just when they started to drop the ball!


If they do listen then at least give us some configuration options to allow us to undo their idiotic "upgrades". 

Message 35 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

at least give us some configuration options to allow us to undo their idiotic "upgrades".


There are several possible options mentioned or linked in this thread for bypassing the flawed page entirely or for otherwise changing the way the page is displayed.

Message 36 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Appreciate this.  But whoever thought it was a good idea to make me have to go thru 3 extra steps to get to something I could just 1 click to, should probably lose their job. Why EBAY Why.

Message 37 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Hit them on twitter and other social media too.  The only way to get them to change is to bring enough notice to this.

Message 38 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

someone needs to create a go fund me page and start up something similar to ebay. been here for over 22 years and it just keeps getting worse, and prices keep getting higher - frankly i think i am done with ebay for good.

Message 39 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

Thanks for the tip- didn't know about the "feed page", but the drop-down menu is easier to navigate since I prefer to have my list in alphabetical order w/o photos.... which seems to be the main complaint here with the recent (unnecessary/regressive) change.

Message 40 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I've just spent several minutes reading other user comments about the new saved search page. I have to agree with most of the comments, as this change is totally useless and unnecessary. I too prefer the alphabetical listings. One problem I have found, but not mentioned by other members, is the lack of control of subscribed vs unsubscribed searches. And the inability to delete a search. When I called customer service, I was told that I just needed to place my cursor over the top right-hand corner of the search picture and a drop-down menu would appear, giving me those options. That feature is not working at lease on my Windows 10 laptop. 

Message 41 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

One problem I have found, but not mentioned by other members, is the lack of control of subscribed vs unsubscribed searches.


On the Saved Searches page you should be able to control your subscription settings by clicking on the envelope icon:



If the envelope is blue you are subscribed to the emails; if the envelope is grey, you are not.


And the inability to delete a search.


You can delete a search using the blue heart icon on the Saved Searches page or on the search results page for that search. A filled in blue heart indicates a saved search; a heart outline indicates a search that is not saved.


The Saved Searches page may be easier to use if you employ ad blocking rules to block the large images, as described at the thread linked in message #19:





Message 42 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page



This page is now BROKE. Pure and simple. How can I search for my keywords, for a certain model I setup a search for? ALL KEYWORDS ARE NOT LISTED ANY MORE!!! Unless the keyword I'm searching for happens to be in the first XX characters, then after that they're CUT OFF and it's IMPOSSIBLE TO SEARCH!!!


I setup searches all the time, they could list 20 different models like (model1, model2, model3, model4, model5, model6, model7), etc. etc. ALL that is cut-off and not searchable in the text of the page.


I can't search by the brand alone (which IS the first thing listed), because I have 30+ searches setup for the same brand, and again, I can't quickly see the model numbers because they're cut off.



Message 43 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

One thing I forgot to mention:  if you're using a newer version of Firefox, you'll need to enable userContent.css processing to use my CSS "Saved Searches list view" overrides.  (Gee, thanks, Mozilla.)


In Firefox,  browse to "about:config" and set "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" to "true".


We now return you to our regularly-scheduled presentation of "Moaning about eBay", already in progress.

Message 44 of 80
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Re: New Saved Searches page

I think the thrust of all these changes are so the pages can be viewed on small touch screens - like smart phones and tablets. So it's ebay's philosophy that everyone on the planet only views their site with these devices. I however avoid them as much as I can, because it simply means they have ripped out all the useful functionality and replace it with giant tiles that can be pressed with big fat fingers! Also, you can tell that their developers are NOT users of their own site. No user would ever make the changes that are currently being implemented.


PS: I've been using ebay a very long time. When they first introduced the saved search feature, you could actually give it a meaningful name and that is what you saw, not a complex string of search commands. 

Message 45 of 80
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