Switch the number of page views from 240 to 120. Not sure why, when they
have more than 240 items, it will not show any more than 1 page of items
until the number is reset to 120. Ebay being Ebay.
Appreciate this. But whoever thought it was a good idea to make me have
to go thru 3 extra steps to get to something I could just 1 click to,
should probably lose their job. Why EBAY Why.
The last emails I have from ebay are telling me I cannot add new
listings with the start of the new year unless I have managed payments.
My current listings would be ok but no NEW listings.
Well as a casual seller, I have the seller hub on ebay and there is only
a simple listing or multiple listing available on the create listing
tab. Or you can go to a page that offers listing templates. On my phone
there is just the quick listing tool...