09-29-2018 11:32 AM
I had listed 71 new listings in my store. When I was done I wanted to put them on sale as other similar items like them were on sale in my store. So I did the markdown 15% off in the Promotion section to start at that time and run for 12 days. A couple hours later went back to my listings and seen that the program had
skipped every one of my listings that I had wanted to put on sale. This is the second time this has happened that it won't allow me to put new listings on sale?
Does anyone know why?
09-29-2018 06:47 PM
Same here as of 09/21/2018.
Reported the issue to eBay Cusomer Support via telephone on Sept 28th 2018. Was told "give it 24 hours".
09-29-2018 08:22 PM
@antiquewarehouse-woodstoves @zaida-moda I don't remember off hand which update it was in, hubby threw out my cheat sheet 😞
Anyway... listings must now be listed for 14 days AND with no price changes before you can use the % off markdown.
Yes.. I hate this change too.
You can use the order discount option from day one of a listing.. such as buy 2 get x % off.
09-29-2018 10:29 PM
09-29-2018 11:26 PM
I could not believe that eBay would impose such rigid requirements on all their sellers just to place a listing on sale. Having just spoken to them, I now see that you are absolutely correct.
Evidently, it was mentioned in some vague terms in one of the seller updates over the summer. Nevertheless, it creates an enormous disadvantage for the rest of the sellers who are not constantly manipulating the price of their sale items in some way that supposedly undermines the eBay consumer . I mean, the "no price change" rule is understandable, but the 14 day waiting period is simply unnecessary and overbearing.
For those who do not sell through any other channels, all are at the mercy of eBay. And soon, to be a "seller" on eBay would be no more than constantly yeilding to tyranny.
I think we should speak up.