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Manage Active Listings page will not load.

I see other complaints about eBay being slow today but I can't even get my Manage Active Listings page to load! So much for updating any listings today!

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

same here. Desktop. Firefox.

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Same here on Edge and Chrome

Message 3 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Does the page load if you disable your ad blocker?


If so, there may be a particular filter causing the slowdown for you.


If you are using Ad Block Plus, try disabling your ABP filters in the Advanced section. If you are using Ad Block, try disabling your Anti-Circumvention filters in your filter list. If you have disabled either of those in the past, an update may have re-enabled them.


If that does not help, is there any difference if you disable other add-ons?


Any difference if you use a different link?


Message 4 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Same here.  Chrome.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Me too. Chrome/Mac.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Any difference if you try a private or incognito browser window?


At least one user has indicated that switching from Chrome to Edge made a big difference in speed. Possibly the difference was due to a different version, settings, add-ons, cache or cookies rather than just the browser itself, though.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.



Same here. For me, the Active Items list is not loading from the Seller Hub links in Firefox though it loads quickly using Edge. Other lists are loading.


(Have done all the usual things, clearing cache and cookies, restarting, etc.)

Volunteer Community Mentor, buying and selling on eBay since 2004

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

The whole site is so slow it's like watching paint dry trying to do anything.


They've loaded it up with so many ads and images that have to load before you can do anything it's beyond painful to try to actually DO anything as a seller.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 9 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Using Chrome on my laptop. I can barely get anything to load on eBay.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

@inceptions wrote:



Same here. For me, the Active Items list is not loading from the Seller Hub links in Firefox though it loads quickly using Edge. Other lists are loading.


(Have done all the usual things, clearing cache and cookies, restarting, etc.)

Hey @inceptions! We do have a sitewide ticket open for multiple eBay site pages are slow to load or not opening correctly. The ticket is ALERT15153 and if anyone is experiencing this I highly recommend to reach out to customer support to have your account added to the ticket for more examples for our Tech team to use as a reference.  

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.


I am very frustrated with the lack of clear communication about site problems both on the seller board and under announcements on the Ebay site/ platform.

After banging my head against the computer last night for 1 1/2 hours,  seeing a few other posts from sellers and not having time to open them all up and see responses - I checked the top of the page ongoing known issues and NONE of the past 2 days were listed in the box as of last night when I was experiencing difficulties with page not loading and hanging etc. I did all the obvious, cleared my cache and cookies etc. I had time sensitive listings I needed to do due to travel schedule and had to abort my plans and lost potential sales.  I am not willing to change browsers for a variety of security reasons and configurations in my computer.


Today I discovered you answered a particular post from yesterday at 7 am this morning but yesterday others were guessing  or saying they didnt have it which isn't productive.  Unless we open up each post,  read through all replies,  which I dont have time to do at length, its hard to know that an Ebay staffer has actually replied and addressed the mystery.

Added to which, I finally discovered there is a System Outage Board that I never saw before after 23 yrs on Ebay and its buried at the bottom of one page when I looked up site map associated with announcements

yet no link to it on Announcements page nor under Community board/Technical difficulties where your ongoing pined reported section is. Also there is no section on Technical Difficulties anywhere on the site guide under contacting Ebay so it looks like Ebay isnt interested in helping.


I registered my complaint with the Selling Dept - this is really exasperating to not have clear communication when you have all the tools and design in place but it needs to be better presented,  meshed, linked and updated by Ebay. I recommended this over 10 years ago as a necessary element on the site. 


It would save so much time to see a clear posting of a known problem by EBAY once it is reported and then a link to the Outage Board which today say everything is fine and,  a static page, so you cant go back and read history. 

Please get together with the site designers and fix this.  If you have an IT dept its not difficult to kindly post the known reported bug promptly so the rest of us don't have to waste time trying to diagnose & fix our computers when its an internal Ebay site problem, whether for some or all members. In my opinion,  it shouldn't have to be the members posting the technical difficulties but rather Ebay posting and acknowledging once those members have reported either by phone or a proper separatee reporting system ie a form or interactive chat system for it.  It would be much more efficient, faster and eliminate half of the posts and used space on community boards. It would be much more helpful, visible & accessible to your clients who pay for a functioning site. Thank you Etrusca



Message 12 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Unless we open up each post, read through all replies, which I dont have time to do at length, its hard to know that an Ebay staffer has actually replied and addressed the mystery.


Regarding this one specific point, if a thread has a response from a member of the eBay community team, there should be a colorful "eBay" logo just after the "Latest reply" date, at least on some boards or in some views. How it looks for me:




Message 13 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

Thank you,  I do understand that & saw that today, which I need to amend 7 am was 10 am EST, what I meant was responded to internally and that an issue is actually being addressed, ie the lag time between, Ebay reps receiving report,  IT dept addressing known malfunctions & acknowledgment to posters, at minimum posting faster that it has been reported. 

That' s why  I feel there could be a much more streamline  & transparent system for reporting. 

I know you try to be helpful responding to a number of glitches and have clever recommendations which we all appreciate. I just feel that when it is an internal site malfunction that is not fixed immediately then that should be posted by Ebay.

You are one of the most clever members with seeming extensive tech experience & understanding - perhaps you could help them refine the pages and system. The fact that I discovered a systems outage board that is very hard to find and not visible on pertinent pages I find rather surprising. 

I think it is a pervasive problem on the site where there is either too much duplicity in informational guidance & priority given to large graphics/ design verses text that overshadow "the meat" or lack there of on important topics or buried links. As I have said in the past, if it were me,  I would reduce the informational framework by half, have it be clean, succinct and in one place and not have it be a labyrinth.  I really feel the graphics are less important than the content and most would appreciate it condensed & consolidated , less of a visual assault and thereby be able to access  & digest information much faster. 

Thanks / E

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Manage Active Listings page will not load.

I just feel that when it is an internal site malfunction that is not fixed immediately then that should be posted by Ebay.


I do not disagree, but there are trade-offs at work.


The centralized status board will always be a lagging indicator. Institutional systems require information to percolate up various layers where decisions can be made, and pronouncements can be carefully worded and disseminated downward. No one wants to be put into a position of announcing a fix will be implemented on a certain date, and then have to explain why the problem remains after that point.


Individuals posting to an open discussion forum will always be able to react in a quicker fashion, and also don't need to seek approval to offer suggestions, but at the same time cannot implement any actual fixes either. This process is necessarily more chaotic.


Both systems have their uses, and their limitations.

Message 15 of 16
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