01-05-2021 01:44 PM
Looks like the ebay gremlins are working over time trying to screw things up.. when I view my orders that are awaiting shippment, it defaults to show the newest order first... didnt use to do that ...I know I can click the sort button to show the oldest first, but why did this change in the first place? It used to default to oldest orders first. Is there somewhere to make this a permanent setting? Instead of every time I open the page having to reset it?
01-07-2021 12:30 PM - edited 01-07-2021 12:31 PM
We have the same issue. We had our orders sorted by SKU, now it wont default to that option. Work around has been to book mark the awaiting shipment page with the URL that tells it how to sort.
01-09-2021 11:41 PM
The Manage orders awaiting shipment Screen in the Seller Hub.
Yes, I have the same issue too. I can get the screen to sort by oldest order first, then I create the label for that one and click on the link to return to orders and they are all out of order again. Defaulting to newest order first. It is annoying at best. I sure hope the fix it soon.
01-11-2021 03:14 PM
01-11-2021 03:35 PM
tyler@ebay wrote:Thanks for the tag @mam98031 - I'm not certain if this is a technical issue or not, I've requested more input and will update you as I hear back!
I can tell you that in the past week is when this started. It was not like this before.
For some of us it is a real problem and could cause us to ship the wrong item to a buyer. The screen shouldn't be inconsistent. That inconsistency can cause problems for sellers when they are shipping and moving back and forth between the Order screen and printing a label screen.
01-12-2021 07:26 AM
Following up on this -
The Seller Hub team has confirmed it's a technical issue, a fix has been made and will begin rolling out tomorrow.
Pinging @mam98031, @displaystandsdirect and @xray360 for awareness.