09-22-2024 06:18 PM
Maybe I'm missing this, but I can't find a report that shows the final Order Earnings by Order.
This would be immensely helpful when tracking profitability of different types of items.
I tried calculating it myself, but I'm pretty sure that's impossible...
To calculate it myself, I need the actual shipping $ paid for each order, but it's *not possible* to calculate this using the Paid & Shipped Orders or Transaction Reports since I buy multiple shipping labels at once. When I purchase more than one at a time, the total $ paid for that "bulk" purchase shows up as one line in the Transaction Report. So I can't break them out and attribute them to the individual orders. Is there a report that contains this breakout? Obviously this data is available because it shows up correctly on each Order Details page.
Can we just get a report for Order Earnings for each order?
If this isn't the right place for this request, please point me in the right direction! 🙂
09-22-2024 06:25 PM - edited 09-22-2024 06:28 PM
There is NO place on this site for that type request. You need to keep 'books', noting each and every item with items like
sold; cost; shipping; fees; (and then the end of the column would be the net.
The 'actual shipping paid' is on each label- the receipt half.
You can see 'each individual' order breakdown by clicking the blue underlined order number for each and it will tell you all these things, but it is for 'just that item'.
40 items sold in 90 days should not be too difficult. Not sure why you are 'bulk' purchasing labels when it looks like you only sell 1, 2, 3 items- and they appear to all be different size/weight; so, purchase each one at a time, print the label with the receipt and if you are taking the shipping $ from ebay 'pending' then it will show up on that report. If you are paying via paypal, you can get on paypal, or like I said, book each sale.