08-11-2024 05:42 PM
Just a few days ago I had over 10150 listings. Now it shows 9747. It was 9751 when I started writing this and 9754 when I called eBay a few minutes ago. These are not items selling. This is listings disappearing!
08-11-2024 05:45 PM
Another big seller as well as myself have been dealing with this for a while. I've called about it a year ago and nothing has changed.
08-11-2024 05:53 PM
Items might be ending today....I have like 80 items ending today...but get re-listed again....on the said second of a minute they were original posted a long time ago. Unless you posted all 10150 listings on the same day...your listings will never be accurate. They end and get re-listed by day, week or month when they were posted.
08-11-2024 05:58 PM
I have items that end every day. This never happens. I get items may take a while to index in search but you can still see the items that aren’t visible in search yet in manage active listings. These items are disappearing completely off eBay. Not in unsold or ended folder. Just gone. And given the size of my store I have no way of knowing which without going through over 10000 items
08-11-2024 05:59 PM - edited 08-11-2024 06:03 PM
More complaints of disappearing listings...
Re: good till cancelled items not relisting, not i... - The eBay Community
08-11-2024 06:15 PM
The algorithms of eBay I can't explain.
I wish people in other states and countries could tell me what they see I am selling.
Currently you have: eBay Store 9732
9700 buy it now
19 auctions
08-11-2024 06:17 PM
I just notice the 9700+ items on your listing....so we really don't know what the '+' is or means....
08-11-2024 06:19 PM
I also get 'search all 9730 items'....talk about confusing.
08-12-2024 09:37 AM
Yeah I have been having the issues off and on for over a year now. I've had two tickets, it gets fixed then a week later is off again. No matter how many I sell or list the number either stays the same or goes down. I've been hundreds to thousands off. The seller hub number is correct, the store number is wrong.