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Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

For about 2 days in a row now, there has been this intermittent problem on Ebay under active listings. It seems to depend on the time of day. The view counter is not showing view numbers on most listings. Instead it shows dashes. Before this problem, there was also another intermittent problem where the view count would show up as zeros instead of dashes. Something is definitely wrong with the view counter and I ask eBay to please fix it since this is a very annoying issue. It is impossible to tell how a listing is doing without the view count. Please respond if you are also experiencing the same problem. 

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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

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Message 61 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

Refreshing is not helping. I have to wonder if this  has something to do with the fact that my "Top Seller" status was taken away from me because I don't offer refunds. 


Coincidental or not, whatever is driving the problem is not helping sales either. 

Message 62 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

I have tried the same thing. Refreshing, closing out & going back in, rebooting. NOTHING works. I have not had views now for 2 days in a row. It's been going on for over a month. One post I read said that if you go into each & every item, you can see the actual views. Not true. This also doesn't work. It doesn't even show VIEWS on the listing now. At least it used to say (example) VIEWS 2. 


I wish they'd get this figured out. I am a SMALL store but I depend on the income through summer while school's out. I'm not a mega seller. Don't have the finances. eBay needs to think about the little guy a well as the super seller.

Message 63 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

It's been this way now,going on 3 weeks,my first page of listings are working for now,but the 2nd and 3rd pages are not.They show a line with 0.No views on 2 pages,or 1 or 2 views--then even those alternate.And of course nothing has sold in this time.Auctions go on,and nothing---because it's messed up.So nearly a month--nothing--but technical glitches that go on,on,on and it's as if they all went on vacation---and forgot about their job,while we're all here waiting for them to fix it.

Message 64 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

My Views are not working, tried Seller Hub and not working there, either. Now Seller Hub comes up whenever I open Ebay on my computer and I have to spend time searching for my All Selling page. Hope they fix the views and return my landing page to "All Selling".
Message 65 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

I have been seeing this same issue for over a week.


It is particularly interesting that items with three watchers show zero page views.


Also kind of odd that the watch list function is a high priority to keep working, but the view count is not.


In the last four days, the "intermittent" part of the problem has gone away, and it is now constant.


And the view counter on the individual listing pages has disappeared also.


Makes it pretty difficult to use the measurement of interest in the item of people looking at the listing page in adjusting price when relisting the item...

Message 66 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

I called eBay about this issue today. The CSR told me eBay is working diligently to correct this issue. He added my name to the list of names already on the help ticket. 


He mentioned that by refreshing the page multiple times, the view count may show up. This did not work for me. 


This has been an issue for a couple weeks now. Hopefully eBay can fix soon. 

Message 67 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

It's an ongoing issue. I reported it in February of this year, and I see other reports going back to July of 2017.
Message 68 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

Same  here! I have never had a high number of sales (my own choice) but even so,  number of views and poor sales lately seem to correlate. It's as if buyers are not seeing my items at all. I get 1 or 2 watchers every now and then, but very little action otherwise. I have to believe whatever the problem is with the view counter, that it is also affecting sales. 

Message 69 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

It's 5:50 a.m. on Sunday July 1, 2018, and I see view counts on my active listings.  Unfortunately, the counts appear on only 16 of the 35 items I have listed, but as the adage goes "half a loaf is better than non at all."  I'm hoping it's a sign that the view problem is finally being addressed.  [Yes, hope is my strategy!]  Keep fighting the good fight!  Take care, sydneybean49

Message 70 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

Same here.  Just listed yesterday and is showing no view....nothing.

Message 71 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

I agree! The view counter malfunction is a real problem,and they need to fix it now! Some techno geekoid  slacker who did the latest systems update in order to justify his/her existence made a major screwup here! They need to hire some real experts. Not some Half *** experts! Ebay needs to fire all of their defective programming staff.

Message 72 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

So tired of all the glitches, if we as sellers did as lousy of a job maintaining our end of ebay as ebay does maintaining theirs we would be kicked off in a heartbeat. I too am having the page view issues, Get this I had 1 item this morning with over 16,000 views and it was only listed yesterday. I am like wth now about every other listing is showing page views.
Message 73 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

I just re listed an item today after of course it did not sell.  I looked and all of a sudden had 37 views in about 20 minutes after relisting.  I had 18 views total throughout the entire duration of my last auction.  The kicker.....when I checked it again just now, zero views.  Thanks Ebay.  Wanna maybe earn that commision chunk you charge us all?

Message 74 of 192
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Re: Ebay Summer 2018 view counter not working - views not showing - dashes instead

Not applicable

I am having this problem also for about 2.5 weeks now. Nothing I have done corrects this problem. it would really be nice to know which items are being looked for and which are not!!! 

Message 75 of 192
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