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Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

Ebay Listings kept freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft. I realized that if I had another Ebay tab open it would froze. Once I closed the other Ebay tabs while listing items, it stopped freezing. Thought I would post this in case others are having the same problem. 

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

Same problem here and have had to re-type large parts of the listing after finding it again. I've gone to scheduling a listing for several hours in advance and then going back in to edit rather than saving or finishing a draft. This "new" seller's hub thing is less than useful for me but is keeping somebody employed at eBay.


Message 2 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

This problem began yesterday for me as well.  Reminded me of how well I can use colorful language. What a spectacular waste of my fun time and I agree: glad someone is gainfully employed at EBay using their apparently lackluster computer skills....


Thanks, gedney, will give your work around a go and see if it successfully reduces my colorful language output...

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

Twice this happened to me and this time I can't get around it. Closing the open ebay tabs didn't help. Using Edge browser.

Message 4 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft


Message 5 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft


Message 6 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

I started having this "can't list or save a draft' PROBLEM.  Closing any other ebay tab doesn't work for me.  I let it try to save the draft all last night and it didn't.  Any solutions from ebay??? Or is this a page for us just to vent?

Message 7 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

I have had the same problem for the last month.  I have wasted so much time preparing the lisings only to have them freeze up when I try to post or save the listing.  1 out of 10 listings I prepare actually post as a listing.  Called Ebay a month ago and they originally blamed my account set up but at the end of the call they confirmed that Ebay is aware of the situation but could not offer any solutions. I was told Ebay IT would reach out to assist - but I have only heard crickets.

Message 8 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

The same thing is happening to me.

Freezing when I try to revise a listing.

Freezing up when I  list an item. Draft page only has a part of the text I've written.


Seems like this has been going on for some time and Ebay does not care about fixing it.

Message 9 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

I don't know if this will help anyone, but I was able to get around this but its not fun. Unlike some sellers I create nearly all my listings with "Relist your listing" or "Sell similar". This because I avoid templates and drafts. It works unless you use a faulty source listing and perpetuate bad traits to your new listing. So I had another listing today using "Relist your listing" fail to be saved. So I copied all the data over to a different listing using "Sell similar" and it saved as normal. The system problem causing this may be bigger than this episode, but at least I have hope now I can continue to list. Now I only did this once so far so don't know if it's repeatable.

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

I can't list any new products it keeps freezing. This has been going on for several months, yet, ebay has done nothing to help. Poshmark is looking better everyday.

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

The saga continues. The situation I see has clarified a little. On a listing made from "Relist Your Item" or "Sell Similar" sometimes certain data cannot be successfully changed. For example,  changing an eBay category or turning International shipping on or off can cause a logical error which kills the new listing. You can see that no subsequent input will be accepted, by noticing that the momentary notice at the top of the page "Backing Up" or the like is very brief, and truly not backing up anything. Continuing the listing is a waste of time as it is already dead. Clicking to "List the item" leads to failure as does "Save as draft". This problem may also exist on brand new listings or listings created from a listing template but I have not confirmed that.

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

thank-you an answer instead of new complaint. gonna try new listing. if it works you will see this without a follow up

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

Seeing that this post is over a year old and the problem still persists till now really shows how much Ebay cares. I hope a new alternative comes to take their place.

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Ebay Listings keep freezing when I click "List Item" or "Save as Draft

As above, I know this is an old thread but it needs a bump from me too. This is my first time mass listing for a while and I'm being forced to use the new template, the one I opted out of before because it simply doesn't work.


Out of the 60 listings I've just done, 15+ have been completely skipped or not processed. I'm continually getting grey boxes that refuse to load. This happens when:

Clicking to List

Clicking item specific drop downs

Clicking Create similar after listing


The only way I can get the page to load is to refresh and start again.. which leave me questioning whether it has actually listed or not. Turns out some have and a bunch haven't.


The only solution being posted is to close other windows but this just isn't viable for me. I need to check existing listings for prices, check my current listings to see if it's something I already stock and the of course the page for listing. A smooth fast process possible a month ago is now a laggy inefficient tool.


The only solution I can think of is to use two browsers but this is just going to hinder me going between multiple windows. Listings used to take me 1 minute tops now it's 3x plus the amount of time.


Is there any active development to improve this, is there ANY way to get back to the old listing template?

It would probably be more efficient for me to list using the crappy mobile app at this point..


Message 15 of 17
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