06-21-2021 07:12 PM
Due to an Ebay tech error our listings were not showing in two categories, only the first category. Changing seasons should have been as simple as adding a category but due to the tech problem that option was not available. each listing had to change individually. The bulk tool for removing categories did not even work. (to avoid .10 charge for additional category)
the tech department was helpful in refunding the .10 for the second category. recentlly they notified me the issue was not yet resolved.
Realistically I had to recreate each listing. When one changes categories nothing of signicance saves, not even the brand. I had almost 2000 items listed in sweaters that needed to be changed to top. discovered in April, using both the computer and the phone I worked furiously. In late april our family experenced a covid tradgedy and we lost over a week and with a published "out of town.” I returned to work but not for long. By the 20th of May all came to an abrubt end. I got my sold items out upon our return but in the mix of all the work I missed answering a few emails imediately. That mistake caused a defect which put me at 5 for the year. 5 mistakes in a year out of thousands of sales . too many to be considered a responsible business owner. Now my account is restricted and I am treated as though I am " a loser. " Customer service? ??? OMG is ebay ’s idea of a bad joke?? They are not trained to resolve problems but only to hyperfocus on their single category and reprimand as if im a naugty child. The connection that I would have had plenty of spare time to answer emails “immediately" had I not been focused on making my listings visible due to ebay’s glitch does not compute nor does it matter. Mind you had I known I had the ability to appeal I would not even have 5 defects. I waited until June 20 hoping to regain my selling status but due to the restriction and inablity to revise a single lisitng I sold nothing of value. I need to sell a hundred to regain my previous status. But ebay’s punative measures left me with 600 insignificant listings. Due to the restriction I can’t touch them. I cannot change categories, price copetetively, or even update an image. I can do nothing to help make the store more appealing.
The punishment does not fit the crime. It unbeleive that what was just a few months ago a thriving business is now worthless. AND NO ONE CARES or ACKNOWLEGES it all started with EBAY’s Technical glitch. I feel I have no choice but to shut down. I need an income. It is tremendously unfair