09-20-2019 04:14 AM
Can't list anything. The image uploader is taking forever and then it gives an internal error message(SD009). No way to contact customer support either because they don't open until 8am EST....
09-20-2019 10:42 AM
I am having that problem too. However, I found out that if I upload one image, save the listing as draft, and then click complete draft, I can upload one more image. I had to do these steps for each image I wanted to upload. Pain in the you know what, but it lets something get done.
09-20-2019 10:44 AM
09-20-2019 10:47 AM
That is what I am doing right now ... did photo's .. saving everything as drafts ... cross list to Posh
09-20-2019 10:56 AM
09-20-2019 11:06 AM
7 hours now... not fun
09-20-2019 11:16 AM
I'm getting photos to upload sporadically. One will be successful, the next will not. Sometime it automatically rotates them, and trying to rotate them back to original works sometimes...sometimes it doesn't. It'll be a half hour before I get 12 pictures successfully uploaded.
Label printing has also not been working. Not sure if that's been fixed by now, as it's been a couple of hours since I did labels. The solution for me (thanks to the eBay member whose ID I forget now!) is to replace "new_label" in the URL with "back_to_classic" after you click on the link to print a label -- this will bring up the classic label printing interface, which still works.
09-20-2019 11:23 AM
I found that if I stand on my left leg and rub my belly in a counter clockwise circle, and at the same time tap my head in time to the Door's song "Five To One" with my right hand ... the photo still doesn't upload.
09-20-2019 11:28 AM
This is a critical business failure and the complete lack of eBay presence in this thread is unacceptable. At a minimum an explanation of the problem and an outside estimate for restoration of service should have been provided. This is amateurish and it's frustrating how little recourse it seems like we have.
09-20-2019 11:32 AM
Same here. Photos will not upload into listing form. I keep getting the message that ebay is having some technical problems. All day long!!
09-20-2019 11:37 AM
To be fair, an eBay rep did post on page 6 of this thread, but there haven't been any updates since then. The server status page has also been stagnant for a while.
09-20-2019 11:38 AM
If member fees are due today for anyone, I bet there won't be any technical issues when they take our money.
09-20-2019 11:44 AM
As I was typing the 'stand on one leg' bit above, I was trying to upload a single photo for the 8th time. Came back and it worked. Got greedy and tried the other six in one shot. No go. Tried one at a time - worked till the last one - then after three tries success. Maybe work for you
09-20-2019 11:49 AM
I have had 12 hours of this garbage now. Time to call it a day and try again tomorrow. Sucky rubbish eBay service skills.
09-20-2019 11:50 AM
Same for me, it seems that they're slowly resolving it
09-20-2019 12:20 PM
Hi. I am unable to upload pics they keep deleting. Took me 5 tries to get labels printed...yikes. Sure can't make money this way. I guess I am going to give up for today. The app is not showing me messages...what else