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Can't Message a Seller


‎05-28-2022 09:53 PM

Anyone else having issues sending a message? I'm trying to send a message to a seller I bought from and after I click "send message" a page with a red bar keeps appearing and says something went wrong and I should try again later. Never seen it before, it just started today.

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Can't Message a Seller

Try going to the seller's feedback or profile page and composing a new message there using the Contact link.


If prompted for an item number and you get an error because the listing is old or expired, choose "not about an item" instead.

Message 2 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

No. This doesn't work either. I still get a 'Fail to add member message ' error. I am not able to contact the seller at all. I tried sending via the PC and it says error, try again later. But then on the ebay mobile app I can see that the messages I tried sending on the PC were sent. I haven't received any replies yet(from a seller who always regularly replies) so I'm guessing they can't message me either. 

This is super frustrating and annoying.

Anyone else with the same problem?

Message 3 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Started getting the stupid error message early on the 28th, still ongoing.


It doesn't matter what browser or device I use either.


It's not me, it's ebay (again).


I've been wondering why there aren't more reports of it on the boards.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 4 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

I was just coming to see if it was just me. I am having the same issue. Something happened on the 27th and messages are still not working. This is not a good way to attract potential buyers. 

It's always something.....

Message 5 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Try using a desktop browser to send a message instead of a mobile browser or the eBay app.


Message 6 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

It is amazing how this seems to be a wide spread issue, but not a peep on ebay announcement forum.  I tried sending many messages to various sellers the past 2 days- received error message to try again later.  When checking my personal email received a copy of messages.  However no responses from any of the sellers which tells me they actually were not sent.  Sent a message this morning to a UK seller.  They sent me a message asking the same question, which again tells me my message was not sent/received.  When I responded to their email it was not sent and did not receive copy on personal email.  I read a Community thread from 2019 which involved the same issue.  This obviously is an issue for ebay that comes and go with no answer how to fix it from happening again.

Message 7 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Same here! Can't contact ebay to find what went wrong. Any suggestions ?🤔

Message 8 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

One of my customers I am able to communicate with off ebay,  is having the same problem.  Lack of any other questions since,  seems it's probably affecting most customers.  Way to really get this site working.  First you crash our sales around the 13th,  then you make it impossible to communicate,  all after having invoicing issues dating back over 6 months with work orders that are 4 months old to repair that problem.  I'm wondering when the Gov't took over ebay.  They are the only other agency working with such great efficiency right now. 


Message 9 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Although I currently get error messages when attempting to send a message via the eBay app or a mobile browser, I am able to send messages using a desktop browser. I sent a message from one account to another and received the message in the other account, and I was able to reply to the message successfully.


Message 10 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Same with me, I can see one of the tries has gone in the app, but not with the browser.... and it's like this since days!!!


Message 11 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Same with me. Can't communicate with buyers.

Message 12 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

I'm experiencing this today.  Desktop PC, Chrome browser.  And the messages aren't going into my sent folder.  This is ridiculous.  I had a buyer ask a question about one of my higher-end items I sell and I can't even respond back.

Message 13 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

Desktop PC, Chrome browser.


Try Firefox or Edge. Both of those are working for me on a Windows 10 machine.


Message 14 of 21
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Can't Message a Seller

If you have your eBay messages forwarded to your email address, you should be able to reply to a message via email. Rather than use the blue "reply" button inside the message, reply to the email message directly using your mail client, and an email message should be generated and sent to the user on eBay.


Message 15 of 21
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