11-17-2021 05:36 AM
I get constant blue swirl when I view an item's photos.
See my snapshot below.
I have rebooted my iMac running Foxfire with the same results.
Has anyone experienced this?
Solved! Go to Best Answer
11-19-2021 10:08 AM
I came here because I am having the same issue, viewing with Chrome on a 2 year old iMac running OS 11.6 Big Sur . I see the same thing as the others, spinning blue circle on all auction pages if I double click and supersize the photos, including on MY OWN auction pages. It just started happening a few days ago.
Some help please?
11-19-2021 10:54 AM
Me Too! Very annoying. Im using ADBLOCK ABPplus
I look at the soloution offered but dont understand what exactly to do etc. I tried pasting the belwo in but it was rejected.
Does it need https:// something before it? Tried https://ebay.com###viEnlargeImgLayer-progress-spinner
etc but it didnt work
Anyone got more precise instructions on this that are easy to follow?
Cheers n Best
11-19-2021 01:04 PM
Although I used Ad Block Plus to create the filter rule, I could not get Ad Block Plus to implement it consistently -- at least not in Firefox. It seemed to Work in Chrome, though.
Here is the rule in my Ad Block Plus Filter Rule List (second from bottom):
Copying that same rule and pasting it into uBlock Origin did seem to work for me in Firefox:
11-19-2021 04:29 PM
Didn't work period.
11-19-2021 04:53 PM
That rule works for me in uBlock Origin 1.38.6.
The rule was created using Ad Block Plus 3.11.2 and works for me in Chrome.
It may not work the same in other versions.
11-20-2021 07:09 AM
@eburtonlab wrote:That rule works for me in uBlock Origin 1.38.6.
The rule was created using Ad Block Plus 3.11.2 and works for me in Chrome.
It may not work the same in other versions.
Mine fixed on its own as of today
11-20-2021 10:42 AM
It started without users doing anything, and now it's gone without users doing anything.