09-01-2020 04:46 PM - edited 09-01-2020 04:47 PM
I have successfully setup managed payments, have received funds, refunded buyers, withdrawn funds etc. HOWEVER, some transactions take DAYS to process. Even tiny amounts like $4.....
Why is this so slow?
An item sold, the buyer obviously put in all their payment information, what's the hold up? Thanks in advance ebay community.
I am hesitant to ship something that says processing, but hate having to go back and triple check individual orders multiple times to make sure the payment completed. Not to mention I've had to send multiple emails to buyers reassuring them that "I'll ship soon"... It's a waste of time that cannot be avoided.
03-04-2021 06:58 AM
Yep, eBay is becoming a joke. As long as they get their money, they don't care about anyone else.
03-08-2021 07:18 AM
Just sold another item but this time i took the advice of extending the handling time to 3 day's ,
(i use to ship instantly) but the thing is their fee percentage is about %13.40
and they have my money and they only pay once a week ,PURE GREED !!!!
03-19-2021 10:44 AM
Simple terms here.There is no difference its like the old paypal where they hold your funds up and collect the interest on the back end and tell you its processing.
03-22-2021 08:43 AM - edited 03-22-2021 08:45 AM
I just was told by eBay customer service that ALL payments hold for 48 hours (Business days ONLY)
He said this is to protect the "user" but of course it says to ship immediately. So this is 100% B S .
This is draconian eBay, it's no longer 1990 W T F!
This is especially annoying as it means you are either shipping late if you wait for the 48 hours or you are shipping early and the transaction could not process at all.
W T F eBay get it together this is NOT progress.
03-22-2021 10:21 AM
@joshcloud9 wrote:I just was told by eBay customer service that ALL payments hold for 48 hours (Business days ONLY)
He said this is to protect the "user" but of course it says to ship immediately. So this is 100% B S .
This is draconian eBay, it's no longer 1990 W T F!
This is especially annoying as it means you are either shipping late if you wait for the 48 hours or you are shipping early and the transaction could not process at all.
W T F eBay get it together this is NOT progress.
I'm sorry that you got ahold of a CSR that is not correctly trained or informed. That isn't how MP works.
In MP it takes 1-2 days to clear a payment. It then moves to available for payout. On the next available BUSINESS day for those using Daily deposits, the money will transfer to your bank. For those on a Weekly transfer it will transfer on Tuesday morning.
I do a weekly deposit. Every Tuesday morning my money transfers. It is in my bank before noon on Wednesday. I do bank with a major bank. For others using smaller, more local banks, the transfers can take 1-4 days to be deposited at your bank.
Once MP releases the deposit, it goes into the ACH banking system. From there MP has no more control over the money as it is in the hands of the banking system.
When a buyer submits payment to the seller, you are assured you will get the payment through the process I outlined above. Buyers have no ability to cancel, withdraw, change or otherwise fool with a payment once it is submitted. They couldn't do this in PP and they can't do it in MP. So you will receive that payment.
Some sellers in MP ship as they normally do, right away and others choose to wait until the payment actually reaches their bank. Either way is FINE as long as you comply with the rules of Ebay. And the main rule you need to be concerned with is shipping within your STATED handling time on the purchase.
In MP or not, sellers are REQUIRED to ship within their stated handling time on the listing a buyer purchases from. That does NOT change just because you enter MP. You are held to the same standards.
So this means that if you want to wait until the money reaches your bank, you need to CHANGE your handling time on your listings to reflect that. Not doing that only will hurt you and the health of your selling account. If you decide not to change your handling time to what you are or how you are actually shipping, then all you do it start to rack up Late Shipment Defects. Get enough of them and you will end up in the penalty FVF phase and have to pay 5% more in FVFs because of it.
So if your choice is to wait and ship. Make sure you change your handling time to reflect the actual and truthful timeframe or all you will do is tank your selling account for not complying with the Ebay rules of selling.
03-27-2021 05:04 PM
Did it all work out? Did any payments "not clear"? If so, what did ebay do to recover the item or it's value?
04-01-2021 07:55 AM
Don’t ship until you get payed! Easy question! Even eBay suggested not to ship until you get paid from pay pal. But now with the new way they tell us to ship without the money in the bank,Go figure. We’re paying 30 cents for the transaction fee,where’s my cash? And with no pay pal taking there cut, the prices should be cheaper, but it’s very little difference.
04-01-2021 10:54 AM
@bicyclestuntman wrote:Don’t ship until you get payed! Easy question! Even eBay suggested not to ship until you get paid from pay pal. But now with the new way they tell us to ship without the money in the bank,Go figure. We’re paying 30 cents for the transaction fee,where’s my cash? And with no pay pal taking there cut, the prices should be cheaper, but it’s very little difference.
Ebay does not mention PP in that policy. They simply state don't ship until you are paid. The thing is, you ARE paid as soon as the buyer issues the payment. Buyers have no ability to change, void or cancel a payment in MP anymore than they had this ability in PP. Buyers just can't do it, it is as simple as that.
Sellers can choose to print their shipping labels though Ebay and have the cost deducted from their MP account so they do not have to be out of pocket for the shipping expense. The option is on the label when you are creating it.
But if you are uncomfortable with this process you certainly can wait until the money arrives at your bank to ship your items. Some sellers in MP do that. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you are staying within your handling time stated on the purchase. Which means, make sure that your handling time is accurate on all your listings. If you are going against what your listing states then you will get late shipment defects every time you do this which will lead to harming your selling account and likely kicking you into the 5% penalty FVF eventually.
So in a nutshell, you can do this, ship when your money reaches your bank, just MAKE SURE your HANDLING time on your listings is ACCURATE.
You are aware that your paid PP a 30 cent transaction fee too, right? The 30 cent fees has NOTHING to do with when your money is available to you.
Since MP is doing the money processing and PP is no longer doing that job, why would MP not be paid for services rendered exactly? Granted PP is a much more robust program. I too prefer it. But that has nothing to do with this. PP is the unicorn here, not Ebay or MP. All other similar sites to Ebay have their own money processing programs and none of them are anywhere near as robust as PP. Ebay is the last of the bigger sites to adopt their own money processing program.
04-17-2021 11:40 AM
I don't understand I put PayPal only on my auction and the guy uses the eBay pet payment method instead so now it's in processing I specifically told them that I'm not shipping anything out until the money's physically in my bank account this new eBay payment system sucks and it's slow
04-17-2021 12:09 PM
@maverick1172 wrote:I don't understand I put PayPal only on my auction and the guy uses the eBay pet payment method instead so now it's in processing I specifically told them that I'm not shipping anything out until the money's physically in my bank account this new eBay payment system sucks and it's slow
Ignoring the emails Ebay has sent you on the subject of MP [managed payments] is not helpful to any seller and as you are now finding out it is harmful.
Your buyer has NO CHOICE in this. So stop blaming it on your buyer and there is no reason to punish your buyer because you didn't take the time to read the emails you got so you could learn how MP works and know the deadline date for you to register. And if you did not register by that date all you did was delay your payments coming to you.
Or if you did register, then you need to make sure you know and understand how MP works so you can best adapt to it since you decided to move forward with Ebay.
04-17-2021 04:10 PM
Well 21 years with ebay and 100% feedback I think this will be my last year. Frees too high now and new payment system sucks so yes I did register for the new way but thought it would work just as easy as PayPal. Obviously you must work for ebay to be so 1 sided.
04-17-2021 05:57 PM
@maverick1172 wrote:Well 21 years with ebay and 100% feedback I think this will be my last year. Frees too high now and new payment system sucks so yes I did register for the new way but thought it would work just as easy as PayPal. Obviously you must work for ebay to be so 1 sided.
The fees in MP are NO higher than what you paid before entering MP.
Why do you feel I work for Ebay? Because I learned how the MP system worked BEFORE I went into the program? Or I try to stay current on changes as they happen?
MP is the single most important site change they have ever made to the site. And it affects my money. You bet I read everything I could on the subject and I learned what I could about the program because it was in MY best interest. I make no apology for that at all. It was the responsible thing to do for me.
I understand others prefer to go into the program and just try to wing it. And if anyone tries to help them to get a better understanding of how the program actually works they must sling mud at them. How DARE someone try to help you.
04-24-2021 07:19 AM
I totally agree! Ebay is completely selfish ,,,It is all about them!,,In managed payments their take is instant! I am still waiting for the microdeposits to hit my bank so I cant even ship with pending payments,,I tried and it came straight out of paypal which I did not want,,,Not sure how some sellers are saying the fvfs are the same because they are NOT,,Ebay collects 12.55% on the sale of the item,,,12.55% on shipping,,,AND 12.55% of the sales tax + .30 processing fees,,,If you are selling a higher ticket item that comes up to alot of money,,I recently sold an item for 319.99$ and ebay made more money than I did!,,You are paying alot more than you think you are,,,I researched managed payments before I signed up and watched two youtube videos and both stated you do not pay a fvf on state tax,,,WRONG!,,Spoke to a ebay managed payments manager and he and the rep both stated "you pay on the total sale the buyer paid" I have put up with alot from ebay over the years but not sure I can take this one,,,!!
04-24-2021 07:25 AM
Completely agree,,,I have been so stressed because I have always been a quick same day or next day shipper,,,That has gone out the window,,! Daily pay is a misnomer,,,You will NEVER get daily pay,,,minimum 2-3 day pending wait,,,then its another 2-3 days for it to hit your bank once the bank processes it,,,With paypal you had your money as soon as the buyer paid and it took one day for it to get in your bank account unless you pay a small fee for instant pay,,,Ebay has reversed the process,,,THEY are paid instantly,,,We wait a week,,,Ebay will get away with anything possible unless we say no,,,I have had enough!
04-24-2021 11:41 AM
I am still waiting for the microdeposits to hit my bank so I cant even ship with pending payments,,I tried and it came straight out of paypal which I did not want,,,
You just need to look a little closer at the shipping label form. You have a choice, you just overlooked it. You can choose MP or PP to pay for shipping costs. When things are new to us, if we overlook something doesn't always mean that Ebay has done something wrong. Sometimes it just mean we overlooked something or didn't know.
Not sure how some sellers are saying the fvfs are the same because they are NOT,,Ebay collects 12.55% on the sale of the item,,,12.55% on shipping,,,AND 12.55% of the sales tax + .30 processing fees,,,
You are forgetting you are no longer paying 2.9% to PP plus the 30 cent processing fee. Now you pay that to Ebay instead.
Remember to compare you entire months sales with the old rate and new rate. Most of us find that it is a very neutral change. Some transactions cost a bit more and some cost a bit less. But you have to look at this on a monthly basis if it is your desire to get at the actual impact to your account.