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iOS App Selling update



We recently updated the selling form for all sellers. We would like you to post any feedback you have with this new form here.


Thank you

Message 18 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

No store categories!

I do not like the new form. It seems to be very senstive. Particularly the pricing and shipping section. Very confusing and so many buttons to push. And too many defaults. It takes extra time!! I like simple screens that work quickly. Please please improve it more or go back to previous format. 

Message 31 of 311
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No store categories!

Every time there seems to be an update I start having issues with listing items. This time around I cannot find anywhere in the template that allows me to change (or anything for that matter) my store categories! I do everything eBay related through this app and desperately need this fixed please.


Not that I've really used the new template due to this, but I enjoy the look of the old one better. It seems like it might be targeted towards newer sellers with all the hints and tips that are added but I MUCH prefer the older style.


I've noticed that it automatically allows an offer to be placed so I found I was turning all of these off and saving my drafts until I can alter store categories.


Look forward to it being fixed, thanks 🙂

Message 32 of 311
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No store categories!

I often list, edit and relist using my phone away from home. I’ve found that to be impossible with this “quick listing tool”.  I do not like being forced into good until cancelled listings when using buy it now.  I do not want to be repeatedly charged insertion fees on inexpensive items that have low profit on them...I want to relist them myself when I have a free listing spot available. I dislike the lack of options for adding details to my listings which I feel are important to my buyers. I dislike not being able to use “sell similar” ; again because of the inability to change details to fit my particular listing.  I cannot express how frustrated I am with this forced change.  With today’s technology, I should be able to work from anywhere but this mobile app update is forcing me to work at home, inside,  in front of a computer. Ugh. 

Message 33 of 311
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No store categories!

I have a store and do most of my listing from my phone. Due to this update I can no longer list or relist from my phone thanks to Ebay's poor choices making things more difficult for sellers. Here are my problems with this update:


1. You force listings to be Good Til Cancelled. 


-This problematic because we cant change it. If I relist an item a few times and it doesnt sell, I often donate it. Sometimes I set it aside for a different season. I want to control my listings. I dont need you automatically using up my free listings.


2. Offers keep turning itself on.


-this happens even after I've clicked off and saved several times. I like using the offer option onSOME items when I WANT too.  


3. Shipping continues to change to whatever it feels like.


Get it together Ebay. Dont force changes that make it harder for your small sellers to list. We have to quadruple check our work and now list from computers. It may not sound like a big deal, but it takes me 3 times longer to list from my computer than it did from my phone before this wretched update.


Treat us better.

Message 34 of 311
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No store categories!

I would like to scream. I may do just that. I have been struggling with this for 2 days now and I have no confidence in anything I posted so I have to go to the computer to make sure it is correct.  Here are my problems so far....

- All the fixed price items I am loading (new postings) are loading as Good Til Cancelled. I have no control since there is no duration field. I have no problem with this if I am not going to be charged a listing fee for it.  I do have a problem if I am charged a listing fee because so far I do not seem to be able to change it on these items on my computer. I am waiting on tech support to call me right now.

- I no longer have an option to set the parameters for offers I will take - it only gives me an option to set a price "on or above" a given dollar figure.  Again I have no problem with it but I do to look at the listing on my computer and it is the same as it always has been. And thus far today, twice now, someone has made an offer at a price "on or above" my listed price in the best offer and it does not automatically accept it, it throws it to me, when the price I have set "on or above" is the same as the price they offered. OK, but that is not what it says. If I want to take $10 for an item, do I now have to set that at $9.99 to get it to work right?

- I have no UPC codes on preowned clothing, why is that now a required field? I have to go turn it to NA on every listing.

- I HATE that it pre-fills in a price in the best offer field on each listing. If I don't catch one of these it is going to cost me money given that I provide free shipping on most of my items and so far it manages to pick a price so far below the fixed price that I either will not make money or will lose money given my free shipping.  Please do not continue to pre-fill in that field.

- Overall I hate this interface, it is taking me twice as long to list items as normal, it is clunky and may be good for a novice seller but please provide something for those of us who sell a good bit of volume that is like what we had before. This is really frustrating.

- I spend an awful lot of time changing eBays recommended settings on this interface.  Why automatically assume every listing is going to be an auction? For most people who sell a lot of volume, every listingis probably not an auction.

- These are not all my problems but they are a start.  I use the app to list most things because I do not have all day to sit in front of a computer.  I think I may write a letter to the CEO who promised us at eBay open that we would not have problems like this that impact our businesses.


Folks, I was an IT Solutions Architect at a Fortune 100 company.  If I had allowed a release of something like this I would seriously be looking for a job.  It is a mess, and you need to figure out a way to warn your users if you are doing something as major as removing the duration field. Ebay does not mind emailing us our invoice each month, you think you could email us about such a major change!

Message 35 of 311
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No store categories!

Let us post buy it now for 30 days again, not till canceled that is unfair and stupid to do to you paying sellers.  I also do not like the default settings mainly the one that keeps international shipping.  Seems this new style is just to benefit eBay not the paying customers that make you what you are.  If this does not go back to the way it was I am done selling on eBay...

Message 36 of 311
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No store categories!

If my listings end without a buyer after 30 days, I want the choice to re-list. I could wait a few days and it will be free on the 1st or I may choose to donate the item.

Oh ebay.....

Message 37 of 311
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No store categories!

Please stop randomly adding and removing features.  You can no longer set your custom store categories.  You also can no longer add a condition description separate from item description.

Both of these are painful and have randomly disappeared and appeared between app versions in the past.  Please fix your QA testing process!!!

Message 38 of 311
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No store categories!

Another problem - where did the option for bulleted list formatting within the descriptions go?  This is another thing that keeps comibg and going.

Message 39 of 311
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No store categories!

I feel the same way as c5xtc Adventurer.  I can not change good till cancelled it is pre filled and won't let me change it.  The returns are set to 14 days.  eBay doesn't support 14 days.   All of the other things Adventurer said are true for me also.


please fix this soon.

Message 40 of 311
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No store categories!

Yesssss eBay! 

All of this!!!

please please please fix this app!!


dont make it harder for sellers that rely on their mobile devices! I’m literally savi drafts and finishing them on my laptop which is dropping my production time significantly! 

Message 41 of 311
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No store categories!






You guys tried this a few months ago and to much disappointment and the app was changed back to its old glory. Please change it back!!!

Message 42 of 311
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No store categories!



it doesn’t happen anymore but a few months ago I never knew what version of the app I was going to open. I would intentionally wait until the older version opened to edit my listings I disliked the upgrade so much. 

The new upgrade is not user-friendly to people who do their listings on their phone! I hate that I can’t pick out a duration time for fixed price listings! That’s all I ever list!

Message 43 of 311
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No store categories!

1.  Need to be able to set duration.

2.  Dont want best offer or to do smart pricing.

3.  Need to be able to add custom categories.

4.  photo uploading function is nt as good as before.  please revert back to prior version.  The new version is very very slow and holds me back gorm completing things quickly.

Message 44 of 311
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No store categories!

Photos load 5x's more slowly now, this is a nightmare for me as a seller when I'm trying to list as many items as possible quickly.    It seems like you've formatted the app for new sellers with no experience and the little remarks like "great start!" are patronizing and really irritating.  Sorry to be so negative but the more you can do to streamline and clean up the appearance of the listing interface so it's easy and fast, the better.  Making photos load so slowly really increases my  listing time up front.  The interface is very compacted and hard to read, the font is much more cartoon-y and less professional looking now.  The selling interface was much clearer and easier to read before.  Also: you need to add sales tax to the app.  Sales tax is not added to my listings unless I use a previous listing as a template and revise the details, or I go in and manually revise the listing on the computer after I use my app to list. This defeats the purpose of using the app to list more quickly.

Message 45 of 311
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