08-19-2021 11:48 AM
Anyone having problems loading photos today? I have a new iphone SE and I am getting the message invalid photo CLERR002, "the file seems to be corrupted". Photos from my old iphone loaded okay, not sure why I can't now. I have an older Mac, maybe it has something to do with that? (next on our list to replace) 😬
08-19-2021 12:04 PM
This was an issue a while back only affecting Apple users. Try remaking the listing. I remember a user saying that works, but I couldn't say for sure (Im android lol)
08-19-2021 12:14 PM
I didn't think of that, will give it a try. Thanks!
08-19-2021 02:25 PM
So my husband and I figured out the photos are loading onto iPhoto as HEIC instead of JPEG. We just need to figure out how to fix that.