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During the Amazon boycott do you Price match?Thank you, 

Is there a way to set shipping by order amount?

I want to set up shipping by order amounts. I want everything up to $19.99 to be one price and everything over that to be another price, but I'm only seeing a way to set up by quantity in the settings. I also want separate shipping settings for diffe...

The importance to you of "things" -- does it affect sales?

Just read an online essay about estate sales. One line caught my eye: "But maybe this has less to do with death, and more to do with stuff -— the way, despite its utter futility, we try our hardest to love it into life." Reminded me of a conversation...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Returning a broken item (INAD) without even opening the box.

I don't know if you guys remember the story of my favorite discontinued Corning "Visions" pot.It's my favorite pot to cook with.Every few years I break it and have to order a replacement from ebay.The last time I had to order 3 of them before I could...

User avatar by Superstar
  • 38 replies
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When selling, why does someone ask for a photo of the item next to a piece of paper with their name and the date? Is it some sort of scam?


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