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where has all our sanity gone?

I am very disturbed by those selling PS 5 consoles at such ridiculous prices.  Times are difficult for many people during covid-19 and I don't blame anyone for  having an entrepreneurial spirit but seriously, why the need for outrageous pricing?  Where is your compassion.  They say pay back is a **bleep**!  Karma is something else!

Wish Ebay would set standards that nothing should be over double it's value IF THAT!

Message 1 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

Took me quite awhile to figure out what you meant by your message.  

Message 16 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

Exactly! It appears that this is going to be this year's hot Christmas item and, of course, in scarce supply.


Message 17 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?



If the prices being asked for the console are bothering you, then wait until January - February when the prices will drop to at or even below MSRP prices.  If times are tough for you, you do not Have to buy one Now, spend the money on necessities.

  It is the people who just have to have the console immediately who are setting the prices, the sellers are just following the demand.  Funny how each Mfr.'s new console release always has some reason why only a few are available in the first production run. It is a marketing tool to increase interest and demand for their units and games.  Besides, there have already been some glitches reported with the units, which will probably be fixed in the second production run which will be much larger.


  "Where has all our sanity gone?"


I never question the sanity of a buyer who is willing to pay whatever price they have to, to get an item.  They make that decision not the sellers.

  I do question the sanity of buyers who cannot resist an item listed with a Too Good To Be True price. It is they who let their common sense fly right out the window, hoping to get a steal, then end up here complaining that they were ripped off.  Some admit to having done that several times with the same result.  That to me is insane.

Message 18 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

I am very disturbed by people like you that hate the  Free Enterprise system,

Obviously you would love the communist system.

Welcome Comrade !


Message 19 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

It's nothing new... It was even worse when the WII came out years ago... and it lasted for a loooong time because Nintendo weren't able to produce them fast enough.


I waited almost a year to get my hands on one, calling Best Buy every other day to see if they had received a new shipment.



She ❤︎ Her ❤︎ Hers
Message 20 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

I just sold an Xbox Series X for a pretty penny.


Guy was happy as a happy can be.


Don't know why...Halo Infinite won't be out for months yet.

Message 21 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

It's just a game...I remember a few month's ago toilet  paper was selling in here for $20.00 a roll by some sellers now that's something to get steamed about.

Message 22 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

You don't have to buy it. Find another seller or venue that has a better price.  There are no set prices in flea-markets or auctions. Prices vary as the crow flies. In those venues, it's the buyers that set prices.

Message 23 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

ANYONE can try to sell any item at any price they wish.


If you don't like it...move on.


No one is forcing you to buy...are they?

Message 24 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

If times are so hard right now then no one should be buying a video game system that is a want and not a need.

Message 25 of 26
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Re: where has all our sanity gone?

It's the basic economics of supply and demand and  equilibrium price. You may want to do a little economic research and see what drives those factors and how the equilibrium price is established. In a free enterprise producers will always produce where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. While demand factors influence production decisions producers look at both the short and long term implications associated with increasing or decreasing production. 

Message 26 of 26
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