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Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

More **bleep** unannounced ebay changes agin!  Now my Purchase history and Watch list look like **bleep**, sorry! Who comes out with this **bleep**???? I thought they fired people and now don't have enough programmers???

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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

It is absolutely terrible. I can no longer see 1: Purchase Date 2: Tracking number 3: Price I paid. Ebay get a clue, these are literally the only 3 things I need to look for in "Purchase History" and you burried them deep in submenus. FIX THIS **bleep**

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

@mrv71 wrote:

More **bleep** unannounced ebay changes agin!  Now my Purchase history and Watch list look like **bleep**, sorry! Who comes out with this **bleep**???? I thought they fired people and now don't have enough programmers???

I don`t like these new pages either. Is there an opt-out? I can`t find one. Strange that the pages they replaced weren`t very old. Your ebay fees at work SMH.

"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 3 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

I know what you mean, it's absolutely horrible! For my purchase history, it's still the same though. Thank goodness...

I think that Ebay should ask you before they start changing your account's format.


They should at LEAST say: "We have a NEW watch list format available! Click HERE to see now!"


But no... they can't do that...

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

There is the old addage: 'Don't try and fix it, if it ain't broke!' But eBay, in their infinite wisdom NOT!, have screwed it up again! The 'purchases' page looks like something an austic two-year-old thought up (maybe it was - or maybe they are trying to give someone who is intellectually challenged chance to shine).


A simple question like 'When was my item shipped?' is to be found.


eBay 'guesstimates' about delivery dates are a long-standing joke anyway. Now they have taken away the shipping dates too.  



Message 5 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

Nevermind, my Purchase History format just changed to the new, ugly type. 😕

Please change it back  to the normal format Ebay!

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

I would try clicking the "Tell us what you think"  link above your username in the watch list section. The link will take you to a survey that allows you to write a review on how they did.

At that point, you can fill out a few things and then tell them how they can improve.

I said that they can improve by changing the Watch List and Purchase History back to the original format.

I hope this helps. 🙂

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

IT IS SO USELESS TO MAKE A CHANGE THAT DOES NOT IMPROVE THE FORMAT. Now, when I click on the box next to an item I want to delete (a watched item), I now have to go BACK TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE to click on delete! WHAT???? How is this an improvement. Stupid from the word GO!
Message 8 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

@ydsale wrote:
IT IS SO USELESS TO MAKE A CHANGE THAT DOES NOT IMPROVE THE FORMAT. Now, when I click on the box next to an item I want to delete (a watched item), I now have to go BACK TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE to click on delete! WHAT???? How is this an improvement. Stupid from the word GO!

I called up ebay  last night  about the juck  watch list .   they say they working on a opt out option to back to the old page.  So far my purchase page has not changed to the new one.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

OMG, I  thought  I  was nuts.........i hate the new format!!  Among other things, it no longer offers the "delete" option for an item. It offers to "organize" the list, which i don't want..........  I agree that they "fixed" something that wasn't broken.

what to do about it?????

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

I did this, thanks. Hopefully they'll change if they get enough complaints.
Message 11 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

in the meantime, you can click summary page on left side of your ebay page and it will display watch list and bidding the way it was before this crazy update.

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

I must have mass complained 1,000X they (Ebay WONKS) don't give a sheet or a ratt's ar se....they know what is best, mind your mannr & listen to them, they know what is good for YOU.....  my sales & purchases off like 60% this year next year my goal  Buh BYE!

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

This new interface really sucks. We don't like it eBay. Put the pages back the way they were.
Get a new development team. If sales continue to drop off, then you will be getting a new management team.

Pay attention. Your customers DO NOT like what you have done.

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Why new format for Purchase History and Watch list??? It's incredibly ugly!!!!

This is not the only discussion on this topic. There is a solution (for the time being) under the discussion,
"ALL LISTS on left hand menu is no longer available."

This shows that ebay does whatever it wants. I am taking my money to someone who gives good customer service.
Message 15 of 15
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