01-08-2025 02:36 PM
Some of you sellers are here for malicious intent, and EBay is complicit in this intent by not investigating both sides before siding with the seller. I want to learn how to remove a seller from eBay, since I was ripped off , I have proof, and photos to back it up and eBay has already closed the case. Some sellers are using fraudulent tracking numbers to mislead their buyers so they can keep the money but never deliver the package, they steal a tracking number in your zip code to give you the impression it is being shipped , but it never is nor it will be shipped, only to keep the buyers money, please advise on how to retort against these crimes, remove the bad sellers and get EBay to do it job of providing a safe and secure platform, they mention a money back guarantee, but I get the impression this is just feel good talk to give buyers a false sense confidence when making a purchase with their hard earned money, please help and advise. This is a fight for what right and a just cause. Thank you to all readers. By the way I was able to locate my fake package with the real tracking number two miles from my house, but the package was intended for the owner at the address on the label and not me and my address. I was allowed to take photos of the package to prove my case but eBay closes it before they even get any proof.
01-08-2025 02:41 PM
'locate my fake package'...and wonder how you found it.
The post office, USP and Fedex doesn't give out the address where it is.
Please enlighten us.
'fake package'...what was in it and what was suppose to be in it?
01-08-2025 02:44 PM
Some of you sellers are here for malicious intent
Just as some buyers are.
I want to learn how to remove a seller from eBay
A buyer cannot remove a seller, just as a seller cannot remove a buyer.
I have proof, and photos to back it up
You have evidence. Evidence is not proof, and can be faked or manipulated .
please advise on how to retort against these crimes
Some would argue that you should file a "Not As Described" dispute and return exactly what you received.
they mention a money back guarantee, but I get the impression this is just feel good talk
Most sellers would suggest that buyer fraud via the Money Back Guarantee dwarfs seller fraud on this site.
eBay closes it before they even get any proof
Appeal it and point out that the delivery address on the tracking did not match your address.
01-08-2025 02:49 PM
I know that Sellers were targeted by scam buyers using fake tracking# (I am surprised to learn that Sellers are scamming customers as well). Please use weblink below to contact EBAY customer service. I am very sorry this happened to you.
01-08-2025 03:30 PM
Get a letter from USPS stating that the package was not addressed to you.
File mail fraud with USPS.
Once you have those, use them to appeal the case.
01-08-2025 03:56 PM
@scottloans wrote: “Some of you sellers are here for malicious intent,..”
Yes, very sadly, this is accurate. There are those who rob, steal, and plunder. No marketplace is immune from those determined and corrupt few who choose that path.
“eBay is complicit in this intent by not investigating both sides before siding with the seller. “
To clarify, based on your narrative, eBay did not set out to defraud you— a seller did. Such blame, i would think, lies primarily with the one who designed and implemented the scam. However, eBay is aware of such issues, and has specific written policies and practices in place to address bad actors.
But even with its buyer protections, realistically, any e-commerce venue can only mitigate the risk of loss. None can prevent every act of bad faith.
So sorry this happened to you.
01-08-2025 05:24 PM
eBay is aware of such issues, and has specific written policies and practices in place to address bad actors.
Can you please provide a link as to where these written policies and practices can be found for victims of the fake tracking scam are located? I would be glad to see that they finally published something as opposed to their decade plus program of continuous denial of buyers that are a victim of this scam.
01-08-2025 05:26 PM
Please see message #8 in the following thread for more information on what you can do:
01-08-2025 06:49 PM
I know someone that works for ups. You need to talk to people in person it works better than calling.
01-08-2025 06:50 PM
If EBay does not hear me out I will be starting a class action lawsuit.
01-08-2025 07:06 PM
@scottloans wrote:If EBay does not hear me out I will be starting a class action lawsuit.
You will NOT be able to do any 'CA Lawsuit' as that requires
a.) Many people
b.) an Attorney Office willing spend upwards of $1,000,000 'fighting' a cause...which this is not
and to say 'some of you sellers' as if though you are talking to the crooks- trust me; they are WAY too busy spending your $$ and are NOT here chit chatting on a forum.
You should have said 'There are SOME sellers'; which is true. There are also SOME buyers that do the same.
They are both called 'scammers' and understand the systems that ebay has put up to 'abuse' them, temporarily.
Photos are NOT allowed to be used in ANY proof- proof of that is, would you like to see Mickey Mouse dancing with Beyonce in my living room? I can provide that.
01-08-2025 10:30 PM
@ittybitnot wrote:eBay is aware of such issues, and has specific written policies and practices in place to address bad actors.
Can you please provide a link as to where these written policies and practices can be found for victims of the fake tracking scam are located? I would be glad to see that they finally published something as opposed to their decade plus program of continuous denial of buyers that are a victim of this scam.
@ittybitnot I am not aware that any eBay info exists on solutions for the fake tracking scam. The policy I was referencing in my last post was the Money Back Guarantee but part of message #6 was truncated and did not get published in its entirety.
01-09-2025 05:49 AM
Memo to Self:
Continue to buy on Amazon.
01-09-2025 02:31 PM
eBay is complicit in the fact that I had photos of the fake tracking number on my neighbors package, which I sent along with her address, they did nor review my side of the case therefore they are aiding and a bedding this criminal activity, I will be starting a class action lawsuit soon.
when a company this big cannot resolve a case when the proof is right in front of them, they need to be held accountable.
01-09-2025 02:41 PM
Thanks for the response, I sent them a photo with the tracking number right next the wrong address with the wrong name as well, I don’t think they review most of the cases out side of seeing if it was delivered or not. They really don’t care, just try calling the corporate number and see how far you get, nowhere. No one will answer the phone, and there are no options to reach someone.