12-17-2023 06:19 PM
When you type in for example:
“Oliver Peoples 523”
it doesn’t show items with just Oliver Peoples 523 in the title but an entire list of junk and unrelates that have
”random numbers”
Its like its trying to put fourth so many items and putting unrelated sponsored items at the top of results too.
If I was searching for something specific, it gives me a load of junk I need to sort through to find specifically what I want.
This makes finding one off items difficult to find.
12-17-2023 06:35 PM
Not unusual, as all Search Engines (Google/Bing etc.) do the EXACT same.
If you want something in particular- put it in quotations. Otherwise, the 'results' will do EXACTLY as you state which is EXACTLY as intended.
12-17-2023 06:44 PM
I get a lot of useless results when I try searching on Amazon, too.
12-17-2023 10:44 PM
What other "junk" are you getting when you do that search? When I type in that exact search string, all I get are various Oliver Peoples sunglasses, which I'm presuming are the correct results?
12-17-2023 11:33 PM
I also tried that search string and got 29 results, all Oliver Peoples 523s. What you may have not noticed is that after those 29 results there's a line that says "Results matching fewer words", which does indeed have hundreds of random matches. It's easy to miss that line of demarcation if you're not looking for it.
12-18-2023 12:39 AM
I get 3800 searching Oliver Peoples 523, why?
12-21-2023 07:49 PM
Likewise, whats going on?
12-21-2023 08:09 PM
Yah, this is new for Ebay searching. They must have just made a change. You can fix it by putting each term in quotes, like:
"Oliver" "Peoples" "523"
12-21-2023 08:39 PM
I like websites that I don't have to put each term in quotes. Many times I'm copying and pasting the search terms so that is a hassle. And I bet members who don't visit the community will figure that out. I can't think of any other website where that's necessary.
12-21-2023 09:16 PM
You can fix it by putting each term in quotes, like:
"Oliver" "Peoples" "523"
Putting just one keyword in quotes, or using an exclusion term, should be sufficient to disable all keyword substitutions.
12-21-2023 09:28 PM
I get 30 results when searching using those keywords without quotes in Newly Listed sort order:
If I search using Best Match sort order, then I get 3500+ results:
If a search is not working as you expect or providing extraneous results, you may want to use the feedback link on the search results page to let eBay developers know.