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Seller leaves feedback 1st.

I'm a buyer on Ebay not a seller. I leave feedback same day item arrives. I feel the seller should leave feedback as soon as payment is received. That's all the seller has to judge the transaction. If seller hasn't left it by the time I receive item I post F/B as normal but rate the communication section as low as it goes. 

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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

1997 called and wants its post back.

Message 91 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

@tryno2 wrote:

Sorry phanoto, I really don't care if never get another feedback from a buyer or seller.  If buyer is unhappy, they will contact me and I'll do my best to fix the problem.  If the buyer doesn't contact me, well that's a happy customer.   Sure I understand some buyers really look at feedback but most just glance at it.  They see the percentage is high that's about it UNLESS you are unlucky enough to have a bad feedback somewhere on the board.  


There is an old saying amoung some federal employees one ohh **bleep** cancels a hundred ata boys.  Applys for feedback too.

I don't care if I never get another feedback as a buyer.  But, it doesn't bother me if a seller gives me feedback. 


When a seller does not give me feedback, I ask the seller if I did something that the seller did not like.  If I did something wrong to not deserve feedback as a buyer, I want to  know what I did wrong so I can try to improve.


When a buyer does not give me feedback when I sell something, I do not ask the buyer why he/she did not leave feedback.  Many buyers dislike being asked.


I believe you are right that a buyer will contact the seller to let the seller know the buyer is unhappy.  I don't need a feedback from my customer to let me know the customer is happy.  But, I am pleased when a buyer says something in feedback about me doing better than the buyer expected. 


I agree that sellers need all the feedback they can get.   If sellers  don't get positive feedback they will get a negative sooner or later, and the negative will look really bad with no positive feedback to offset it. 

Message 92 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

I had a sale not long ago that came in at 2:00 am on Sat night/Sunday morning. The buyer followed it up with a 'Ship ASAP' comment. I wrote her and said I ship lightning fast 6 days a week, but it was Sunday morning and it wouldn't go out until Monday.

She replied that she forgot it was Sat night and all was well. Left me great feedback. I have to wonder sometimes if people order things on non shipping days and leave low stars because the seller has no control over things like this, ships as soon as possible, and the buyer is annoyed it wasn't in their mailbox the next morning.

Now that I read buyers are leaving nasty feedback for stupid things like not receiving instant gratification from a seller who doesn't leave them instant feedback? That makes me wonder what other nonsense buyers are doing that sellers have no idea about or are not responsible for. It is in the hands of the buyer for not reading the sellers shipping information, or realizing they bought something on a drunk dial sale (you know those buyers, middle of the night, after bars close!), and then get mad I think at themselves and take it out passive aggressively on the poor seller, who has no clue people are damaging their feedback with NONSENSE.

OP: Please stop messing with people's livelihoods, this is not Facebook, you are not collecting FRIENDS. It is a business, act like a decent human being. If feedback is so important to you that you trash a seller (did you love the item and trash them anyway?), maybe you need to take a good look at yourself and your behavior.

This is not a place to play games like that. Why do you feel the need to get your feedback right away anyway? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. If you were a new buyer with no feedback, I can understand the desire to prove you are a real and good buyer. But once you have some, as a buyer it is a MOOT Point to a seller. Your feedbacks are not Facebook friends, like all those people you friended on FB are your friends? UM-not likely.

Go out into the real World, get friends and feedback. Please do not trash good sellers because your EGO got bruised over NOTHING! This makes me very angry. I hope eBay saw your post and fixes all the poor sellers you tormented. You deserve a serious NEG for doing such sneaky nonsense.

Still shaking my head at the games people play. What do you get out of it, doing that? I know a lot of sellers are waiting for the real answer, not that feedback should be thrown the second you pay. I personally leave feedback right away, but I would be heartbroken to find out buyers who I liked and I thought everything went great were trashing me behind my back.

Is this Junior High School? I left that 40 years ago, did you?
Message 93 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

Yes, but she said she leaves a bad ratings only because she didn't get her feedback FIRST. Not that the buyer didn't leave it, that they didn't leave it ASAP before her package arrives.

Guess buyers don't know that some sellers do feedbacks in batches, some are sick, on vacation, wait to know the buyer is happy, whatever. It is feedback, stop using it as a hostage negotiation.
Message 94 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

I have repeat customers who have never left me a single feedback. Do I care? Nope. I leave them feedback every time and I am DELIGHTED they return to me over and over.

Repeat business is all the feedback I need 🙂

As a buyer, I would only want enough feedback to show I am trustworthy and made good on my purchases. Not sure why any buyer who does not sell needs hundreds of feedbacks? It's not like sellers can block low feedback buyers. So why the desire for mega feedback as a buyer? It doesn't help you buy, at all. Only if you sell.

I still think people collect feedback here like they are Facebook friends, both of which are rather laughable.

Buyers, please tell me/us why you feel you need mega feedback? Maybe I am missing something. I don't think so, since I have been buying and selling on eBay since it's inception.
Message 95 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

Ebay should AUTOMATE the one thing that would SOLVE ALL OF THIS!

RATINGS!!!! If a BUYER does not rate their purchase within 5 business days (even that is too many it should be 3) THE SELLER AUTOMATICALLY GETS 5 STARS. You bet that would light a fire and be off putting to many buyers who continuously abuse the return system with lies. Why have they not done such a thing, BUT choose to automate RETURNS of all things, when they certainly know what buyers do to manipulate sellers and their store policies.
Message 96 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

Everyone one this thread who is defending the not leaving feedback claim....has clearly never experienced being extorted via feedback threats. buyers have done this many times to me. They use it as leverage. I hope it happens less and less and you dont experience it. However, when you do, you will understand.
Message 97 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

@marigoldzcloset wrote:
Ebay should AUTOMATE the one thing that would SOLVE ALL OF THIS!

RATINGS!!!! If a BUYER does not rate their purchase within 5 business days (even that is too many it should be 3) THE SELLER AUTOMATICALLY GETS 5 STARS. You bet that would light a fire and be off putting to many buyers who continuously abuse the return system with lies. 

Yes, it sure would light a fire, but not the one you want. Any buyer who had a somewhat unsatisfactory experience with a seller, but who would normally not leave any feedback, would now be sure to leave a neg in order to keep ebay from giving the seller an automatic positive.



Message 98 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

@marigoldzcloset wrote:
Ebay should AUTOMATE the one thing that would SOLVE ALL OF THIS!

RATINGS!!!! If a BUYER does not rate their purchase within 5 business days (even that is too many it should be 3) THE SELLER AUTOMATICALLY GETS 5 STARS. You bet that would light a fire and be off putting to many buyers who continuously abuse the return system with lies. Why have they not done such a thing, BUT choose to automate RETURNS of all things, when they certainly know what buyers do to manipulate sellers and their store policies.

Oh, I agree with you~that will CERTAINLY LIGHT A FIRE~but not the kind you want!


Consider the many buyers who very kindly DON'T leave feedback because while the transaction was not satisfactory, they don't choose to leave a neg over it.


Those buyers will now be SURE to leave negative feedback because they don't want YOU to get a positive when it is not warranted.  You are not guaranteed a positive in the first place, feedback is voluntary!  This is why they haven't chosen to automate it.  And consider that the buyer may then ALSO get an automatic positive feedback~even if the SELLER chose for some reason to NOT leave feedback!


It won't do a thing for returns; Ebay gives 30 days, Paypal gives 180.  

Message 99 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

@marigoldzcloset wrote:
Everyone one this thread who is defending the not leaving feedback claim....has clearly never experienced being extorted via feedback threats. buyers have done this many times to me. They use it as leverage. I hope it happens less and less and you dont experience it. However, when you do, you will understand.

Sorry this is happening to you.  You can report those buyers for feedback extortion; hopefully you are.

Message 100 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

With this being the 100th post, please, remember, ok top of page 6 101th post 😉  




Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 101 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

Absolutely, I didn't forget!Smiley HappySmiley Wink

Message 102 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

I buy 10 times more than I sell on eBay.  Most sellers do leave feedback as soon as payment has been received, often with comments like "great eBayer" etc.  However, when a buyer has numerous negative or neutral items in his/her history, I will wait to give feedback on what I sell.  I try not to sell lots, but when I do, buyers often lie about assortments and I am then stuck with deciding whether to give a partial refund or tell the buyer to send it back.  If they send it back, some buyers keep the best and substitute garbage for the better items!  I block these jokers from bidding on my future lots and tell all my friends to block them as well.

Message 103 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

The reason we see "feedback is voluntary" so much is probably because that is the reason many buyers are displeased when a seller does not leave feedback.


The seller VOLUNTARILY chooses to not leave feedback.



Message 104 of 125
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Re: Seller leaves feedback 1st.

It would be best if all buyers and sellers leave feedback at the appropriate time, whether the other party has left feedback or not.


I think everyone already knows how it helps buyers when buyers leave feedback, and how it helps sellers when sellers leave feedback.

Message 105 of 125
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