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Ebay protection gone wrong.

Guss it's time to move on and forget about buying on Ebay. 30 days simply is not enough time for Ebay protection espeacialy when buying auto parts. Not dealling with this **bleep** any more 

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 1 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

You need more than 30 days after receiving it to see if matches the description?

Message 2 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of details to go on here. Unless I'm buying imported parts from a seller living in a mud hut on a deserted island, I haven't had an issue buying parts here,  and even with issues, all still handled within the  30-day window.


If the OP can return and give us details, I'm all ears. Maybe there is some obtuse issue we aren't aware of?

Message 3 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.



Had you read the terms of the Money Back Guarantee, you would know that you have 30 days from either the last estimated delivery date or from tracking showing a Delivered scan, to file a dispute. Not 30 days from making the purchase.


Message 4 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

30 days is plenty of time.  You install the part a day or two after you get it.  You don't leave the part laying around for a month until you get a nice warm day to install the part.   30 days is plenty.  If you bought the part in some auto part stores, you might have 7 days or 14 days to return.

Message 5 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.


  It has never been my goal to displace blame. I really do want Ebay to be a safe place to shop. I think my current issue is resolved I have to take a store credit and it’s cost me an extra $750 but it’s better that a kick in the _ _ _.

   No 30 days is not long enough especially for auto parts. Under favorable conditions the time to change out parts can take days It needs to be planned for in advance because it is inevitable you will get the wrong parts, if you mechanic you know this. If you take it to the shop you get charged extra for part as well as extra labor or time if your car is taking up space in the shop there are way too many variables to mention here. I don’t have a shop and needed to change a Rack and Pinion Not a problem until you are laying in 24” of snow. So I paid my mechanic, a visual inspection is not always accurate and you have no way of knowing till you are ready to install the new part (My Case). I understand this may not concern the Seller, unless they send the wrong Rack which is also my case. This is why I ordered a Rack and Pinion with a lifetime warranty. And if you read my other post you will see why this is no guarantee either. Ebay won’t look at any case that is outside of the protection perimeters. If a Seller doesn’t want to honor their warranty they don’t have to, they can ignore your request and they won’t send manufacturer info either. I believe that a Buyer should be able to have Ebay intervention in cases where Seller warrantee is beyond Ebay Protection Policy after all we are buying the warranty not just the part. I have lost over a thousand dollars over the last couple years just for this reason. And I do shop a lot of places and Ebay is just one, and I don’t need to shop here. I have spent thousands of dollars elswheres that I would normally spend on Ebay just because they don't protect me. If Buyers don’t have incentive to shop on Ebay we will go else where’s. So when you say 30 Days is enough time I would have to strongly disagree. Then why not keep the 90 day policy, unless the intent is to remove  Buyer protection all together. apearantly this is where it's going. Ebay has been arround so long because of the buyer protection. I realize Sellers maty say this is an unfair advantage to the Seller . The diference is Sellers make money here and buyers spend money.  If I can I’ll make this a little simpler. You said you shop here, do you shop for Xmas presents here? Do you wait till the last minute to place your orders? This would maximize your 30 day Protection. But then you are faced with holiday shipping delays. But if you shop too early that infringes on your Ebay Protection and by the time you realize the item is defective the window for Ebay Help is closed. Now you are at the mercy of the seller who now has the upper hand and does not have to make it right. I understand good sellers will go out of their way to make it right. But there was no reason to change this policy. I don’t believe Buyers should be allowed to rip off Sellers. Here is one story that happened to me O ordered about $3000 of wire that was shipped to an address 10 miles away. As fortunate enough that the resident had the common sense to look and find my Phone # and called me to pick up the wire. I’ve been out here for over 20 years 16 on my current account I’ve seen a lot I’ve lost a lot to bad Sellers where there’s a will there’s a way and Ebay made it a lot easier to be scammed. This 30 days does not help the Seller it runs off the good Buyers.  

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 6 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

  Mud Shark 

It’s not about inspection it’s about defective parts, parts that don’t fit or parts that go out before warrantee is up. 30 – 90 days does not cover the warrantee offered by the Seller, but hey neither does the Sellers word. I've been around Ebay for over 20 years, I’ve seen every possible scenario. I am a good buyer I pay at the time of purchase and I communicate. It was tough enough with 90 days. People are right there’s a lot of junk out here. And you get what you pay for. But I am spending $100s  and I am buying Warranties that are not enforced and Sellers can’t be trusted to honor the warrantees  even if they send the wrong parts. I buy Seller warrantees (not from Allstate) for a reason and expectation. If I can’t get Sellers to do right by their own word (listing), then by all means 30 days is not enough and neither is 90.   

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 7 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

So what is long enough? Six months? One year? Two years? Five years? And can you name one general online retailer that offers more than a 30-day return period? 



Message 8 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.


You are Trolling, and probably never worked on a car in your life. Since it was so easy for you to solve all my problems perhaps the next time my car needs repaired and there's 2 feet of snow on the ground I'll give you a call and you can come show me how its done. 

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 9 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

@mikescustomlumber wrote:


You are Trolling, and probably never worked on a car in your life. Since it was so easy for you to solve all my problems perhaps the next time my car needs repaired and there's 2 feet of snow on the ground I'll give you a call and you can come show me how its done. 


I remember a few times, changing out a transmission at night in the snow and rain so I had a way to work the next day.

Not a lot of fun, but it had to be done.

Have a great day.
Message 10 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

I swear this isn't meant to sound snarky, but if you're looking for a warranty, or a 2-3 month guarantee I would agree, this isn't the best place to shop for what you want. 

Message 11 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.


Let me ask you a question if you bought a Blue Ray player and paid $200 for it on Ebay. and you played 6 movies before Ebay Protection Expired and another 6 after. and on the 13th movie it exploded (quit working). would that be ok with you? Would you want a replacement or a refund? 

  What if you paid extra to buy one that had a 1 year Warranty and you contacted the seller and they would not answer, neither would they foward manufacturer contact info (for warranty) and Ebay won't help either  because its out of the protection would you be happy that it matched the discription?

Its' easy to distance yourself when you have nothing invested.



Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 12 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

  Ok just one more question Spark why on earth would you buy from someone in a mud hut? 

anu one who has ever worked on cars knows you can go down town to Napa and they will just as easily sell you a part that wont work, Eithe human error or mis print, bad cross reference. All within 30 days sometimes but to set the record straight any parts house I buy parts come home and replace even if I have issue I get results quickly, but there are times and situations that prevent an imediate install.

I have never had an isue returning an unused part as long as I have a reciept and or it hasn't been too long.

Furthermore  when I buy a part that has a lifetime warranty, I can take it back without question because thats what lifetime warranty does. If it is listed with a life time waranty don't you think a seller should honor it?

Really Ebay Protection has nothing to do with it, but it should if you are buying a lifetime warranty becuase thats what you are buying and a few days past Ebay Protection is a mute point. were are not talking about a phone case or cord.      

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 13 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

Yes, most sellers/buyers resolve any issues.  When there is no resolution ebay's idea is file a complaint with the government. Why would ANYONE think that's a way to run a business? Ebay is worse than a burglar that holds a gun on you while they steal your stuff and goes...ok we're the cops.  Why is Ebay worse than that because they claim to have ways to help when you get ripped off.  Well, they don't and after 6 months of 'believing' ebay would do something, anything I'm learning from everyone I speak to that ebay is just like a thug taking payola from small businesses.  They keep the platform up and people keep using it and paying their percentage to ebay.  Well, this gig is up and I can't find one person under 40 who would touch this platform dug it's own grave - but the CEO's don't care - they took all they could here and most likely create the new platforms and take that money and run too.  We all know the first rule of business is buyer beware and in ebay's case they made the rule extend to sellers too.  Not saying ebay gets full responsibility for the lack of trust people have for one another but they sure demonstrate how to pit us against one another and suggesting a government agency can solve anything proves they think we're stupid too - mocking us while taking whatever they middlemen always have.  .  Glad to hear people dumping ebay.  

Message 14 of 35
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Re: Ebay protection gone wrong.

 I had my own dup truck working 12 hour days and 8 hr nights to keep it running, but I was making $1000 per day. I'm too old to be out in the snow more than I have to. Let someone younger do this I paid my dues.   

Life and death are certain. It is what we do between that matters.
Message 15 of 35
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