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Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Tonight I went to bid on an item and I noticed a new message in the "Place you bid" popup. It states:


"By selecting Place bid, you authorize eBay to bid up to your max bid and, if you win, charge your bid amount and related costs to your PayPal account. You also agree to eBay's User Agreement and Privacy Notice."


If I am reading this correctly, eBay will now automatically charge my PayPal account at the end of the auction. That is, I no longer have a choice how and when I will pay. Whose idea was it to make this change and why did I have to find out this way? I have been a member for 25 years and have thousands of transactions, and when eBay crams this kind of sh&t down my throat without so much as a whisper; yeah, yeah ... they send out new Terms & Conditions all the time, but I never actually expected to be the victim of a corporate EULA, a la South Park's "Cent-I-Pad" episode. I'm furious and wonder how many other people feel the same way?


- Brian 

Message 1 of 130
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129 REPLIES 129

Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

@intuitive wrote:



My auction sales dropped by 18.3% in the past month.


Until now I had no idea there was a preference that blocked bidders who do not provide a payment method.


I just checked my Buyer Management page and found the option, which I have never seen before.


And it was checked ON.


The box for Offers was checked ON as well -- although that one I may have done myself. 


But I know I did not authorize the buyer requirement for auctions.


I owe you one for making me aware of this.



When they first rolled out Auto-pay they did NOT tell Sellers when they added it to their accounts AND the default setting was that it was turned ON.  A customer messaged me letting me know they would not bid on one of my auctions because of that.  That was how I knew when they added it to my account. 

I turned it OFF but they turned it back on a short time later.  So I turned if off again and that stuck.  Then they dropped it for Auctions until recently when they added it back to my account but at least the second time it was turned OFF.  But based on their history I will have to check regularly to make sure they are not turning it ON (without my consent of course).

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 91 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Okay to try to condense a nearly year-long story, eBay already started implementing this for auctions several months ago (I think even before all buyers were rolled into it for offers, in fact I'm still not sure if everyone is).  Anyway in both cases they DID NOT give sellers any kind of heads up about it, let alone tell us that it was something we could control in our preferences, and YES they auto-defaulted both of them to be turned ON. The only way any sellers knew about it was by word of mouth, namely here in the Community and probably other online forums about eBay. 

    Then ..... in January (I think), I'm not sure why but they stopped doing it with auctions, to everyone's relief.   The seller option regarding auctions also disappeared in Preferences, seeming to solidify the sense that the bad experiment was over.  But THEN, just within the past couple weeks, these posts by buyers getting the popups when they try to bid started posting here (with screenshots to prove it).  And sure enough, the auction preference item came back.  -All who checked theirs found that it was still 'off' if that's what we had it set at before, so at least there's that, but it looks like the roll-in is happening again for buyers, on any auctions they try to bid on where the seller doesn't know they're set to 'on' (or they want it 'on').   And now you know about it so yes it's a good idea to turn it off, if decent bids are more important than getting paid on day 1.  

By the way, that last sentence you wrote -that IS how it works.  The term "prepay" really isn't accurate; sometimes I and others use it because it's quicker to type than "pre-authorization" LOL.  But that's really what it is -people aren't having to actually pay for bids while the auction is running, only the winner's pre-authorized payment method is charged, at the end.  Now that may sound okay to you ... it did to me at first, in fact I was glad because I don't like slow payers or especially dead beats who never pay.  The trouble is, it is a BIG turn off to a lot of buyers for a lot of reasons, and YES you are right -it's inconceivable that someone trying to enter a snipe bid in the final few seconds could do so when there's a thing making them entering a card number ... and yeah never mind sniper bots.  I use a bot myself and I dread how hard it's going to be winning auctions if it stops working.  

But anyway, what this last post ^ (#88) I wrote was about was ..... I don't even believe the software is honoring my Preference to NOT require pre-auth.  I don't think I have EVER had an auction get zero bids in the final 3 hours like it did this past Sunday.  And like I said, this should have been an extra hot one, for costume jewelry people (you just have to take my word on that, ha).  I mean, it was truly devastating to see that closing amount, and have to put that huge and valuable lot in the mailbox for such little money.  If auctions are going to be like that now, I really don't know what I'm going to do .... just a huge re-think I guess. 


Message 92 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

@mr_lincoln wrote:

I turned it OFF but they turned it back on a short time later.  So I turned if off again and that stuck.  Then they dropped it for Auctions until recently when they added it back to my account but at least the second time it was turned OFF.  But based on their history I will have to check regularly to make sure they are not turning it ON (without my consent of course).

Just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in.


Thanks for this information.   I will have to check mine regularly, too.

Message 93 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

@ajs_coins_and_alchemy wrote:
, I will be extremely extremely extremely p*ssed if they force pre-authorized pay on auctions for me because I will be losing a couple about $2,000 per year in lost cashback because of it.        tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.                
                                           Ebay effectively is encouraging you to lower the dollar amount of bids you submit on items to make up for your cash back loss.


  So  act in your best financial interest.




Message 94 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Auto payment will likely have the effect of cutting back sales and lowering prices realized.

Message 95 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

I know that feeling all too well.   Yesterday I boxed up three items, each closing at 1/3 less than I expected.    It felt like a punishment.   To add insult to injury, I received two post-auction messages.   One was from a winning bidder telling me to pack his item with extra care because it was such a great deal and in such great condition he didn't want to risk it being damaged (yes, thanks, I'm painfully aware that it was a honey of a deal), and another bidder lamenting that he had "missed the auction and if the winning bidder doesn't pay, please blah blah blah" (just what I want to hear).


When I suggested pre-authorization to bid, what I meant was that they have a debit or credit card on file with their eBay account that is automatically charged immediately after an auction win, not that they should have to pre-authorize with every bid.


I remember the first time I was instructed to provide a payment method.  I felt insulted, because that's the sort of thing eBay used to inflict upon people who had a record of non-payment. 


I think setting up pre-payment in the moments prior to bidding works against impulse buying.   Because forcing people to set up pre-payment just when they're about to bid is a buzz-kill.   So much of auctions is psychology.   Usually, the desire for the item is first and foremost in the buyers' minds.   Injecting the specter of payment at that magical moment might make them think twice about hitting the submit button.   It's like a bartender solemnly reminding you that you're going to have a terrible hangover the next morning as you order that third margarita.

Message 96 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

@intuitive wrote:


When I suggested pre-authorization to bid, what I meant was that they have a debit or credit card on file with their eBay account that is automatically charged immediately after an auction win, not that they should have to pre-authorize with every bid.

I am still not crystal clear on exactly how it works with bidding, as in whether they have to do 'this' or 'that' with each bid, or just the first bid (but again for each auction), or what.  That's part of the problem here, how utterly OPAQUE eBay is being about all of this, to us sellers.  


I remember the first time I was instructed to provide a payment method.  I felt insulted, because that's the sort of thing eBay used to inflict upon people who had a record of non-payment. 


I think setting up pre-payment in the moments prior to bidding works against impulse buying.   Because forcing people to set up pre-payment just when they're about to bid is a buzz-kill.   So much of auctions is psychology.   Usually, the desire for the item is first and foremost in the buyers' minds.   Injecting the specter of payment at that magical moment might make them think twice about hitting the submit button.   It's like a bartender solemnly reminding you that you're going to have a terrible hangover the next morning as you order that third margarita.

OMG, YES, EXACTLY.  Or how about at a casino where every time you play a game you have to sign a form acknowledging that the chips represent actual money.  


Message 97 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Yes, I just ran into this for the first time.  I think it’s ridiculous…..I refuse to link my PayPal or anything else to eBay.  So no more making offers for me….and no more bidding on things requiring links to payment first.  Now I can only do buy it now purchases.  eBay is getting more and more unappealing to me and I’ve had my eBay account for 25 years.  

Message 98 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Auto pay should be an option that each seller has control over. This option should be able to be turned off and on for any listing.

I’ve run into too many situations where I’ve had to list something again due to someone not paying. Say you have an auction for 3 days then the buyer has 4 days to pay. That’s an entire week and if they don’t pay guess what you have to go through that entire process again unless you want to send a second chance offer, set it for buy it now, or shorten the time of the auction. This is unacceptable and one’s actions shouldn’t interfere nor disrupt one’s business, platform, nor the revenue that is being generated. With that said I believe the seller should have the option to determine when they want to be paid. Automatically, 1/2/3/4 days. 

I’ve run into many buyers who use the 4 day payment option as a lay away tool, which is completely disrespectful. If they can’t pay in a timely fashion then they should be obligated to pay a small fee to the seller for not paying in a timely manner.

Message 99 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

From me, Auto pay is completely unacceptable.

I absolutely will NOT under any circumstances permit this.

As a result, Ebay has lost its privileges to store payment options.


As a result I have been purchasing a lot less on ebay.

You can do what I do, send a note to the seller stating that auto pay is unacceptable.

If they wish me to bid or make offers, auto pay must be turned off.

I got the delight of letting a seller know that he would have made $20 more on this item because i would have bid on it had auto pay been turned off.


if the sellers loose money they could have otherwise had, they may rethink this.

Message 100 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

Oh no. that wont work.

i absolutly REFUSE to do any auction that requires auto-pay.

I've been on ebay >20 years and have a %100 positive rep - they mostly say I pay fast and I do.

This is a profound insult.

If they realy want to be smart, they should set something up that is reputation dependant.

something like if they have over maybe 30 transactions and the postitive feedback is over %70 then they dont have to auto pay.

I believe the intent was to protect from dead-beat purchasers - thats understandable, having said that pissing off the customers (like me) that people LIKE doing business with in the process is not realy a good idea.

Message 101 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

@transamcc wrote:

It is NOT on all auctions yet, just what appears to be many of them. Seller's settings, perhaps??  I quit auctions a long time ago due to the many days'  wait times for them to end. If I am buying, I want it now and find frustration in just waiting for sellers to ship. The autopay option, regardless of the application,  is an insult to honest buyers and needlessly messes up combined shipping, as well as extended hold times by EBAY on my paypal funding source when I do not win. It still can take up to a week after an offer is declined for ebay to release a hold. I use ONLY PayPal 4 online shopping

I don't understand.  You say you quit auctions long ago because you don't like waiting for them to end.  So, if you're not bidding on auctions, then how did you make the assessment that the autopay feature "appears to be on many of them" ??  -The only way to find out is to try to place a bid.  But again .... you ..... said you don't bid on auctions, you quit long ago. 

Message 102 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

I LOOK and examine the conditions on a few interesting ones of RARE items. I sometimes  even put in a possible bid, and when that payment screen comes up I GO AWAY. I bought an auction just days ago BECAUSE it did not have that asinine requirement on it. I entered a bid one dollar higher than the current bid to check if seller had the requirement set . Surprisingly not  and it did not require the second 50 cent interval to win 4 days later. I believe, counting that one,  I have purchased 4 auctions in the past 9 years. I guess I should have used "avoid auctions" instead of "quit auctions" in my previous post to satisfy the literary critics.

Message 103 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?


Message 104 of 130
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Re: Auto payment now mandatory for AUCTIONS?!?

I hope you see this. -NO, it is not all auctions.  Those of us sellers who are aware of the change and don't want our buyers to go through this have gone into our settings and switched the option OFF.  So for example if you bid on one of my auctions right now, you would not run into this issue.  ðŸ˜‰

Message 105 of 130
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