07-10-2013 10:24 PM
What the heck happened to groups? The message topics are not in any order and I can't find anything newer than new non-aceo art listings for June 2013. Only one page of topics shows. Can anyone tell me how to get things back the way they were?
07-11-2013 06:48 PM
I know, Sandra. It's terrible.
They only made this live on Tuesday.
If they don't 'fix' it I am going to have to write to them.
There is no way to sort the topics. You can put in your preferences for latest first, I think, but that still doesn't solve it.
There is just SO much WRONG with this format. I can't help you at all. For now we have to put up with it. Or desert groups altogether.
They never seek advice on their actions, just presume that what they have done, works.
Sorry. I'm frustrated, too, Sandra.
Hope they 'fix' it soon.
07-12-2013 10:50 AM
This is totally ridiculous - I came back to groups see if there were any more comments on a couple of subjects and I find this mess. Took me a while to even figure out how to comment and of course can't even find the subjects I was commenting on and this first page is the only page that has any comments - if you go to the next page it just shows a name and that they replied to someone's comment - but it doesn't show any words. I can't figure this thing out - in fact I had a hard time even finding this site - usually when I went to the boards it always showed the ones I was on. Terrible situation this is.
07-12-2013 11:03 AM
Well in going to both ACEO sites I can't find the subjects I was commenting on at all and in both sites there is hardly anything as far as comments being made in 2013 - it's all showing 2012 and I know there must have been a lot of comments made this year - None of this makes sense - it's almot like most of the discussions that were going on are gone. Really too bad. Not worth coming here anymore.
07-12-2013 12:49 PM
Yes, totally agree.
I'll be writing to them over this. Will also try to phone.
Bad and very sad.
07-24-2013 04:20 PM
In addition to this group being messed up... does anyone know what happened to the ACEO erotica group? I was a member, but now I can't find it anywhere...
07-30-2013 07:50 PM
it seems to have disappeared from my ebay as well ... shame shame...
07-30-2013 07:54 PM
contact surreal1st1cp1llow (ebay member)...for info regarding ACEO XR
08-01-2013 03:16 PM
If you decide to move the group off of eBay please consider blogspot. If you choose to move to FaceBook alone, you will be leaving non facebook members out in the cold. I am not a FB member and I never want to be a member of any social places for privacy concerns. Many of you have no privacy concerns but many of us do. Please?
08-01-2013 03:17 PM
08-01-2013 06:15 PM
ACEO XR is the second official ACEO group created by the founder of ACEO, the adult version of the ACEO group… adult mindset, humor, fine art nudes & risqué art (non-pornographic).
You are dead on about the security issues of FB. Unfortunately, there's only so many sites that are mature and grownup enough to handle people being people, such as allowing freedom of expression, etcetera… and at the same time respecting people's right to privacy.
Hey, one day there will be a bay where everyone can pay and play and have a say!
~M & T~
08-01-2013 06:37 PM
I am currently in contact with someone within eBay.
There already exists a group off of eBay, on Yahoo. It was started out of fears that groups would close down.
I must admit there is not much activity there,
But then, groups haven't closed.
Here's the link. I moderate members, so you have to ask to join.