First, I'm a simpleton. That out of the way, ebay was started as an ingenious and simple way to sell whatever you didn't want to keep to a large crowd of people. Basically it IS a flea market where people come not only to find something that they haven't been able to find elsewhere, but also at a cheap price. We sell to bargain hunters (unless we sell to each other, which has been the case for most of my sales). The feedback system was suitably simple as well. Then the fees kept climbing and they changed the feedback system. They kept adding features a lot of small sellers really don't use in order show that the increased fees were justified. It just keeps getting more and more complicated and a real pain-in-the-patoot.
The reason they are lowering fees is because they want to lure back the sellers they've lost. The way they keep their profits, is by almost sneaking in the raised final value fee. They only brag about the lowered listing fees in announcements. I actually first heard about the Final value changes on the news this morning. They emphasized the fact that it was a rather sneaky way of dinging the sellers, while dangling the lower listing fees like a carrot in front of our noses. Basically, its a win-win situation for ebay, whether your item sells or not. And if ebay owns Paypal, how long before the fees on our sale payments (plus shipping) will go up there as well?
I check the feedback of anyone from whom I'm buying, or to whom I'm selling in order to get a feel of the person I'm dealing with (not only at ebay, but at other sites as well). What good is feedback if its restricted or favors one side over the other? How can it be an honest representation? What is the purpose of feedback like this? Its useless. It certainly isn't going to deter the non-paying bidders, and might even give them free reign to be irresponsible without the worry of being called on it.
I had been thinking of starting to list a few things again, but I'm not certain its honestly worth the trouble. I'm not, nor will I ever be a power seller and ebay just isn't interested in the "little guy" any longer ... except for the money it can rake from them, that is.