For some reason the selling tool decided my item weighs 1 lb. It weighs
1lb, 2oz. So I tried to void the incorrect label and repurchase one at
the correct weight rather than have to stand in line at the PO.
Apparently that's a task to large for eBay ...
Cross-posted from Buying: They sent an offer from a no-reply email
address for 5x points, but the activate button sends you to an error
page:Maybe a synchrony IT person will sort it out when nobody takes them
up on their offer. "You have reached this...
Synchrony Mastercard sent email from a no-reply address offering 5x
rewards points, but the activate button is a dead link. Error page reads
"You have reached this page in error or the system is not functioning at
this time.Please try again later." T...
There is no way to fix it. Just shows a bunch of basic html tags, all
the formatting is gone, etc. No other tabs in My Ebay, just the
watchlist, appear like this. It's been two days.
Yes, I see that I had to click on a hyperlink that reads"My package is
above the size limit" when I went to reprint the label. I didn't think
to click on that because my package isn't above the size limit, I just
needed to add two ounces. Perhaps the...