July 6- many of my auctions ended. Before relisting, I always check to
make sure they were not relisted automatically, which is how I’ve been
doing this for years. 2 problems noted-1- everything that I relisted
last night was auto relisted at 3AM, cr...
Since the update, shipping choices are not available using my iPhone.
When you try to select another service a white screen pops up. I've been
forced to use my laptop instead. Please fix ASAP!
I had a little panic attack when I was resisting unsold items - I
clicked the button to "relist another" and was dumped into the "Ended"
items. This for some strange reason was showing sold items from months
ago! I panicked because I thought there wa...
I'm posting to the community hoping that someone from tech support sees.
I give up calling CS, it just takes TOO LONG and rarely solves the
problem unfortunately. First- when I revise items the shipping and
payment policies mysteriously change to "Pa...
So as we've previously discussed, the app can no longer be used to
create listings due to the absence of "30 day fixed price" option.
(Solution- create draft, complete on computer, waste time) Newly
discovered app glitch- I usually revise my prices f...
I just got an email telling me that many of my listings do not qualify
for media mail! Books and records are supposed to be allowed! This is
ridiculous! I have to change everything not happy!
This just happened tonight, 3 items, with bids ended and are in
“unsold”. One buyer was very enthusiastic about bidding so I sent her a
messsge asking if something happened. I’m waiting for a response!
I'm going crazy with this too!!! I just ordered 500 labels that I can't
use because everything now is centered. I usually use my iPhone to print
one label at a time on a half sheet label. I was forced to print on
paper and use tape to attach which wo...
It is absolutely NOT a convenience to me, a small seller with limited
free insertion fees. Month to month my free insertions vary, hence this
is a great way for eBay to make a lot of money off of their sellers
(kind of like NYC's red light cameras an...